The Vrising console command encyclopedia summarizes the latest and most comprehensive game command codes to players. Players can quickly find the command codes they want through this code encyclopedia.
Vrising server console commands:
adminauth turns on administrator privileges
admindeauth turns off administrator privileges
addtime add time (hour)
adminonlydebugeventsadminonly debug events (Unnamed Argument unnamed parameters)
bancharacter (BAN character name character name)
Banuser (BAN user Steam ID)
changeurability (Amount, EquipmentType) changeability (Amount, Equipment Type)
changehealthofclosestmouse changes the blood volume of the creature pointed by the mouse
Clanaccept tribe accepts
Clandecline tribe exits
Claninvite (Unnamed Argument) Claninvite (Unnamed Argument)
client Building Debugging (Unnamed Argument) Client Building Debugging (Unnamed Argument)
Connect (address of steamid, port, password) Connect (address of steamid, port, password)
connectLan (address, Port, password) connectLan (address, port, password)
COPy(Command) copy(command)
CopyDebug Dump Copy debug dump
CopyPosition Dump copy position dump
CreateDebugDump creates a debug dump
CreatePerformanceDump Create a performance dump
DebugViewEnabled (Unnamed Argument) Enable debug view (unnamed argument)
depthoffield (Unnamed Argument) depth of field (unnamed parameter)
disconnect disconnect
DumpArchetypeInformation(Which,Num to print, Full info) Dumps the prototype information (where, the number to print, full information)
garbageCollectArchetypes (Which) garbage collection (which?)
DupSystemMemory (Which,Also Log to console)
GatherAllAllies Gather all allies
GatherAllAlliesExceptMe Gather all allies except me
GatherAllNonAllies Gather all non-allies
GatherallPlayers gather players to the mouse pointer position
GatherallPlayersExceptme Gathers all players except me to the mouse pointer position
Give Give items (what items, quantity?)
Giveset (What) Give a combination of items (what items?)
hide cursor (unnamed Argument) Hide cursor (unnamed argument)
JobThreads (Threads) Worker threads (Threads)
kick (Character Name) kick out of the game (Character Name)
KILL suicide
List (Optional:Category) List (Optional: Category)
listusers (include Disconnected) User list (including disconnected)
localization (Language) localization (language)
logdestroyevents (which,State) records destruction events (which,State)
lowqualityatmosphere (Unnamed Argument) Low quality atmosphere (Unnamed Argument)
measuresystemperformance (unnamed argument) measure system performance (unnamed argument)
motionblur (Unnamed Argument) motion blur (unnamed parameter)
OpenCrashDumpFolder opens the crash dump folder
OpenLogsFolder opens the log folder
performancetestchunks (Jump Distance,Test Mode) Performance test chunks (Jump Distance, Test Mode)
playerteleport The player teleports to the mouse pointer position
printactive sequences print active sequences
printactivesounds print sounds
Printallsequences print high sequences
Reconnect Reconnect
setadminlevel (user,level) Set administrator level (user,level)
setmipmaplevel(Unnamed Argument,Unnamed Argument) Set mip map level (unnamed parameter, unnamed parameter)
setresolution (Unnamed Argument,Unnamed Argoument) Set resolution (unnamed parameter, unnamed parameter)
startbuildwallpaper(Unnamed Argument) Start building wallpaper (unnamed argument)
teleport(Who,Where,World Pos X,World Pos Y) teleport(Who,Where,World Pos X,World Pos Y)
teleportPlayertome (User) Teleport player to me (User)
teleportplayertomouseposition (User) Teleport player to mouse position (User)
TeleportChunk (Unnamed Argument) Teleport Chunk (Unnamed Argument)
teleporttoChunk Waypoint (Unnamed Argument) Teleport to Chunk Waypoint (Unnamed Argument)
teleporttonether teleport to the netherworld
teleporttoplayer (User) Teleport to player (User)
toggleobserve (mode) switch observation (mode)
togglesetting (setting Name, Optional setting Values) toggle game settings (setting name, optional setting values)
unbanned (User index) unbanned (User index)
unloadunuseassetx Unload unused assets
useoptimizedqueries (which,State) use optimized queries (which,State)
Alias (alias, command) Alias (alias, command)
Bind(Key combination,Command) Bind(Key combination,Command)
Clear Clear
cleartempbindings clears temporary bindings
Multicommand (Commands) Multicommand (Commands)