There are also many designated codes that can be used in the Minecraft game. These codes can change the game operations and are very convenient to use. There are many types of codes. So what are the specific ones? Next, the editor will tell you Detailed introduction was provided.
/kill @e[type = evocation_illager] Clear vindicators
/gamemode 0 survival
/gamemode 1 create
/gamemode 2 adventure
/gamemode 3 spectator (older versions cannot be used)
/gamerule keepInventory true command not to drop after death
/difficulty 0, 1, 2, 3 are peaceful, easy, normal, and difficult respectively.
/give player name item ID number of items given to player
/weather rain rain
/weather clear no weather
/weather thunder thunderstorm
/kill suicide
/spawnpoint sets the spawn point
/effect clear removes all effects on body
/clear Clear all items in the backpack
/scoreboard scoreboard
/advancement Change player progress
,/bossbar changes the boss’s health bar
, /clear clears player items
,/clone copies the block,
/data changes the NBT data of a block or entity,
/datapack manages data packages,
/debug starts debugging,
/defaultgamemode Change the default game mode
/difficulty sets difficulty,
/effect adds or removes potion effects,
/enchant enchants player items,
/execute executes a command as another entity,
/experience brushes experience,
/fill fills the square,
/function runs the function,
/gamemode changes the game mode,
/gamerule changes game rules,
/give gives items to players,
/help displays help,
/kill kills entities,
/locate locates the nearest building coordinates,
/me (don’t know how to describe it),
/particle generates particle effects,
/playsound plays music,
/recipe manages composition,
/reload reloads the data packet,
/replaceitem replace item
/say to speak,
/scoreboard scoreboard,
/seed displays seeds,
/setblock places blocks,
/setworldspawn sets the spawn point
/spawnpoint sets the spawn point,
/spreadplayers randomly spreads entities,
/stats detects command execution results,
/stopsound stops the sound effect,
/summon generates entities,
/tag Modifies the entity tag,
/team Modify the team,
/teleport transmits entities (a little different from tp),
/tell sends a private message,
/tellraw sends advanced information,
/testfor detect entities
/testforblock detects blocks,
/testforblocks detects whether the blocks in the area are the same.
/time changes or queries time,
/title displays the title,
/toggledownfall switches weather,
/tp transfers entities,
/trigger changes the criterion to the scoreboard of trigger,
/weather sets the weather,
/worldborder changes the world border,
/xp Gain experience.
Alternative command to /?/help, providing help on command usage
/ability gives or takes away the ability of the player.
/clear removes items from the player's inventory.
/clone copies blocks from a specific area to another location.
Alternative command to /connect/wsserver to connect to the WebSocket server.
/deop revokes the player's administrator privileges.
/difficulty sets the difficulty level.
/effect adds or removes status effects.
/enchant enchants player items.
/execute executes another command.
/experience gives the player experience.
/fill fills an area with a specific square.
/function runs a function.
/gamemode changes the player's game mode.
/gamerule changes or queries game rule values.
/give gives the player items.
/help provides help on command usage.
/kill kills entities (players, creatures, items, etc.).
/list lists players in the server.
/locate displays the coordinates of the nearest given structure.
/me displays a message about yourself.
/mixerMixer interactivity control.
/mobevent controls or queries the biological events allowed to run.
Alternative command to /msg/tell to send a private message to another player.
/op grants the player administrator privileges.
/particle creates particles.
/playsound plays sound effects.
/reload Reloads loot tables, progress and functions from disk.
/replaceitemReplaces items in the inventory.
/resupplyimmediately replenishes the village's new economic supply and demand system.
/save prepares a backup, queries its status or restores it.
/say sends a message to multiple players.
/scoreboard manages scoreboard goals, players, teams and tags.
/setblock replaces blocks with other blocks.
/setmaxplayers sets the upper limit of the number of players that can join the game.
/setworldspawn sets the world spawn point.
/spawnpoint sets the spawn point for the player.
/spreadplayers teleports entities to random locations.
/stopsound stops the sound effect.
/summon generates entities.
/tag Modifies the tag of a player or entity.
/teleport /tp alternative command, transport entities.
/tell Send a private message to another player.
/tellraw displays JSON messages to the player.
/testfor counts entities that meet the given conditions.
/testforblock determines whether a certain block is at a certain position.
/testforblocks Tests whether the blocks in two areas are the same.
/time changes or queries the world time in the game.
/title manages the title on the screen.
/toggledownfall Toggle weather.
/tp transfers entities.
Alternative command to /w /tell to send a private message to another player.
/weather sets the weather.
/wsserver Connect to the WebSocket server.
/xp Increase or decrease experience.
Summon creatures:
Summon a tamed zombie horse: /summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type:3,Tame:1}
Summon an untamed zombie horse: /summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type:3}
Summon a tamed skeleton horse: /summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type:4,Tame:1}
Summon an untamed skeleton horse: /summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type:4}
Summon zombie giant: /summon Giant
/summon Giant giant zombie
/summon EnderDragon ender dragon
/summon WitherBoss wither
/summon Skeleton skeleton
/summon Pig ~ ~ ~ Enter the command to spawn a pig
/summon Cow ~ ~ ~ Enter the command to spawn a cow
/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ Enter the command to spawn a zombie
/summon Cow - cow
/summon Chicken - chicken
/summon MushroomCow - Mushroom Cow
/summon Bat - bat
/summon Pig - pig
/summon EntityHorse - Horse
/summon Sheep - sheep
/summon Villager - Villager
/summon VillagerGolem - Iron Golem
/summon SnowMan - Snow golem
/summon Wolf - wolf/dog
/summon Ozelot - cat
/summon Squid - squid
/summon Zombie - zombie
/summon Skeleton - Skeleton
/summon Creeper - creeper/self-destruct monster/JJ monster
/summon PigZombie - Zombie pigman
/summon Ghast - ghost/ghast
/summon Enderman - Enderman/"Black Faggot"
/summon Silverfish - silverfish/mites
/summon Endermite - Ender mites
/summon Slime - Slime
/summon LavaSlime - Hell Slime
/summon Witch - Witch
/summon Guardian - underwater guard
/summon Blaze - Blaze
/summon Spider - Spider
/summon CaveSpider - Cave Spider
/summon EnderDragon - Ender Dragon Boss
/summon WitherBoss - WitherBoss
/summon Giant - giant zombie
non-living things:
/summon Boat - boat
/summon MinecartRideable - ordinary minecart
/summon MinecartHopper - hopper minecart
/summon MinecartFurnace - Furnace minecart
/summon MinecartCommandBlock - command block minecart
/summon MinecartChest - chest minecart
/summon MinecartSpawner - Monster spawner minecart
/summon SmallFireball - small fireball (fired by the Blaze)
/summon Fireball - Fireball (issued by ghasts)
/summon Item - item
/summon LeashKnot - rope knot
/summon Painting - painting
/summon LightningBolt - Thunderbolt
/summon ThrownExpBottle - XP bottle that has been thrown
/summon WitherSkull - Wither Skull (skull issued by Wither Boss)
/summon EnderCrystal - End crystal
/summon FireworksRocketEntity - Fireworks emitted
/summon Arrow - Arrow that has been fired
/summon ThrownPotion - the thrown potion
ThrowEnderpearl - A thrown ender pearl
/summon EyeOfEnderSignal - Signal of the Eye of Ender
/summon PrimedTnt - Primed TNT
/summon FallingSand - Falling sand properties
/summon ItemFrame - Item display
/summon XPOrb - experience orb
/summon unknown - bait