Nuclei 是一款现代的高性能漏洞扫描器,它利用简单的基于 YAML 的模板。它使您能够设计模仿现实世界条件的自定义漏洞检测场景,从而实现零误报。
❗免责声明 |
该项目正在积极开发中。预计发布后会有重大变化。更新之前查看发布变更日志。 |
该项目主要是为了用作独立的 CLI 工具。将 nucles 作为服务运行可能会带来安全风险。建议谨慎使用并采取额外的安全措施。 |
在您的机器上安装 Nuclei。请按照此处的安装指南开始使用。此外,我们提供免费的云层,并具有慷慨的每月免费限制:
对于安全团队和企业,我们提供基于 Nuclei OSS 构建的云托管服务,经过微调可帮助您与您的团队和现有工作流程持续大规模运行漏洞扫描:
在此处浏览完整的 Nuclei 文档。如果您是 Nuclei 新手,请查看我们的基础 Youtube 系列。
nuclei -h
Nuclei is a fast, template based vulnerability scanner focusing
on extensive configurability, massive extensibility and ease of use.
./nuclei [flags]
-u, -target string[] target URLs/hosts to scan
-l, -list string path to file containing a list of target URLs/hosts to scan (one per line)
-eh, -exclude-hosts string[] hosts to exclude to scan from the input list (ip, cidr, hostname)
-resume string resume scan using resume.cfg (clustering will be disabled)
-sa, -scan-all-ips scan all the IP's associated with dns record
-iv, -ip-version string[] IP version to scan of hostname (4,6) - (default 4)
-im, -input-mode string mode of input file (list, burp, jsonl, yaml, openapi, swagger) (default "list")
-ro, -required-only use only required fields in input format when generating requests
-sfv, -skip-format-validation skip format validation (like missing vars) when parsing input file
-nt, -new-templates run only new templates added in latest nuclei-templates release
-ntv, -new-templates-version string[] run new templates added in specific version
-as, -automatic-scan automatic web scan using wappalyzer technology detection to tags mapping
-t, -templates string[] list of template or template directory to run (comma-separated, file)
-turl, -template-url string[] template url or list containing template urls to run (comma-separated, file)
-w, -workflows string[] list of workflow or workflow directory to run (comma-separated, file)
-wurl, -workflow-url string[] workflow url or list containing workflow urls to run (comma-separated, file)
-validate validate the passed templates to nuclei
-nss, -no-strict-syntax disable strict syntax check on templates
-td, -template-display displays the templates content
-tl list all available templates
-tgl list all available tags
-sign signs the templates with the private key defined in NUCLEI_SIGNATURE_PRIVATE_KEY env variable
-code enable loading code protocol-based templates
-dut, -disable-unsigned-templates disable running unsigned templates or templates with mismatched signature
-a, -author string[] templates to run based on authors (comma-separated, file)
-tags string[] templates to run based on tags (comma-separated, file)
-etags, -exclude-tags string[] templates to exclude based on tags (comma-separated, file)
-itags, -include-tags string[] tags to be executed even if they are excluded either by default or configuration
-id, -template-id string[] templates to run based on template ids (comma-separated, file, allow-wildcard)
-eid, -exclude-id string[] templates to exclude based on template ids (comma-separated, file)
-it, -include-templates string[] path to template file or directory to be executed even if they are excluded either by default or configuration
-et, -exclude-templates string[] path to template file or directory to exclude (comma-separated, file)
-em, -exclude-matchers string[] template matchers to exclude in result
-s, -severity value[] templates to run based on severity. Possible values: info, low, medium, high, critical, unknown
-es, -exclude-severity value[] templates to exclude based on severity. Possible values: info, low, medium, high, critical, unknown
-pt, -type value[] templates to run based on protocol type. Possible values: dns, file, http, headless, tcp, workflow, ssl, websocket, whois, code, javascript
-ept, -exclude-type value[] templates to exclude based on protocol type. Possible values: dns, file, http, headless, tcp, workflow, ssl, websocket, whois, code, javascript
-tc, -template-condition string[] templates to run based on expression condition
-o, -output string output file to write found issues/vulnerabilities
