klein.php是 PHP 5.3+ 的快速灵活的路由器
php composer.phar require klein/klein
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
Hello World - 强制性的 hello world 示例
require_once __DIR__ . ' /vendor/autoload.php ' ;
$ klein = new Klein Klein ();
$ klein -> respond ( ' GET ' , ' /hello-world ' , function () {
return ' Hello World! ' ;
$ klein -> dispatch ();
示例 1 - 响应所有请求
$ klein -> respond ( function () {
return ' All the things ' ;
示例 2 - 命名参数
$ klein -> respond ( ' /[:name] ' , function ( $ request ) {
return ' Hello ' . $ request -> name ;
示例 3 - 如此宁静
$ klein -> respond ( ' GET ' , ' /posts ' , $ callback );
$ klein -> respond ( ' POST ' , ' /posts ' , $ callback );
$ klein -> respond ( ' PUT ' , ' /posts/[i:id] ' , $ callback );
$ klein -> respond ( ' DELETE ' , ' /posts/[i:id] ' , $ callback );
$ klein -> respond ( ' OPTIONS ' , null , $ callback );
// To match multiple request methods:
$ klein -> respond ( array ( ' POST ' , ' GET ' ), $ route , $ callback );
// Or you might want to handle the requests in the same place
$ klein -> respond ( ' /posts/[create|edit:action]?/[i:id]? ' , function ( $ request , $ response ) {
switch ( $ request -> action ) {
示例 4 - 发送对象/文件
$ klein ->respond( function ( $ request , $ response , $ service ) {
$ service -> xml = function ( $ object ) {
// Custom xml output function
$ service -> csv = function ( $ object ) {
// Custom csv output function
$ klein -> respond ( ' /report.[xml|csv|json:format]? ' , function ( $ request , $ response , $ service ) {
// Get the format or fallback to JSON as the default
$ send = $ request -> param ( ' format ' , ' json ' );
$ response -> $ send ( $ report );
$ klein -> respond ( ' /report/latest ' , function ( $ request , $ response , $ service ) {
$ response -> file ( ' /tmp/cached_report.zip ' );
示例 5 - 全部在一起
$ klein -> respond ( function ( $ request , $ response , $ service , $ app ) use ( $ klein ) {
// Handle exceptions => flash the message and redirect to the referrer
$ klein -> onError ( function ( $ klein , $ err_msg ) {
$ klein -> service ()-> flash ( $ err_msg );
$ klein -> service ()-> back ();
// The fourth parameter can be used to share scope and global objects
$ app -> db = new PDO (...);
// $app also can store lazy services, e.g. if you don't want to
// instantiate a database connection on every response
$ app -> register ( ' db ' , function () {
return new PDO (...);
$ klein -> respond ( ' POST ' , ' /users/[i:id]/edit ' , function ( $ request , $ response , $ service , $ app ) {
// Quickly validate input parameters
$ service -> validateParam ( ' username ' , ' Please enter a valid username ' )-> isLen ( 5 , 64 )-> isChars ( ' a-zA-Z0-9- ' );
$ service -> validateParam ( ' password ' )-> notNull ();
$ app -> db -> query (...); // etc.
// Add view properties and helper methods
$ service -> title = ' foo ' ;
$ service -> escape = function ( $ str ) {
return htmlentities ( $ str ); // Assign view helpers
$ service -> render ( ' myview.phtml ' );
// myview.phtml:
<title> <?php echo $ this -> escape ( $ this -> title ) ?> </title>
$ klein -> with ( ' /users ' , function () use ( $ klein ) {
$ klein -> respond ( ' GET ' , ' /? ' , function ( $ request , $ response ) {
// Show all users
$ klein -> respond ( ' GET ' , ' /[:id] ' , function ( $ request , $ response ) {
// Show a single user
foreach ( array ( ' projects ' , ' posts ' ) as $ controller ) {
// Include all routes defined in a file under a given namespace
$ klein -> with ( " / $ controller " , " controllers/ $ controller .php " );
包含的文件在 Klein ( $klein
) 范围内运行,因此可以使用$this
访问所有 Klein 方法/属性
// Routes to "/projects/?"
