变量时,XC Server 才会在启动时启动,否则它将无法启动。PUID
:最新镜像。 笔记:
环境变量来更改 cron 计划。XC_SERVER=true
变量。如果不需要,请删除端口和变量。通过浏览器访问 XC 服务器: http://<your-machine-ip>:8001
。使用 Docker Compose 来管理 Docker 容器。提供了一个示例 docker-compose.yml 文件:
services :
iptvboss :
image : ghcr.io/groenator/iptvboss-docker:latest # The Image has support for both ARM and x86 devices.
environment :
PUID : " 1000 " # Set the user ID for the container.
PGID : " 1000 " # Set the group ID for the container.
TZ : " US/Eastern " # Set the timezone for the container.
CRON_SCHEDULE : " 0 0 * * * " # Set the cron schedule for the cron job that will update the EPG data.
XC_SERVER : " true " # Set to true to start the XC server on boot. By default the XCSERVER is set to false.
ports :
- 8001:8001 # Used by XC Server
- 5901:5901 # Used by the VNC Server to connect to the container using the VNC client.
- 6901:6901 # Used by the VNC Server to connect to the container using a web browser.
volumes :
# Replace <local_volume> with the local directory where you want to store the IPTVBoss data. E.g., /home/user/iptvboss.
# Based on the PUID and PGID environment variables the folder permissions are set at runtime.
- <local_volume>:/headless/IPTVBoss
docker-compose up -d
docker run -it -p 6911:6901 -p 8001:8001
-v < your-local-volume > :/headless/IPTVBoss
-e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000
-e CRON_SCHEDULE= " * * * * * "
-e TZ=US/Eastern -e XC_SERVER=true
或者,您还可以使用 docker-compose 文件中的 PUID 和 PGID 环境变量设置用户和组 ID,如上所示。
docker-compose up -d
IPTVBoss Docker 镜像的 Beta 版本可供测试。
强烈建议在使用测试版之前备份您的 IPTVBoss 数据。
要使用 beta 版本,请将 docker-compose 中的图像字段替换为带有<version>
image: ghcr.io/groenator/iptvboss-docker-beta: < version > # Use the beta image with tag
# ... (rest of your docker-compose configuration)
使用 docker cli 部署 beta 版本的示例:
docker run -it -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 -p 8001:8001
--name iptvboss
-e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000
# ... (other environment variables)
-v < your-local-volume > :/headless/IPTVBoss
ghcr.io/groenator/iptvboss-docker-beta: < version > # Use the beta image with tag
通过打开以下 URL,使用您首选的 VNC 客户端或任何浏览器连接到 VNC 服务器。
要使用 VNC 客户端连接到 VNC 服务器,请使用以下地址:
要使用 Web 浏览器连接到 VNC 服务器,请使用以下地址。
如果将其部署在本地之外,请将 IP 替换为localhost
。将 localhost 替换为您的实际服务器 IP 地址。
可以在 docker run 阶段覆盖以下 VNC 环境变量,以自定义容器内的桌面环境:
VNC_COL_DEPTH, default: 24
VNC_RESOLUTION, default: 1280x1024
VNC_PW, default: my-pw
VNC_PASSWORDLESS, default: < not set >
要启用 Cronitor 监控,请将CRONITOR_API_KEY
环境变量设置为您的 Cronitor API 密钥。将CRONITOR_SCHEDULE_NAME
环境变量设置为 Cronitor 作业的自定义名称。
使用 docker-compose 运行它:
services :
iptvboss :
image : ghcr.io/groenator/iptvboss-docker:latest # The Image has support for both ARM and x86 devices.
environment :
PUID : " 1000 " # Set the user ID for the container.
PGID : " 1000 " # Set the group ID for the container.
CRON_SCHEDULE : " 0 0 * * * " # Set the cron schedule for the cron job that will update the EPG data.
CRONITOR_API_KEY : " <your_cronitor_api_key> "
CRONITOR_SCHEDULE_NAME : " My Custom Schedule " # Set a name for your Cronitor.io Job
XC_SERVER : " true " # Set to true to start the XC server on boot. By default the XCSERVER is set to false.
TZ : " US/Eastern " # Set the timezone for the container.
ports :
- 8001:8001 # Used by XC Server
- 5901:5901 # Used by the VNC Server to connect to the container using the VNC client.
- 6901:6901 # Used by the VNC Server to connect to the container using a web browser.
volumes :
# Replace <local_volume> with the local directory where you want to store the IPTVBoss data. E.g., /home/user/iptvboss.
# Based on the PUID and PGID environment variables the folder permissions are set at runtime.
- <local_volume>:/headless/IPTVBoss
docker-compose up -d
# Remove the double quotes around CRONITOR_API_KEY value and replace <your_cronitor_api_key> with your actual Cronitor API key.
docker run -it -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 -p 8001:8001
--name iptvboss
-e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000
-e CRONITOR_API_KEY= " <your_cronitor_api_key> "
-e CRON_SCHEDULE= " * * * * * "
-e XC_SERVER=true
-v < your-local-volume > :/headless/IPTVBoss