-sresp, -store-resp store all request/response passed through nuclei to output directory
-srd, -store-resp-dir string store all request/response passed through nuclei to custom directory (default "output")
-silent display findings only
-nc, -no-color disable output content coloring (ANSI escape codes)
-j, -jsonl write output in JSONL(ines) format
-irr, -include-rr -omit-raw include request/response pairs in the JSON, JSONL, and Markdown outputs (for findings only) [DEPRECATED use -omit-raw] (default true)
-or, -omit-raw omit request/response pairs in the JSON, JSONL, and Markdown outputs (for findings only)
-ot, -omit-template omit encoded template in the JSON, JSONL output
-nm, -no-meta disable printing result metadata in cli output
-ts, -timestamp enables printing timestamp in cli output
-rdb, -report-db string nuclei reporting database (always use this to persist report data)
-ms, -matcher-status display match failure status
-me, -markdown-export string directory to export results in markdown format
-se, -sarif-export string file to export results in SARIF format
-je, -json-export string file to export results in JSON format
-jle, -jsonl-export string file to export results in JSONL(ine) format
-rd, -redact string[] redact given list of keys from query parameter, request header and body
-config string path to the nuclei configuration file
-tp, -profile string template profile config file to run
-tpl, -profile-list list community template profiles
-fr, -follow-redirects enable following redirects for http templates
-fhr, -follow-host-redirects follow redirects on the same host
-mr, -max-redirects int max number of redirects to follow for http templates (default 10)
-dr, -disable-redirects disable redirects for http templates
-rc, -report-config string nuclei reporting module configuration file
-H, -header string[] custom header/cookie to include in all http request in header:value format (cli, file)
-V, -var value custom vars in key=value format
-r, -resolvers string file containing resolver list for nuclei
-sr, -system-resolvers use system DNS resolving as error fallback
-dc, -disable-clustering disable clustering of requests
-passive enable passive HTTP response processing mode
-fh2, -force-http2 force http2 connection on requests
-ev, -env-vars enable environment variables to be used in template
-cc, -client-cert string client certificate file (PEM-encoded) used for authenticating against scanned hosts
-ck, -client-key string client key file (PEM-encoded) used for authenticating against scanned hosts
-ca, -client-ca string client certificate authority file (PEM-encoded) used for authenticating against scanned hosts
-sml, -show-match-line show match lines for file templates, works with extractors only
-ztls use ztls library with autofallback to standard one for tls13 [Deprecated] autofallback to ztls is enabled by default
-sni string tls sni hostname to use (default: input domain name)
-dka, -dialer-keep-alive value keep-alive duration for network requests.
-lfa, -allow-local-file-access allows file (payload) access anywhere on the system
-lna, -restrict-local-network-access blocks connections to the local / private network
-i, -interface string network interface to use for network scan
-at, -attack-type string type of payload combinations to perform (batteringram,pitchfork,clusterbomb)
-sip, -source-ip string source ip address to use for network scan
-rsr, -response-size-read int max response size to read in bytes
-rss, -response-size-save int max response size to read in bytes (default 1048576)
-reset reset removes all nuclei configuration and data files (including nuclei-templates)
-tlsi, -tls-impersonate enable experimental client hello (ja3) tls randomization
-hae, -http-api-endpoint string experimental http api endpoint
-iserver, -interactsh-server string interactsh server url for self-hosted instance (default: oast.pro,oast.live,oast.site,oast.online,oast.fun,oast.me)
-itoken, -interactsh-token string authentication token for self-hosted interactsh server
