JCOBridge 构建在 Sinapse 平台中经过现场验证的 DLR 插件之上,保证了 JVM 和 CLR 领域集成的最佳性能。
- 检索 CLR 类型
- 实例化 CLR 对象
- 调用静态方法
- 调用实例方法
- 获取/设置静态属性
- 获取/设置实例属性
- 设置代表
- 订阅/取消订阅事件
- 将 WPF 控件集成到 AWT/Swing 窗口中
- 将 WinForms 控件集成到 AWT/Swing 窗口中
- 将复杂的 .NET 图形用户界面对象集成到 AWT/Swing 窗口中
- 用户界面控制、属性和事件管理
- 检索 JVM 类
- 实例化 JVM 对象
- 调用静态方法
- 调用实例方法
- 获取/设置静态字段
- 获取/设置实例字段
- 使用动态访问以无缝方式编写代码,就像使用 Java 语言一样
- 使用特定的接口来直接管理方法和字段
JCOBridge(JVM-CLR 对象桥)允许从 CLR/.NET 语言执行 JVM 本机语言,如 java 和 scala,反之亦然,它允许导入和使用库、组件,还可以从一个平台管理图形用户界面另一个编程世界。更多信息请访问 www.jcobridge.com
在此存储库中,可以找到 JCObridge 支持的不同编程语言的示例代码。这些示例组织在两个主文件夹中:JVM 和 CLR,其中包含相关项目。在执行代码之前,需要编译两个世界的示例,因为没有完成外部代码的运行时编译,仅执行执行。
项目跨平台 GUI 展示了如何使用 AWT 在 Windows 和 Linux 主机上为 .NET Core 创建跨平台图形用户界面。要使用 Swing,只需将代码中的控件更改为您喜欢的控件即可。
这是一个基本示例,我们从 .NET 应用程序调用 JavaClass.java 中定义的简单类。在 /JVM/java/src/JavaClass.java 中我们有一个简单的类
public class JavaClass {
* This simple method return the "Hello World!!" string
* * @return "Hello World!!" string
public String helloWorld ()
return "Hello World from Java!!" ;
* This simple method return the sum of two double
* @param a
* @param b
* @return a + b
public double add ( double a , double b )
return a + b ;
* This simple method return the sin of a double
* @param a
* @return sin of a
public double sin ( double a )
return Math . sin ( a );
在 CLRJavaClassUseExampleprogram.cs 中,我们有简单的 .NET C# 应用程序
using MASES . LicenseManager . Common ;
using MASES . JCBridge . C2JBridge ;
using System ;
namespace JavaClassUseExample
class Program
static void Main ( string [ ] args )
new TestClass ( ) . Execute ( ) ;
class TestClass : SetupJVMWrapper
public override string ClassPath { get { return @"....JVMOutput" ; } }
public void Execute ( )
double a = 2 ;
double b = 3 ;
double c = Math . PI / 2 ;
var javaClass = DynJVM . JavaClass . @new ( ) ;
string hello = javaClass . helloWorld ( ) ;
double result = javaClass . add ( a , b ) ;
double sin = javaClass . sin ( c ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "{0} {1} + {2} = {3} and sin({4:0.0000000}) = {5:0.00000000}" , hello , a , b , result , c , sin ) ;
Hello World from Java!! 2 + 3 = 5 and sin(3,1415927) = 1,00000000
此示例是Java 类使用示例的扩展,其中环境参数在 .NET TestClass类中配置。
class TestClass : SetupJVMWrapper
// the following line setup the classpath where JVM will search for classes
// during runtime it is possible to dynamically add other path using a call like DynJVM.JVMHelper.addPath(<the path to add>);
public override string ClassPath { get { return @"C:Program FilesMASES GroupJCOBCore;....JVMJavaOutput" ; } }
// uncomment the following line and set the correct JRE if the automatic search system fails
// public override string JVMPath { get { return @"C:Program FilesJavajre1.8.0_121binserverjvm.dll"; } }
// the following code adds all possible switch to the starting JVM.
