ImpressCMS 是一个模块化的内容管理系统,网站内容除了由各自独立的内容模块/Web应用进行管理之外,也可以按照自己的需求来安装相应的模块,当前可用的模块非常多包括:新闻发布、论坛、相册和其它的第三方模块供选择。
ImpressCMS 1.3 提升了运行速度,降低内存要求,完全兼容 PHP 5.3 ,便利的模块开发,更新了很多模块的版本。
ImpressCMS 1.3.2 Final (22 April 2012)
What s New?
Faster & Lower Memory requirements
The refactoring in the ImpressCMS 1.3 release has resulted in major improvements: less memory use, speedier page loads and less SQL queries per page, making it the fastest and nimblest ImpressCMS to date.
Fully PHP 5.3 compatible
The structure of the code has seen a major overhaul, in order to comply with the current best practices for PHP5. This makes the code easier to write, and easier to maintain.
Facilitated module development
By using the automatic inclusion of required files, module developers can think about improving their module, and not about handling file administration.
Module updates
Many modules have received compatibility updates to work with this release. Other modules have been written specifically to take advantage of the improved codebase of version 1.3.