The King of Fighters 97 Ralph's move list brings you the complete list of Ralph's moves in The King of Fighters 97 to help you more easily master the release methods of Ralph's various moves in The King of Fighters 97, as well as the continuous moves. The moves are waiting for everyone to try. Players who are not familiar with Ralph's moves come and take a look. I believe you can learn his various moves here.
King of Fighters 97 all character moves list
Trick list:
Special skills:
1. Machine gun punch: A or C combo
2. Gatling Cannon: ←(accumulation)→+A or C
3. Quickly drop the bomb: ↓(accumulate)↑+A or C
4. Rapidly lower the bomb: (during jump)↓↘→+A or C
5. Super Argentinian attack: (close)←↙↓↘→+B or D
6.Ralph kick: ←(store)→+B or D
Special skill:
1. Super Cannon Punch: ↓↘→↘↓↙←+A or C
2. Horse riding machine gun boxing: ↓↙←↙↓↘→+B or D
3. Cosmic Phantom: ↓↘→↓↘→+A or C
Continuous skills:
1. Jump C + Crouch A + Gatling Cannon (← Charge → A or C) 6 HITS
2. Jump C + Stand C + Gatling Cannon (← Charge → A or C) 6 HITS
3. Jump C + Squat C + Super Cannon Punch (↓↘→↘↓↙←A or C) 17HITS
4. Jump C + Squat A + Super Argentine Attack (Close ←↙↓↘→B or D) 3HITS
5. Ralph Kick (← Accumulation → D) + Horse-riding Machine Cannon Punch (↓↙←↙↓↘→B or D) 14 HITS
Combo 1: →↗↑CC+↙→D
Analysis: It can continuously attack the enemy, control the enemy and then throw it into the air. The damage is not bad.
Combo 2: →↗CCC↓↘↙←C (long press)
Analysis: Multiple attacks, very high damage.
Explanation: 5 represents the origin, 2 is squatting on the spot, 8 is jumping on the spot, 4 is stepping back, 6 is walking forward, 1 is back squatting, 3 is front squatting, 7 is jumping back, and 9 is jumping forward. A stands for light punch, B stands for light kick, C stands for heavy punch, and D stands for heavy kick. For example, Yagami can use 236A to send slow waves, and use 236C keyboard to send fast waves.