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Source code for a waiting dialog for Delphi programming
It is mainly used to display a waiting dialog box during the program running, which contains an AVI (TAnimate), two prompt messages (i.e. TLabel), and a progress bar (TGauge);
Main methods:
FormShow: Show the waiting dialog box
FormHide: Close the waiting dialog box
PRogressStepIt: Wait for the progress bar position in the dialog box to increase the step
Main attributes:
Name: Waiting for dialog box name
Caption: Wait for dialog title Caption
Message1: Waiting for the prompt message of the dialog box 1
Message2: Waiting for the prompt message of the dialog box 2
WordWrap: Message1 and Message2 are displayed in the rows, will it automatically be converted?
Message1Font,Message2Font:Message1,Message2 fonts
AVIAcitive: Wait for whether the AVI action is executed in the dialog box
ProgressMax: Maximum value of progress bar
ProgressMin: Minimum value of progress bar
Progresspos: Current location of the progress bar
ProgressStep: The progress bar in the ProgressStepIt method increases the amount of Step
DialogStyle(=dlgNormal,dlgStayOnTop): Is it always in front when waiting for the dialog box to be displayed
Aviposition(=aviBottom, aviTop, aviLeft): The location of AVI
showMessage1: Whether to display prompt message 1
showMessage2: Whether to display prompt message 2
showAVI: Whether to display AVI
showCaption: Whether to display the waiting dialog Caption
showProgress: Whether to display the progress bar
ShowProgressText: Whether the progress percentage is displayed on the progress bar