The mobile version of the Minecraft God of Creation Code Collection mobile version of the Minecraft God of Creation Wood Ax Command Collection integrates the most complete command code of the Minecraft God of Creation for players. Players can solve your command needs in one stop.
Summary of the command list of Minecraft mobile game Creator God
//limit <limit> sets the maximum limit for the number of modifications of most operation blocks. It is only valid for users. You can use this command to avoid errors with serious consequences. If the maximum limit is set in the configuration file, the upper limit set by this command Will not override the upper limit set in the configuration file
//undo [number of steps] Undo your last (or several) operations
//redo [number of steps] Redo your last (or several) undone operations
/clearhistory Clear your history
//wand gives you the editing tool (default is wooden ax). Use this tool to left-click to select the first position and right-click to select the second position.
/toggleeditwand switches the selection tool mode so that you can use items as selection tools normally
//sel sets the shape used in the selection
//desel clears the current selection
//pos1 sets the position of the block above the block you are standing on as the first selection position
//pos2 sets the position of the block above the block you are standing on as the second selection position
//hpos1 Set the position of the square pointed by your pointer to the first selection position
//hpos2 Set the position of the square pointed by your pointer to the second selection position
//expand <amount> expand the selection in the direction you are looking
//expand <number> <direction> Expand the selection range in the specified direction (available directions are north, south, east, west, up, down)
//expand <number> <number in reverse direction> [direction] Expand the selection range in two directions at the same time
//expand vert expands the selection from the sky to the bedrock
//contract <amount> narrows the selection in the direction you are looking
//contract <amount> <direction> Reduce the selection range in the specified direction (available directions are north, south, east, west, up, down)
//contract <amount> <number in reverse direction> [direction] Reduce the selection range in two directions at the same time
//outset [-hv] <amount> Expand the selection in all directions
//inset [-hv] <amount> narrow the selection in all directions
//shift <amount> [direction] moves the selection range without moving the content in the selection
//size gets the size of the current selection
//count <block ID> Count the number of specified blocks in the selection
//distr [-c] Calculate the distribution ratio of blocks in the selection
Selection operation
//set <block ID> sets all blocks in the selection to the specified block
//replace <to block ID> Replace all non-air blocks with the specified block
//replace <from block ID> <to block ID> Replace all specified blocks with another specified block
//overlay <block ID> places the specified block above all blocks in the selection
//walls <block ID> Use the specified block to create walls around the selection (excluding roofs and floors)
//outline <block ID> Use the specified block to create walls, roofs and floors around the selection
//smooth [Number of iterations] Smoothes the height map of the selection
//deform deforms the selection content according to geometric expressions
//hollow makes the objects inside the selection hollow
//regen regenerates the selection area
//move [Quantity] [Direction] [Retained Block ID] Move the selection content. You can specify a block to fill the empty area after the move.
//stack [Quantity] [Direction] Stack the selection content
//naturalize Set the 3 cells on the surface of the selection to soil and the bottom to raw stone
//copy Copy the contents of the current selection. Note that your relative position to the selection will be stored.