-interactions-cache-size int number of requests to keep in the interactions cache (default 5000)
-interactions-eviction int number of seconds to wait before evicting requests from cache (default 60)
-interactions-poll-duration int number of seconds to wait before each interaction poll request (default 5)
-interactions-cooldown-period int extra time for interaction polling before exiting (default 5)
-ni, -no-interactsh disable interactsh server for OAST testing, exclude OAST based templates
-ft, -fuzzing-type string overrides fuzzing type set in template (replace, prefix, postfix, infix)
-fm, -fuzzing-mode string overrides fuzzing mode set in template (multiple, single)
-fuzz enable loading fuzzing templates (Deprecated: use -dast instead)
-dast enable / run dast (fuzz) nuclei templates
-dfp, -display-fuzz-points display fuzz points in the output for debugging
-fuzz-param-frequency int frequency of uninteresting parameters for fuzzing before skipping (default 10)
-fa, -fuzz-aggression string fuzzing aggression level controls payload count for fuzz (low, medium, high) (default "low")
-uc, -uncover enable uncover engine
-uq, -uncover-query string[] uncover search query
-ue, -uncover-engine string[] uncover search engine (shodan,censys,fofa,shodan-idb,quake,hunter,zoomeye,netlas,criminalip,publicwww,hunterhow,google) (default shodan)
-uf, -uncover-field string uncover fields to return (ip,port,host) (default "ip:port")
-ul, -uncover-limit int uncover results to return (default 100)
-ur, -uncover-ratelimit int override ratelimit of engines with unknown ratelimit (default 60 req/min) (default 60)
-rl, -rate-limit int maximum number of requests to send per second (default 150)
-rld, -rate-limit-duration value maximum number of requests to send per second (default 1s)
-rlm, -rate-limit-minute int maximum number of requests to send per minute (DEPRECATED)
-bs, -bulk-size int maximum number of hosts to be analyzed in parallel per template (default 25)
-c, -concurrency int maximum number of templates to be executed in parallel (default 25)
-hbs, -headless-bulk-size int maximum number of headless hosts to be analyzed in parallel per template (default 10)
-headc, -headless-concurrency int maximum number of headless templates to be executed in parallel (default 10)
-jsc, -js-concurrency int maximum number of javascript runtimes to be executed in parallel (default 120)
-pc, -payload-concurrency int max payload concurrency for each template (default 25)
-prc, -probe-concurrency int http probe concurrency with httpx (default 50)
-timeout int time to wait in seconds before timeout (default 10)
-retries int number of times to retry a failed request (default 1)
-ldp, -leave-default-ports leave default HTTP/HTTPS ports (eg. host:80,host:443)
-mhe, -max-host-error int max errors for a host before skipping from scan (default 30)
-te, -track-error string[] adds given error to max-host-error watchlist (standard, file)
-nmhe, -no-mhe disable skipping host from scan based on errors
-project use a project folder to avoid sending same request multiple times
-project-path string set a specific project path (default "/tmp")
-spm, -stop-at-first-match stop processing HTTP requests after the first match (may break template/workflow logic)
-stream stream mode - start elaborating without sorting the input
-ss, -scan-strategy value strategy to use while scanning(auto/host-spray/template-spray) (default auto)
-irt, -input-read-timeout value timeout on input read (default 3m0s)
-nh, -no-httpx disable httpx probing for non-url input
-no-stdin disable stdin processing
-headless enable templates that require headless browser support (root user on Linux will disable sandbox)
-page-timeout int seconds to wait for each page in headless mode (default 20)
-sb, -show-browser show the browser on the screen when running templates with headless mode
-ho, -headless-options string[] start headless chrome with additional options
-sc, -system-chrome use local installed Chrome browser instead of nuclei installed