// for a complete list see Oracle documentation: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/windows/java.html
public override IEnumerable < KeyValuePair < string , string > > JVMOptions
var dict = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
dict . Add ( "-Xmx128M" , null ) ; // this line adds a complete argument
// dict.Add(property, value); // this line adds an argument like -Dproperty = value
return dict ;
// the following code adds initial packages to the import statement.
public override IEnumerable < string > JVMPackages
var list = new List < string > ( ) ;
list . Add ( "java.lang" ) ; // this line adds java.lang.* like you do with "import java.lang.*" in Java
return list ;
// uncomment and set the following line when you need features of JDK like the use of the compiler
// public override string JDKHome { get { return @"C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_121"; } }
public void Execute ( )
double a = 2 ;
double b = 3 ;
double c = Math . PI / 2 ;
var javaClass = DynJVM . JavaClass . @new ( ) ;
string hello = javaClass . helloWorld ( ) ;
double result = javaClass . add ( a , b ) ;
double sin = javaClass . sin ( c ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "{0} {1} + {2} = {3} and sin({4:0.0000000}) = {5:0.00000000}" , hello , a , b , result , c , sin ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Press Enter to exit" ) ;
Console . ReadLine ( ) ;
这是一个更复杂的应用程序,探索 JCOBridge 执行以下操作的能力: - 使用动态 JVM 包装器在 .NET 环境中执行 java 代码 - 管理共享对象 - 在 Java 虚拟机端注册 CLR 对象 - 使用注册的对象从 JVM 端 - 调用 JVM 注册类上的方法,并将操作反映到 CLR 对象 - 在 JVM 端创建对话框并从 .NET 代码中使用它
该库包含一个类,提供从 JVM 调用的双精度和字符串操作。
具有完整逻辑的 Windows 窗体面板,将用于演示 Java 图形应用程序中的用户界面集成。
具有完整逻辑的 WPF 面板,将用于演示 Java 图形应用程序中的用户界面集成。
这是一个基本示例,我们从 Java 应用程序调用 CSharpClass.cs 中定义的简单类。在 CLRCSharpClassCSharpClass.cs 中我们有一个简单的类
using System ;
namespace MASES . CLRTests
public class CSharpClass
/// <summary>The method <c>HelloWorld</c> return the "Hello World!!" string</summary>
public String HelloWorld ( )
return "Hello World from C#!!" ;
/// <summary>The method <c>Add</c> return the sum of two double</summary>
public double Add ( double a , double b )
return a + b ;
/// <summary>The method <c>Add</c> return the sin of a double</summary>
public double Sin ( double a )
return Math . Sin ( a ) ;
在 /JVM/src/JavaClass.java 中,我们有简单的 Java 应用程序
import java . io . IOException ;
import org . mases . jcobridge .*;
public class CSharpClassUseExample {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
try {
try {
try {
JCOBridge . Initialize ( "" );
} catch ( JCException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ();
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ();
//declare and create JCOBridge instance
JCOBridge bridge ;
bridge = JCOBridge . CreateNew ();
// adds the path where extarnal assemblies where found
bridge . AddPath ( "../CLR/Output/" );
// add REFERENCES to the .dll file
bridge . AddReference ( "CSharpClass" );
// GENERATE Object
JCObject CSharpObject = ( JCObject ) bridge . NewObject ( "MASES.CLRTests.CSharpClass" );
double a = 2 ;
double b = 3 ;
double c = Math . PI / 2 ;
//Invoke the C# class methods
String hello = ( String ) CSharpObject . Invoke ( "HelloWorld" );
double result = ( double ) CSharpObject . Invoke ( "Add" , a , b );
double sin = ( double ) CSharpObject . Invoke ( "Sin" , c );
System . out . println ( String . format ( "%s %.0f + %.0f = %.0f and sin(%.8f) = %.8f" , hello , a , b , result , c , sin ));
} catch ( JCException jce ) {
jce . printStackTrace ();
System . out . println ( "Exiting" );
return ;
