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添加的函数(详细信息请参阅 BayesTesting.jl_docs_2018.pdf) :Bayesian_ttest、correlation_ttest、compare_means、compare_proportions、equiv_test
以下函数中的可选参数:h0= 船体假设中的值(默认为 h0 = 0)
pdr_val(theta_draws) = 返回后验密度比(PDR,又名后验赔率)、tail_prob、2xtail_prob(“贝叶斯 p 值”)
todds(theta_hat,theta_hat_se,v) = 返回 theta 的 Student-t 后验赔率
mcodds(theta_draws) = 返回给定 MC 样本的 theta(任何分布)的后验赔率。
bayespval(theta_draws) = 返回贝叶斯 p 值(尾部区域),给出 theta 的 MC 样本
update_mean(m1,m0,s1,s0,n1,n0) = 对于高斯后验样本 1(或先前),平均值 = m0,sd = s0,obs 数量。 =n0,样本 2 的高斯似然或后验,平均值 = m1,SD = s1,观测数。 = n1,返回组合样本后验平均值的元组 = m2,SD = s2,obs 数量。 = n2
margin_posterior_mu(m,s, n, M) = return M 从 Student-t 边缘后验密度中提取,平均值 = m,SD = s,obs 数量。 = n. M 是可选参数(默认值为 M = 10000)。
blinreg(y,X) = 估计线性模型 y=Xβ+u(定义 X 以包含截距的 1 向量)
gsreg(y,X) = 用于线性回归的吉布斯采样器,默认无信息先验,X 必须包含包含截距的 1 向量。可选参数: tau = 精度起始值(默认 = 1.0) M = MCMC 样本大小(默认 = 10,000)
gsreg(y,X, M=m, tau=t, b0=priorb, iB0 = invpriorcovb , d0=b, a0=a) = 具有 NIG 先验的吉布斯采样器。注意:iB0 = 先验精度矩阵 = inv(先验方差矩阵) b0 必须是列向量,a0 和 b0 是 tau ~ Gamma(a,b) 的先验参数
示例 1:测试样本均值是否为零
using BayesTesting
srand(1235) # generate psuedo-data, n obs.
n = 50
x = randn(n)
v = n-1 # degrees of freedom
mu_hat = mean(x) # sample mean
se_mu = std(x)/sqrt(v) # sample standard error of mean
todds(mu_hat,se_mu,v) # posterior odds vs. zero
# Result: todds(mu_hat, se_mu, v, h0=0) = 1.016 => 1:1 odds against the null.
# with a nonzero mean - change the data generating process for x above to:
x = 0.5 + randn(n)
# Resulting posterior odds: todds(mu_hat, se_mu, v, h0=0) = 110.50 => 110:1 odds against the null
更详细的帮助和示例位于: BayesTesting.jl_docs_2018.pdf
很快将添加为 PlotRecipe 来封装函数。
function plot_mc_diff(draws_m1,draws_m2; lbl=["mu 1" "mu 2"],lgd = :topright)
diff_mean = draws_m1 - draws_m2
l = @layout([a b])
plt1 = plot(draws_m1,st=:density,fill=(0,0.4,:blue),alpha=0.4,label=lbl[1],legend=lgd,title="Posteriors from each mean")
plt2 = plot(diff_mean,st=:density,fill=(0,0.4,:green),alpha=0.4,label="",title="Posterior difference")
plt3 = plot(plt1, plt2, layout=l)
return plt3
m1 = 1.0; s1 = 0.8; n1 = 10; m2 = 0.0; s2 = 1.0; n2 = 20
diff_mean, draws_m1, draws_m2, qs, tst = compare_means(m1, m2, s1, s2, n1, n2)
plt = plot_mc_diff(draws_m1,draws_m2)