vk url scraper
用于从 vk.com URL 中抓取数据,尤其是视频和照片等媒体链接的 Python 库。
您可以通过命令行使用它或将其作为 python 库使用,请查看文档。
您可以通过pip install vk-url-scraper
从 pypi 安装最新版本。
目前,您需要手动卸载并重新安装一个依赖项(因为它是从 github 安装的,而不是 pypi):
pip uninstall vk-api
pip install git+https://github.com/python273/vk_api.git@b99dac0ec2f832a6c4b20bde49869e7229ce4742
要使用该库,您需要 vk.com 的有效用户名/密码组合。
# run this to learn more about the parameters
vk_url_scraper --help
# scrape a URL and get the JSON result in the console
vk_url_scraper --username " username here " --password " password here " --urls https://vk.com/wall12345_6789
# OR
vk_url_scraper -u " username here " -p " password here " --urls https://vk.com/wall12345_6789
# you can also have multiple urls
vk_url_scraper -u " username here " -p " password here " --urls https://vk.com/wall12345_6789 https://vk.com/photo-12345_6789 https://vk.com/video12345_6789
# you can pass a token as well to avoid always authenticating
# and possibly getting captcha prompts
# you can fetch the token from the vk_config.v2.json file generated under by searching for "access_token"
vk_url_scraper -u " username " -p " password " -t " vktoken goes here " --urls https://vk.com/wall12345_6789
# save the JSON output into a file
vk_url_scraper -u " username here " -p " password here " --urls https://vk.com/wall12345_6789 > output.json
# download any photos or videos found in these URLS
# this will use or create an output/ folder and dump the files there
vk_url_scraper -u " username here " -p " password here " --download --urls https://vk.com/wall12345_6789
# or
vk_url_scraper -u " username here " -p " password here " -d --urls https://vk.com/wall12345_6789
from vk_url_scraper import VkScraper
vks = VkScraper ( "username" , "password" )
# scrape any "photo" URL
res = vks . scrape ( "https://vk.com/photo1_278184324?rev=1" )
# scrape any "wall" URL
res = vks . scrape ( "https://vk.com/wall-1_398461" )
# scrape any "video" URL
res = vks . scrape ( "https://vk.com/video-6596301_145810025" )
print ( res [ 0 ][ "text" ]) # eg: -> to get the text from code
# Every scrape* function returns a list of dict like
"id" : "wall_id" ,
"text" : "text in this post" ,
"datetime" : utc datetime of post ,
"attachments" : {
# if photo, video, link exists
"photo" : [ list of urls with max quality ],
"video" : [ list of urls with max quality ],
"link" : [ list of urls with max quality ],
"payload" : " original JSON response converted to dict which you can parse for more data
(更多信息请参见 CONTRIBUTING.md)。
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
或pipenv install -r dev-requirements.txt
设置开发环境pip install -r requirements.txt
或pipenv install -r requirements.txt
设置环境make run-checks
(修复样式)或单独进行black .
和isort .
-> flake8 .
验证 lintmypy .
pytest .
( pytest -v --color=yes --doctest-modules tests/ vk_url_scraper/
使用详细、颜色和测试文档字符串示例)make docs
生成 shpynx 文档 -> 如果需要,编辑 config.py要测试main .py 中可用的命令行界面,您需要将-m
选项传递给 python,如下所示: python -m vk_url_scraper -u "" -p "" --urls ...
pipenv run pip freeze > requirements.txt
创建标签并推送,或者git tag vx.yz
来标记版本git push origin vx.yz
-> 这将触发工作流程并将项目放在 pypi 上如果由于某种原因 GitHub Actions 发布工作流程失败并出现需要修复的错误,您必须从 GitHub 中删除标签和相应的版本。推送修复后,使用以下命令从本地克隆中删除标签
git tag -l | xargs git tag -d && git fetch -t