As an indicator for evaluating website visits, Alexa is very popular among people in the industry. A good Alexa ranking for a website can bring it a lot of resources and benefits. Therefore, many website managers are eager to improve the Alexa ranking of the website. How is the Alexa ranking generated and how to improve it? Many website managers need to face problems. Here’s how to improve your website’s Alexa ranking.
1. Sites that are stably updated will get a relatively high Alexa weight.
Alexa will also pay attention to the stability and updates of the website, which involves many aspects such as: domain name, time server stability, average visit traffic stability and other factors. Everyone must pay attention, this is the weight and not the ranking!
Friends who do SEO all know that the first point: stable updates are also the most important thing in SEO. The so-called content is king and quality is the basis. The second point: the traffic is rising steadily, which means that we need to constantly promote it. It has good results! Stable traffic here does not mean that you have 1 IP per day. Stable increase means that the rate of increase increases according to the K line, which is the sloping line in everyone's mathematics!
Through continuous development and continuous innovation of algorithm technology in recent years, Alexa has its own set of algorithm program systems for ranking various websites.
2. Improve the quality of external links of the website
Some friends may ask if this is not increasing PR, and some may ask if this is not doing SEO? In fact, this is somewhat similar to studying SEO. If you link to a website with a relatively high Alexa ranking, then the Alexa algorithm will definitely have a mechanism to count the traffic coming from your external links. These large and small high-quality external links will Chains combined can also help improve each webmaster's Alexa ranking.
The most common question people ask is: "How much PR do you have?" But few people ask: "What is your Alexa ranking, and how many external links are included in your Alexa?" In fact, these are very important details.
3. The importance of second-level domain names
Many webmasters only buy one space and then put everything in it, and some even put it in multiple folders. So this is also the reason why a large number of webmasters’ Alexa rankings cannot rise. So I suggest using multiple second-level domain names if possible, and if that doesn’t work, streamline the second-level directories. This feels a bit like doing SEO optimization, but in fact it also has the benefit of increasing the weight of Alexa rankings! Specifically I have tentatively decided on a name for Alexa Diversion Theory. This name was invented by me so everyone can refer to it. The concept of Diversion Theory is, for example, a visitor visited and then visited I also visited, and the number of visits counted by Alexa must be higher than the actual total number of visits. This is the Alexa diversion theory.
4. The impact of Alexa cheating
Every time Alexa adjusts its ranking algorithm on a large scale, the rankings of a number of cheating websites will be brought back to their original state, followed by doubts and accusations from the industry - questioning the accuracy of Alexa's rankings and accusing those cheating websites of lacking integrity. . I believe many friends still remember the history of the Alexa ranking of the previous website website being reset, right? and were all reset. This is an adjustment of the Alexa algorithm. I don’t think it is a punishment or anything!
Therefore, although every Alexa algorithm adjustment is actually a technical progress, it is also to increase the authority of Alexa ranking in the world, so the website should be based on reality and should not cheat Alexa temporarily just to improve Alexa ranking. , or even open several computers and hook up Alexa to browse the web pages each other. Although the Alexa ranking algorithm is often changing, as long as you work hard on your website, you can still get a better ranking.
5. How to understand Alexa
Since the data analysis on the Alexa website is in English, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the keywords:
Website traffic ranking (Traffic rank) is a global website ranking calculated by the geometric mean of website visits and web page views.
Reach per million users: The number of visits to the website per million Alexa Toolbar users.
Website traffic ranking (Traffic rank) is a global website ranking calculated by the geometric mean of website visits and web page views.
Website visitor ranking (Reach rank): Ranking based on the number of visitors.
Page Views per user: The average number of web pages viewed by each visitor on the website. A user browsing the same web page multiple times in a day is only counted once.
Page Views rank: Ranking of average page views
To ensure the stability and accuracy of data, the Alexa website also provides 1-week average and 3-month average data as well as 3-month Changes data.
I think Alexa website ranking is still very authoritative in the world. Anyone who has real experience in large-scale website promotion will not despise Alexa's data. For example, many domestic webmasters of personal websites and marketing personnel of Internet companies who like to use their brains have front-line experience in the changing patterns of Alexa data. By summarizing these experiences, you can know what kind of Alexa data Is it normal? What kind of performance is likely to cause cheating? An experienced expert can judge Alexa data with more than 90% accuracy. In the final analysis, it is just laymen questioning Alexa, which will not affect those true experts who continue to use Alexa as an analysis tool.