import vbs
vbs . tts ( "words to speak" )
import vbs
vbs . alert ( "alert body" , boxtype = "yesno" , title = "title text" )
import vbs
vbs . sendkeys ( "keys to send" )
acts as if all keys in string are pressed in order near instantly.
script contiunes once all keys are sent.
sending special keys such as backspace ({bs}) or enter (~) can be found by referencing
钥匙 | 代码 |
退格键 | {退格}或{BS} |
休息 | {休息} |
大写锁定 | {大写锁定} |
清除 | {清除} |
删除 | {删除}或{删除} |
向下箭头 | {向下} |
结尾 | {结尾} |
ENTER(数字键盘) | {进入} |
进入 | ~ |
ESC键 | {ESCAPE} 或 {ESC} |
帮助 | {帮助} |
家 | {家} |
惯性导航系统 | {插入} |
向左箭头 | {左边} |
数字锁定 | {数字键} |
向下翻页 | {PGDN} |
向上翻页 | {PGUP} |
返回 | {返回} |
右箭头 | {正确的} |
滚动锁 | {滚动锁定} |
TAB | {制表符} |
向上箭头 | {向上} |
F1 至 F15 | {F1} 至 {F15} |
alert times out by default after 100 minutes.
this can be changed by passing a different value to the timeout optional argument.
which is passed as an integer number of secounds.
you can change the type of alert by a value to the optional argument boxtype.
possible values are
"okay", "cancel", "cancelable", "retry", "yesnocancel", "yesno", "warning", "critical", "info"
this function then returns one of the following strings:
"ok", "cancel", "abort", "retry", "ignore", "yes", "no"
you can change the title of the alert by passing a string to the option title argument
calling tts freezes execution path untill entire messege is spoken
then returns "done" as a string