Hello World from C#!! 2 + 3 = 5 and sin(3,14159265) = 1,00000000
在这个稍微复杂一点的示例中,我们将两个不同的复杂控件集成到 awt java 用户界面中,这两个控件取自两个 .NET 库。第一个控件是 Windows 窗体,第二个控件是 WPF 对象。 JVMJavasrcAWTWinFormsWPF.java 中的应用程序公开了从控件引用和生成到 .NET 事件侦听器注册再到 .NET 事件回调管理的完整过程。
import java . awt . Frame ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import org . mases . jcobridge .*;
public class AWTWinFormsWPF implements IJCVoidEventEmit {
public static void main ( String args []) {
new AWTWinFormsWPF (). createAndShow ();
int cycle = 0 ;
java . awt . TextArea gTextArea ;
// WPF
JCControl gControlWpfControl = null ;
JCControl gControlFormsControl = null ;
void createAndShow () {
try {
IJCEventLog logger = null ;
try {
try {
JCOBridge . Initialize ( "" );
} catch ( JCException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ();
logger = new JCFileEventLog ( "WinFormsWPF.txt" );
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ();
JCOBridge bridge ;
bridge = JCOBridge . CreateNew ();
bridge . RegisterEventLog ( logger );
// adds the path where extarnal assemblies where found
bridge . AddPath ( "../../CLR/Output/" );
bridge . AddReference ( "WPFTestControl" );
bridge . AddReference ( "WinFormsTestControl" );
gControlWpfControl = bridge . GetControl ( "MASES.CLRTests.WPFTestControl.TestControl" );
gControlFormsControl = bridge . GetControl ( "MASES.CLRTests.WinFormsTestControl.TestControl" );
gControlWpfControl . RegisterEventListener ( "FromComboBox" , this );
gControlWpfControl . RegisterEventListener ( "FromTextBox" , this );
gControlFormsControl . RegisterEventListener ( "FromComboBox" , this );
gControlFormsControl . RegisterEventListener ( "FromTextBox" , this );
Frame dialog = new Frame ();
gTextArea = new java . awt . TextArea ();
gTextArea . setText ( "This is an AWT TextArea" );
java . awt . GridLayout layout = new java . awt . GridLayout ( 2 , 2 );
dialog . setLayout ( layout );
dialog . add ( gControlWpfControl );
dialog . add ( gControlFormsControl );
dialog . add ( gTextArea );
dialog . validate ();
dialog . setTitle ( "WinForms-WPF AWT integration" );
dialog . setVisible ( true );
dialog . setSize ( 200 , 200 );
} catch ( JCException jce ) {
jce . printStackTrace ();
System . console (). readLine ( "Please press enter" );
System . out . println ( "Exiting" );
return ;
@ Override
public void EventRaised ( Object ... args ) {
System . out . println ( "EventRaised" );
if ( args [ 1 ] instanceof JCObject ) {
JCObject obj = ( JCObject ) args [ 1 ];
System . out . println ();
try {
if ( obj != null ) {
gTextArea . setText ( "Text area: event: " + obj . toString () + " Content: " + obj . Get ( "Content" ));
} catch ( JCException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ();
提供从 .NET CLR 调用的双精度和字符串操作的单个类。
import org . mases . jcobridge .*;
import java . awt .*;
public class GlobalVariableTest
public static void createGlobal () throws JCException
Dialog dialog = new Dialog (( Dialog ) null );
JCOBridge . RegisterJVMGlobal ( "SharedDialog" , dialog );
public static void testMyCLRClass ( Integer a , Integer b ) throws JCException
JCObject resultGetCLRObject = ( JCObject ) JCOBridge . GetCLRGlobal ( "MyCLRClass" );
resultGetCLRObject . Invoke ( "Add" , a , b );
createGlobal 方法创建一个全局 awt 对话框并将其注册以便从 CLR 端无缝使用。 testMyCLRClass 展示了如何使用已注册的 CLR 全局对象,在 CLR 示例中,我们从 .NET 端创建此对象,并调用此函数来使用它,并演示热操作以透明的方式在 JVM 和 CLR 之间反映。
在调用编译和执行批处理脚本之前,应安装 Scala 二进制文件。
import java . lang . _
final class ScalaClass ( aString : String , val anInteger : Int ) {
def this () {
this ( "defaultString" , - 1 )
def this ( aBool : Boolean ) {
this ( "defaultString" , - 1 )
val scalaString = "This is a Scala String"
