llm inference
由 Lightning AI 的 Lit-GPT 提供支持的 LLaMA 和 Falcon 等法学硕士的推理 API
pip install llm-inference
pip install git+https://github.com/aniketmaurya/llm-inference.git@main
# You need to manually install [Lit-GPT](https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lit-gpt) and setup the model weights to use this project.
pip install lit_gpt@git+https://github.com/aniketmaurya/install-lit-gpt.git@install
from llm_inference import LLMInference , prepare_weights
path = prepare_weights ( "EleutherAI/pythia-70m" )
model = LLMInference ( checkpoint_dir = path )
print ( model ( "New York is located in" ))
from llm_chain import LitGPTConversationChain , LitGPTLLM
from llm_inference import prepare_weights
path = str ( prepare_weights ( "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf" ))
llm = LitGPTLLM ( checkpoint_dir = path , quantize = "bnb.nf4" ) # 7GB GPU memory
bot = LitGPTConversationChain . from_llm ( llm = llm , prompt = llama2_prompt_template )
print ( bot . send ( "hi, what is the capital of France?" ))
from llm_inference import prepare_weights
path = prepare_weights ( "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf" )
python examples/chatbot/gradio_demo.py