-lha, -list-headless-action list available headless actions
-debug show all requests and responses
-dreq, -debug-req show all sent requests
-dresp, -debug-resp show all received responses
-p, -proxy string[] list of http/socks5 proxy to use (comma separated or file input)
-pi, -proxy-internal proxy all internal requests
-ldf, -list-dsl-function list all supported DSL function signatures
-tlog, -trace-log string file to write sent requests trace log
-elog, -error-log string file to write sent requests error log
-version show nuclei version
-hm, -hang-monitor enable nuclei hang monitoring
-v, -verbose show verbose output
-profile-mem string generate memory (heap) profile & trace files
-vv display templates loaded for scan
-svd, -show-var-dump show variables dump for debugging
-vdl, -var-dump-limit int limit the number of characters displayed in var dump (default 255)
-ep, -enable-pprof enable pprof debugging server
-tv, -templates-version shows the version of the installed nuclei-templates
-hc, -health-check run diagnostic check up
-up, -update update nuclei engine to the latest released version
-ut, -update-templates update nuclei-templates to latest released version
-ud, -update-template-dir string custom directory to install / update nuclei-templates
-duc, -disable-update-check disable automatic nuclei/templates update check
-stats display statistics about the running scan
-sj, -stats-json display statistics in JSONL(ines) format
-si, -stats-interval int number of seconds to wait between showing a statistics update (default 5)
-mp, -metrics-port int port to expose nuclei metrics on (default 9092)
-auth configure projectdiscovery cloud (pdcp) api key (default true)
-tid, -team-id string upload scan results to given team id (optional) (default "none")
-cup, -cloud-upload upload scan results to pdcp dashboard [DEPRECATED use -dashboard]
-sid, -scan-id string upload scan results to existing scan id (optional)
-sname, -scan-name string scan name to set (optional)
-pd, -dashboard upload / view nuclei results in projectdiscovery cloud (pdcp) UI dashboard
-pdu, -dashboard-upload string upload / view nuclei results file (jsonl) in projectdiscovery cloud (pdcp) UI dashboard
-sf, -secret-file string[] path to config file containing secrets for nuclei authenticated scan
-ps, -prefetch-secrets prefetch secrets from the secrets file
Run nuclei on single host:
$ nuclei -target example.com
Run nuclei with specific template directories:
$ nuclei -target example.com -t http/cves/ -t ssl
Run nuclei against a list of hosts:
$ nuclei -list hosts.txt
Run nuclei with a JSON output:
$ nuclei -target example.com -json-export output.json
Run nuclei with sorted Markdown outputs (with environment variables):
$ MARKDOWN_EXPORT_SORT_MODE=template nuclei -target example.com -markdown-export nuclei_report/
Additional documentation is available at: https://docs.nuclei.sh/getting-started/running
要在 Web 应用程序上执行快速扫描:
nuclei -target https://example.com
Nuclei 可以通过提供目标列表来处理批量扫描。您可以使用包含多个 URL 的文件。
nuclei -targets urls.txt
nuclei -target
nuclei -u https://example.com -t /path/to/your-template.yaml
nuclei -target https://example.com -dashboard
Nuclei 模板基于 YAML 模板文件的概念,这些模板文件定义如何发送和处理请求。这使得可以轻松地将功能扩展到核心。这些模板是用 YAML 编写的,它指定了一种简单的人类可读格式来快速定义执行过程。
单击此处,使用我们免费的 AI 支持的 Nuclei 模板编辑器在线尝试。
Nuclei 模板提供了一种识别和传达漏洞的简化方法,结合了严重性评级和检测方法等基本细节。这种开源、社区开发的工具可加速威胁响应,并在网络安全领域得到广泛认可。 Nuclei 模板由全球数千名安全研究人员积极贡献。我们为贡献者运行两个计划:先锋和?赏金。
使用案例 | 细胞核模板 |
检测已知的 CVE | CVE-2021-44228 (Log4Shell) |
识别带外漏洞 | 通过 OOB 进行 SQL 盲注 |
SQL注入检测 | 通用 SQL 注入 |
跨站脚本 (XSS) | 反射型 XSS 检测 |
默认或弱密码 | 默认凭证检查 |
秘密文件或数据泄露 | 敏感文件泄露 |
识别开放重定向 | 打开重定向检测 |
检测子域接管 | 子域接管模板 |
安全配置错误 | 不受保护的 Jenkins 控制台 |
SSL/TLS 配置较弱 | SSL 证书到期 |
云服务配置错误 | 打开S3桶检测 |
远程代码执行漏洞 | RCE检测模板 |
目录遍历攻击 | 路径遍历检测 |
文件包含漏洞 | 本地/远程文件包含 |
传统的漏洞扫描器是几十年前构建的。它们是闭源的、极其缓慢且由供应商驱动的。今天的攻击者可以在几天之内通过互联网大规模利用新发布的 CVE,这与过去需要花费的时间不同。这种转变需要一种完全不同的方法来应对互联网上的热门漏洞利用。
我们构建 Nuclei 来解决这一挑战。我们使整个扫描引擎框架变得开放和可定制,从而使全球安全社区能够协作并解决互联网上的流行攻击向量和漏洞。 Nuclei现已被财富500强企业、政府机构、大学使用和贡献。
感谢所有出色的社区贡献者发送 PR 并保持该项目的更新。 ❤️
Nuclei 是根据 MIT 许可证分发的。