def add ( x : Int , y : Int ): Int = x + y
def stringConcat ( args : Array [ String ]): String =
return args . mkString ( ", " )
在 CLRScalaClassUseExampleProgram.cs 中,我们有一个使用定义的 ScalaClass 的简单应用程序
using CommonTest ;
using MASES . JCOBridge . C2JBridge ;
using MASES . LicenseManager . Common ;
using System ;
using System . IO ;
namespace ScalaClassUseExample
class TestClass : BaseTestClass
public override string GetProjectClassPath ( )
return @"....JVMScalaOutput" ;
return @"......JVMScalaOutput" ;
public override string ClassPath
return new ClassPathBuilder ( GetProjectClassPath ( ) + @"*" , @"C:Program Files (x86)scalalib*.jar" ) . Build ( ) ;
public override void Execute ( )
int a = 10 ;
int b = 15 ;
var scalaClass = DynJVM . ScalaClass . @new ( ) ;
var result = scalaClass . add ( a , b ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "{0} + {1} = {2}" , a , b , result ) ;
string [ ] strings = new string [ ] { "One" , "Two" , "Three" } ;
var concatString = scalaClass . stringConcat ( strings ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "{0} = {1}" , string . Concat ( strings ) , concatString ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Press Enter to exit" ) ;
Console . ReadLine ( ) ;
class Program
static void Main ( string [ ] args )
new TestClass ( ) . Execute ( ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
Console . WriteLine ( e . Message ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( "Press any key." ) ;
Console . ReadKey ( ) ;
在 Scala 中,所有需要的库都应显式添加到基本路径中。
在此示例中,我们通过 JCOBridge 从 Scala 语言调用 .NET 对象。在调用编译和执行批处理脚本之前,应安装 Scala 二进制文件。
import java . util . Iterator
import org . mases . jcobridge . _
object Main extends App {
JCOBridge . Initialize ();
// catch to avoid problem with Trial mode of JCOBridge
case jce : JCException => System . out . println ( jce . getMessage )
val bridge = JCOBridge . CreateNew ()
// adds a new reference to WPF
bridge . AddReference ( "PresentationFramework" )
// get MessageBox type
val msgType = bridge . GetType ( "System.Windows.MessageBox" )
// invoke static method to show a message box on the screen
msgType . Invoke ( "Show" , "Please press enter to continue" )
// get .NET type
val enumType = bridge . GetType ( "System.Environment" )
// invokes static method
val genObj = enumType . Invoke ( "GetLogicalDrives" )
// retrieve the iterator
val iteratorObj = genObj . asInstanceOf [ JCObject ]. iterator
// iterate on all object and print the value
while ( iteratorObj . hasNext ) println ( iteratorObj . next )
// invoke static method to show a message box on the screen
msgType . Invoke ( "Show" , "Please press enter" )
// event callback example
val tObj = bridge . NewObject ( "System.Timers.Timer" ); // create the timer object
val timerObj = tObj . asInstanceOf [ JCObject ];
// register an event handler when the Timer elaps
timerObj . RegisterEventListener ( "Elapsed" , new ScalaJCVoidEventEmit ());
// set Interval property
timerObj . Set ( "Interval" , 1000 ); // set properties
// enable the Timer
timerObj . Set ( "Enabled" , true ); // start timer
// invoke static method to show a message box on the screen
msgType . Invoke ( "Show" , "Please press enter" )
final class ScalaJCVoidEventEmit () extends JCVoidEventEmit {
override def EventRaised ( args : Object *) : Unit =
// scala seems to have a problem to translate var args argument into JVM bytecode. This method is needed to avoid compilation problems
// this method defines exactly the signature expected from the event
def EventRaised ( sender : Object , arg : Object ) : Unit =
println ( "Timer Elapsed" )