pip install PSNAWP
该库是 PlayStation Network (PSN) 的非官方和逆向工程 API 包装器。它是基于PSN Android应用程序的逆向工程开发的。 API 包装器 (>= v2.1.0) 将自我速率限制为每 15 分钟 300 个请求。但是,不要使用此 API 发送批量请求,这一点仍然很重要。过度使用 API 可能会导致您的 PSN 帐户被暂时或永久禁止。
首先,您需要获取 npsso <64 字符代码>。您需要按照以下步骤操作
{ "npsso" : " <64 character npsso code> " }
此 npsso 代码将在 api 中用于身份验证目的。从 npsso 生成的刷新令牌持续约 2 个月。之后,您必须获得新的 npsso 令牌。如果刷新令牌到期时间还剩不到 3 天,机器人将打印一条警告。
from psnawp_api import PSNAWP
from psnawp_api . models import SearchDomain
from psnawp_api . models . trophies import PlatformType
psnawp = PSNAWP ( "<64 character npsso code>" )
# Your Personal Account Info
client = psnawp . me ()
print ( f"Online ID: { client . online_id } " )
print ( f"Account ID: { client . account_id } " )
print ( f"Profile: { client . get_profile_legacy () } n " )
# Your Registered Devices
devices = client . get_account_devices ()
for device in devices :
print ( f"Device: { device } n " )
# Your Friends List
friends_list = client . friends_list ()
for friend in friends_list :
print ( f"Friend: { friend } n " )
# Your Players Blocked List
blocked_list = client . blocked_list ()
for blocked_user in blocked_list :
print ( f"Blocked User: { blocked_user } n " )
# Your Friends in "Notify when available" List
available_to_play = client . available_to_play ()
for user in available_to_play :
print ( f"Available to Play: { user } n " )
# Your trophies (PS4)
for trophy in client . trophies ( "NPWR22810_00" , PlatformType . PS4 ):
print ( trophy )
# Your Chat Groups
groups = client . get_groups ()
first_group_id = None # This will be used later to test group methods
for id , group in enumerate ( groups ):
if id == 0 : # Get the first group ID
first_group_id = group . group_id
group_info = group . get_group_information ()
print ( f"Group { id } : { group_info } n " )
# Your Playing time (PS4, PS5 above only)
titles_with_stats = client . title_stats ()
for title in titles_with_stats :
print (
Game: { title . name } -
Play Count: { title . play_count } -
Play Duration: { title . play_duration } n "
# Other User's
example_user_1 = psnawp . user ( online_id = "VaultTec-Co" ) # Get a PSN player by their Online ID
print ( f"User 1 Online ID: { example_user_1 . online_id } " )
print ( f"User 1 Account ID: { example_user_1 . account_id } " )
print ( example_user_1 . profile ())
print ( example_user_1 . prev_online_id )
print ( example_user_1 . get_presence ())
print ( example_user_1 . friendship ())
print ( example_user_1 . is_blocked ())
# Example of getting a user by their account ID
user_account_id = psnawp . user ( account_id = "9122947611907501295" )
print ( f"User Account ID: { user_account_id . online_id } " )
# Messaging and Groups Interaction
group = psnawp . group ( group_id = first_group_id ) # This is the first group ID we got earlier - i.e. the first group in your groups list
print ( group . get_group_information ())
print ( group . get_conversation ( 10 )) # Get the last 10 messages in the group
print ( group . send_message ( "Hello World" ))
print ( group . change_name ( "API Testing 3" ))
# print(group.leave_group()) # Uncomment to leave the group
# Create a new group with other users - i.e. 'VaultTec-Co' and 'test'
example_user_2 = psnawp . user ( online_id = "test" )
new_group = psnawp . group ( users_list = [ example_user_1 , example_user_2 ])
print ( new_group . get_group_information ())
# You can use the same above methods to interact with the new group - i.e. send messages, change name, etc.
# Searching for Game Titles
search = psnawp . search ( search_query = "GTA 5" , search_domain = SearchDomain . FULL_GAMES )
for search_result in search :
print ( search_result [ "result" ][ "invariantName" ])
注意:如果您想创建 psnawp 的多个实例,您需要从单独的 PSN 帐户获取 npsso 代码。如果您使用同一帐户生成新的 npsso,您之前的 npsso 将立即过期。
欢迎所有错误转发和功能请求,尽管我是制作 python 库的新手,所以可能需要一段时间才能实现某些功能。如果我正在做一些非常规方式的事情,欢迎提出建议。
该项目无意用于垃圾邮件、滥用或任何此类行为。不认可将本项目用于这些目的。使用此 API 包装器创建应用程序时请记住这一点。
该项目包含来自 PlayStationNetwork::API 和 PSN-PHP Wrapper 的代码,并已翻译为 Python。另外,特别感谢 @andshrew 记录 PlayStation Trophy 端点。所有许可证都包含在此存储库中。