要开始使用 API,请将其放入 HTML 中:
< script src =" https://telegram.org/js/telegram-web-app.js " > </ script >
当您将其添加到 HTML 中时,您将获得window.Telegram
对象以及一些 CSS 样式变量。
您使用 Telegram API 的大部分工作将通过window.Telegram.WebApp
您可以使用 API 的 CSS 变量,以便您的 Web 应用程序将匹配用户选择的 Telegram 主题;您无需执行任何操作,CSS 变量即可使用!
var ( --tg-theme-bg-color )
var ( --tg-theme-text-color )
var ( --tg-theme-hint-color )
var ( --tg-theme-link-color )
var ( --tg-theme-button-color )
var ( --tg-theme-button-text-color )
var ( --tg-theme-secondary-bg-color )
您还可以使用 JavaScript 访问它们:
const {
bg_color ,
text_color ,
hint_color ,
button_color ,
button_text_color ,
secondary_bg_color ,
} = Telegram . WebApp . themeParams ;
为了确保使用您的应用程序的用户是真实的,并且确保他们通过 Telegram 应用程序使用您的应用程序,您需要对您的用户进行身份验证;这是重要的一步,所以不要跳过它!
:打开表单时的 Unix 时间。hash
:可选。 Web 应用程序会话的唯一标识符,是通过answerWebAppQuery
query_id = < query_id > &user=%7B%22id%22%3A < user_id > %2C%22first_name%22%3A%22 < first_name > %22%2C%22last_name%22%3A%22 < last_name > %22%2C%22username%22%3A%22 < username > %22%2C%22language_code%22%3A%22 < language_code > %22%7D&auth_date= < auth_date > &hash= < hash >
data_check_string = ...
secret_key = HMAC_SHA256 ( < bot_token > , "WebAppData")
if (hex(HMAC_SHA256(data_check_string, secret_key)) == hash) {
// Data is from Telegram
使用 JavaScript,您可以像这样验证数据:
const verifyTelegramWebAppData = ( telegramInitData : string ) => {
// The data is a query string, which is composed of a series of field-value pairs.
const encoded = decodeURIComponent ( telegramInitData ) ;
// HMAC-SHA-256 signature of the bot's token with the constant string WebAppData used as a key.
const secret = crypto . createHmac ( "sha256" , "WebAppData" ) . update ( botToken ) ;
// Data-check-string is a chain of all received fields'.
const arr = encoded . split ( "&" ) ;
const hashIndex = arr . findIndex ( ( str ) => str . startsWith ( "hash=" ) ) ;
const hash = arr . splice ( hashIndex ) [ 0 ] . split ( "=" ) [ 1 ] ;
// Sorted alphabetically
arr . sort ( ( a , b ) => a . localeCompare ( b ) ) ;
// In the format key=<value> with a line feed character ('n', 0x0A) used as separator
// e.g., 'auth_date=<auth_date>nquery_id=<query_id>nuser=<user>
const dataCheckString = arr . join ( "n" ) ;
// The hexadecimal representation of the HMAC-SHA-256 signature of the data-check-string with the secret key
const _hash = crypto
. createHmac ( "sha256" , secret . digest ( ) )
. update ( dataCheckString )
. digest ( "hex" ) ;
// If hash is equal, the data may be used on your server.
// Complex data types are represented as JSON-serialized objects.
return _hash === hash ;
} ;
现在您已确保使用您的应用程序的用户是真实的,并且他们也使用 Telegram 应用程序;现在您的应用程序是安全的!
const params = new URLSearchParams ( Telegram . WebApp . initData ) ;
const userData = Object . fromEntries ( params ) ;
userData . user = JSON . parse ( userData . user ) ;
// Now userData is ready to use!
const tg = Telegram . WebApp ;
// Show the back button
tg . BackButton . show ( ) ;
// Check if the button is visible
tg . BackButton . isVisible ;
// Click Event
const goBack = ( ) => {
// Callback code
} ;
tg . BackButton . onClick ( goBack ) ;
// Remove Click Event
tg . BackButton . offClick ( goBack ) ;
// Hide the back button
tg . BackButton . hide ( ) ;
const tg = Telegram . WebApp . MainButton ;
// Properties
tg . text ; // You can change the value
tg . color ; // You can change the value
tg . textColor ; // You can change the value
tg . isVisible ;
tg . isActive ;
tg . isProgressVisible ;
// Events
tg . onClick ( callback ) ;
tg . offClick ( callback ) ;
// Methods
tg . setText ( "buy" ) ;
tg . show ( ) ;
tg . hide ( ) ;
tg . enable ( ) ; // Default
tg . disable ( ) ; // If the button is disabled, then it will not work when clicked
tg . showProgress ( true ) ; // Shows a spinning icon; if you passed into it `false`, then it will disable the button when loading
tg . hideProgress ( ) ;
const tg = Telegram . WebApp ;
tg . enableClosingConfirmation ( ) ;
tg . disableClosingConfirmation ( ) ;
const tg = window . Telegram . WebApp ;
tg . openLink ( "https://youtube.com" ) ;
const tg = Telegram . WebApp ;
tg . showPopup (
title : "Sample Title" , // Optional
message : "Sample message" ,
buttons : [ { type : "destructive" , text : "oh hell nah" } ] , // Optional
} ,
) ;
如果传递了可选的回调参数,则将调用回调函数,并且按下的按钮的字段 id 将作为第一个参数传递。
const tg = window . Telegram . WebApp ;
tg . showAlert ( "sample alert" , callback ) ;
如果传递了可选的回调参数,则将调用回调函数,并且二维码中的文本将作为第一个参数传递。在此回调函数内返回 true 会导致弹出窗口关闭。
const tg = window . Telegram . WebApp ;
tg . showScanQrPopup ( { text : "capture" } , callback ) ;
tg . closeScanQrPopup ( ) ;
一种通知 Telegram 应用程序 Web 应用程序已准备好显示的方法。
const tg = window . Telegram . WebApp ;
tg . ready ( ) ;
const tg = window . Telegram . WebApp ;
tg . isExpanded ;
tg . expand ( ) ;