WhatsApp Messenger (referred to as WhatsApp) is an application for communication between smartphones. It supports iPhone and Android phones. It is a very useful communication software that can help everyone communicate. It is very efficient and many players Wondering what the difference is between one hook and two hooks? Below is a sharing about the difference between one hook and two hooks in "WhatsApp". Friends who are interested can take a look.
The difference between one hook and two hooks
1. A tick means: the message has been sent (the other party may not have received it or the other party has blocked you)
2. Two ticks represent: the message has been sent and the other party has received it but is not sure whether it has been read (customers can set read to also display 2 gray)
3. Two blue ticks represent: the message has been sent and the other party has read it.
4. When sending messages using WhatsApp, you can also highlight:
Bold: add * before and after the input content
Strikethrough: add ~ before and after the input content
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