//cut cuts the content of the current selection
//paste [-ao] Paste the contents of the clipboard. If you use the -a flag, air blocks will be ignored
//rotate <angle> rotate the clipboard content
//flip [direction] flip clipboard content
//schematic or //schem save [format] <file name> Save the clipboard content as a schematic file (mcedit is the only format currently)
//schematic or //schem load [format] <file name> loads the schematic file to the clipboard
//schematic or //schem list displays a list of all schematic files
//schematic or //schem formats displays all available schematic formats
/clearclipboard clears your clipboard contents
//generate <block ID> <equation> Generate a shape based on the given equation
//hcyl <block ID> <radius> [height] generates a vertical hollow cylinder
//cyl <block ID> <radius> [height] generates a vertical solid cylinder
//sphere <block ID> <radius> [yes (whether generated above)] generates a sphere
//hsphere <block ID> <radius> [yes (whether generated above)] generates a hollow sphere
//pyramid <block ID> <size> generates a pyramid
//hpyramid <block ID> <size> generates a hollow pyramid
//forestgen [size] [type] [density] generates a forest
//pumpkins [size] generates a pumpkin patch
/toggleplace Toggles between the first selection point and your location
//fill <block> <radius> [depth] fills a hole
//fillr <block> <radius> fills a complete hole in recursive mode
//drain <radius> drains nearby water or magma
/fixwater <radius> Flatten nearby water surface
/fixlava <radius> Flatten nearby lava surface
/removeabove [size] [height] removes the block above you
/removebelow [size] [height] Removes blocks below you
/replacenear <size> <from block ID> <to block ID> Replace nearby blocks
/removenear [block] [range] Remove nearby blocks
/snow [radius] simulates snowfall
/thaw [radius] Melt nearby snow
//ex [range] extinguish nearby flames
/butcher [radius] Kill nearby creatures
/remove <type> <scope> Remove nearby entities. Types include "items" (items), "arrows" (arrows), "boats" (boats), "minecarts (minecarts)", "tnt" or "xp" "(Experience Ball)
//green near greenery
block tool
/chunkinfo gets the file name of the chunk you are currently in
/listchunks displays the list of chunks used
/delchunks generates a script that deletes chunks
super pickaxe
//Adjust super pickaxe status
/sp single switches to single block super pickaxe mode
/sp area <range> Switch to area super pickaxe mode
/sp recur <scope> Switch to scoped recursive super pickaxe mode
/tool selects the tool to be bound
/none switches to no tools
/info Switch to information tool
/tree [Type] Switch to the tree tool, available tree types [tree, regular, big, bigtree, redwood, sequoia, tallredwood, tallsequoia, birch, white, whitebark, pine, randredwood, randomredwood, anyredwood, rand, random]
//repl <Block ID> Switch to the block replacer tool
//cycler switches to the data value scrolling tool
//tool brush Use the /tool command to select the brush (see /brush)
/brush sphere [-h] <block ID> <scope> Switch to the sphere brush tool
/brush cylinder [-h] <block ID> <range> [height] Switch to the cylinder brush tool
/brush clipboard Switch to the clipboard brush tool
/brush smooth <range> [number of iterations] Switch to the smooth brush tool
/size <range> Modify the range of the current brush
//mat <block ID> Modify the material used by the current brush
//mask clear mask
//mask <mask> Set mask
//gmask <mask> Set global mask
/unstuck teleports to the nearest available slot
/ascend teleports up one level
/descend teleports down one level
/ceil [clearance] Teleport to top
/thru goes through the pointed wall
/jumpto teleports to the specified block
/up [distance] Teleport up a certain distance
//restore [snapshot name] Restore from the specified snapshot
//snapshot use <snapshot name> Use a specific snapshot
//snapshot list [number] displays the latest snapshots
//snapshot before <date> finds the first snapshot before the given date
//snapshot after <date> finds the first snapshot after the given date
/cs <script name> [parameters...] execute a script
/.s [parameters...] Execute the last executed script with new parameters
/<script name>.js [parameters...] execute a JS script
general order
/searchitem Search for an item by name
/worldedit WorldEdit command list
/worldedit help [command] displays an introduction to the given command, or lists all available commands if no command is given (same as //help)
//worldedit reload reloads the WorldEdit configuration file
//worldedit version displays WorldEdit version
//worldedit tz temporarily sets your time zone
//fast switches to high-speed performance mode
/biome displays the biome of your location
/biomelist displays all available biomes
/biomeinfo [-pt] Displays the biome where the pointed block is located
//setbiome [-p] <Biome> Set the selection to the specified biome -p parameter sets the biome of your location
The above is the complete content of the Minecraft God Code Collection mobile version and the Minecraft God Wood Ax Instructions Collection.