最完整的 Flutter 包,用于渲染各种格式的交互式 3D 模型( GLB 、 GLTF 、 OBJ 、 FBX ),并且能够控制动画、纹理、相机等。
Flutter 3D 控制器包是用于渲染各种 3D 模型格式的最全面的解决方案,提供广泛的功能,使用户能够对 3D 模型进行最佳控制。
它在实现新功能方面处于领先地位,而其他一些软件包只是复制了 Flutter 3D Controller 的功能和代码,没有适当的信用或遵守许可。
值得注意的是,在测试其他可用软件包时,用户可能会在 iOS 和某些 Android 设备上遇到手势故障。然而, Flutter 3D Controller是第一个也是唯一一个通过其手势拦截器功能解决此问题的软件包,该功能在2024 年 10 月 5 日发布的2.0.0 版本中引入。
//Create controller object to control 3D model.
Flutter3DController controller = Flutter3DController ();
//Listen to model loading state via controller
controller.onModelLoaded. addListener (() {
debugPrint ( 'model is loaded : ${ controller . onModelLoaded . value }' );
//It will play 3D model animation, you can use it to play or switch between animations.
controller. playAnimation ();
//If you pass specific animation name it will play that specific animation.
//If you pass null and your model has at least 1 animation it will play first animation.
controller. playAnimation (animationName : chosenAnimation);
//It will pause the animation at current frame.
controller. pauseAnimation ();
//It will reset and play animation from first frame (from beginning).
controller. resetAnimation ();
//It will stop the animation.
controller. stopAnimation ();
//It will return available animation list of 3D model.
await controller. getAvailableAnimations ();
//It will load desired texture of 3D model, you need to pass texture name.
controller. setTexture (textureName : chosenTexture);
//It will return available textures list of 3D model.
await controller. getAvailableTextures ();
//It will set your desired camera target.
controller. setCameraTarget ( 0.3 , 0.2 , 0.4 );
//It will reset the camera target to default.
controller. resetCameraTarget ();
//It will set your desired camera orbit.
controller. setCameraOrbit ( 20 , 20 , 5 );
//It will reset the camera orbit to default.
controller. resetCameraOrbit ();
//The 3D viewer widget for glb and gltf format
Flutter3DViewer (
//If you pass 'true' the flutter_3d_controller will add gesture interceptor layer
//to prevent gesture recognizers from malfunctioning on iOS and some Android devices.
//the default value is true
activeGestureInterceptor : true ,
//If you don't pass progressBarColor, the color of defaultLoadingProgressBar will be grey.
//You can set your custom color or use [Colors.transparent] for hiding loadingProgressBar.
progressBarColor : Colors .orange,
//You can disable viewer touch response by setting 'enableTouch' to 'false'
enableTouch : true ,
//This callBack will return the loading progress value between 0 and 1.0
onProgress : ( double progressValue) {
debugPrint ( 'model loading progress : $ progressValue ' );
//This callBack will call after model loaded successfully and will return model address
onLoad : ( String modelAddress) {
debugPrint ( 'model loaded : $ modelAddress ' );
//this callBack will call when model failed to load and will return failure error
onError : ( String error) {
debugPrint ( 'model failed to load : $ error ' );
//You can have full control of 3d model animations, textures and camera
controller : controller,
src : 'assets/business_man.glb' , //3D model with different animations
//src: 'assets/sheen_chair.glb', //3D model with different textures
//src: 'https://modelviewer.dev/shared-assets/models/Astronaut.glb', // 3D model from URL
//The 3D viewer widget for obj format
Flutter3DViewer . obj (
src : 'assets/flutter_dash.obj' ,
//src: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m-r-davari/content-holder/refs/heads/master/flutter_3d_controller/flutter_dash_model/flutter_dash.obj',
scale : 5 ,
// Initial scale of obj model
cameraX : 0 ,
// Initial cameraX position of obj model
cameraY : 0 ,
//Initial cameraY position of obj model
cameraZ : 10 ,
//Initial cameraZ position of obj model
//This callBack will return the loading progress value between 0 and 1.0
onProgress : ( double progressValue) {
debugPrint ( 'model loading progress : $ progressValue ' );
//This callBack will call after model loaded successfully and will return model address
onLoad : ( String modelAddress) {
debugPrint ( 'model loaded : $ modelAddress ' );
//this callBack will call when model failed to load and will return failure erro
onError : ( String error) {
debugPrint ( 'model failed to load : $ error ' );
dependencies :
flutter_3d_controller : ^2.0.2
(仅限 Android)配置应用程序的android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
+ <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
- android:label="example">
+ android:label="example"
+ android:usesCleartextTraffic="true">
(仅限 Android)将 minSdkVersion 更改为 21。
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 21
(仅限 iOS)要在 iOS 上使用此包,您需要通过将布尔属性添加到应用程序的ios/Runner/Info.plist
< key >io.flutter.embedded_views_preview</ key >
< true />
标签来加载 JavaScript,如下所示:
< head >
<!-- Other stuff -->
< script type =" module " src =" ./assets/packages/flutter_3d_controller/assets/model_viewer.min.js " defer > </ script >
</ head >
问题描述:如果您在真实 iOS 设备上从 URL 加载 3D 模型时遇到问题,锁定模式可能是原因。锁定模式是 iOS 中的一项安全功能,可限制某些功能(例如网络请求或加载嵌入内容)以保护用户数据。
该软件包使用 Google 的模型查看器来渲染 3D 模型,在渲染某些模型/纹理时可能会出现一些问题,软件包的核心(模型查看器)将来将会更改以支持所有类型的 3D 模型。