$ this -> respond ( ' GET ' , ' /? ' , function ( $ request , $ response ) {
// Show all projects
$ klein -> respond ( function ( $ request , $ response , $ service , $ app ) {
$ app -> register ( ' lazyDb ' , function () {
$ db = new stdClass ();
$ db -> name = ' foo ' ;
return $ db ;
$ klein -> respond ( ' GET ' , ' /posts ' , function ( $ request , $ response , $ service , $ app ) {
// $db is initialised on first request
// all subsequent calls will use the same instance
return $ app -> lazyDb -> name ;
要添加自定义验证器,请使用addValidator($method, $callback)
$ service -> addValidator ( ' hex ' , function ( $ str ) {
return preg_match ( ' /^[0-9a-f]++$/i ' , $ str );
$ service -> validateParam ( ' key ' )-> isHex ();
$ service -> validate ( $ username )-> isLen ( 4 , 16 );
$ service -> validateParam ( ' key ' , ' The key was invalid ' )-> isHex ()-> isLen ( 32 );
* // Match all request URIs
[i] // Match an integer
[i:id] // Match an integer as 'id'
[a:action] // Match alphanumeric characters as 'action'
[h:key] // Match hexadecimal characters as 'key'
[:action] // Match anything up to the next / or end of the URI as 'action'
[create|edit:action] // Match either 'create' or 'edit' as 'action'
[*] // Catch all (lazy)
[*:trailing] // Catch all as 'trailing' (lazy)
[**:trailing] // Catch all (possessive - will match the rest of the URI)
.[:format]? // Match an optional parameter 'format' - a / or . before the block is also optional
/posts/[*:title][i:id] // Matches "/posts/this-is-a-title-123"
/output.[xml|json:format]? // Matches "/output", "output.xml", "output.json"
/[:controller]?/[:action]? // Matches the typical /controller/action format
注意- 调用与请求 URI 匹配的所有路由 - 这允许您合并复杂的条件逻辑,例如用户身份验证或视图布局。例如,作为一个基本示例,以下代码将使用页眉和页脚包装其他路由
$ klein -> respond ( ' * ' , function ( $ request , $ response , $ service ) { $ service -> render ( ' header.phtml ' ); });
//other routes
$ klein -> respond ( ' * ' , function ( $ request , $ response , $ service ) { $ service -> render ( ' footer.phtml ' ); });
路由自动匹配整个请求 URI。如果您需要仅匹配请求 URI 的一部分或使用自定义正则表达式,请使用@
// Match all requests that end with '.json' or '.csv'
$ klein ->respond( ' @.(json|csv)$ ' , ...
// Match all requests that _don't_ start with /admin
$ klein ->respond( ' !@^/admin/ ' , ...
$ service -> escape = function ( $ str ) {
return htmlentities ( $ str );
$ service -> render ( ' myview.phtml ' , array ( ' title ' => ' My View ' ));
// Or just: $service->title = 'My View';
< title > < ?php echo $this- > escape($this- > title) ? > </ title >
$ this -> render ( ' partial.html ' ) // Render partials
$ this -> sharedData ()-> get ( ' myvar ' ) // Access stored service variables
echo $ this -> query ( array ( ' page ' => 2 )) // Modify the current query string
下面是您最有可能使用的公共类中的公共方法的列表。有关类/方法文档的更正式来源,请参阅 PHPdoc 生成的文档。
$ request ->
id ( $ hash = true ) // Get a unique ID for the request
paramsGet() // Return the GET parameter collection
paramsPost() // Return the POST parameter collection
paramsNamed() // Return the named parameter collection
cookies() // Return the cookies collection
server() // Return the server collection
headers() // Return the headers collection
files() // Return the files collection
body() // Get the request body
params() // Return all parameters
params ( $ mask = null ) // Return all parameters that match the mask array - extract() friendly
param ( $ key , $ default = null ) // Get a request parameter (get, post, named)
isSecure() // Was the request sent via HTTPS?
ip() // Get the request IP
userAgent() // Get the request user agent
uri() // Get the request URI
pathname() // Get the request pathname
method() // Get the request method
method ( $ method ) // Check if the request method is $method, i.e. method('post') => true
query ( $ key , $ value = null ) // Get, add to, or modify the current query string
<param> // Get / Set (if assigned a value) a request parameter
$ response ->
protocolVersion ( $ protocol_version = null ) // Get the protocol version, or set it to the passed value
body ( $ body = null ) // Get the response body's content, or set it to the passed value
status() // Get the response's status object
headers() // Return the headers collection
cookies() // Return the cookies collection
code ( $ code = null ) // Return the HTTP response code, or set it to the passed value
prepend ( $ content ) // Prepend a string to the response body
append ( $ content ) // Append a string to the response body
isLocked() // Check if the response is locked
requireUnlocked() // Require that a response is unlocked
lock() // Lock the response from further modification
unlock() // Unlock the response
sendHeaders ( $ override = false ) // Send the HTTP response headers
sendCookies ( $ override = false ) // Send the HTTP response cookies
sendBody() // Send the response body's content
send() // Send the response and lock it
isSent() // Check if the response has been sent
chunk ( $ str = null ) // Enable response chunking (see the wiki)
header ( $ key , $ value = null ) // Set a response header
cookie ( $ key , $ value = null , $ expiry = null ) // Set a cookie
cookie ( $ key , null ) // Remove a cookie
noCache() // Tell the browser not to cache the response
redirect ( $ url , $ code = 302 ) // Redirect to the specified URL
dump ( $ obj ) // Dump an object
file ( $ path , $ filename = null ) // Send a file
json ( $ object , $ jsonp_prefix = null ) // Send an object as JSON or JSONP by providing padding prefix
$ service ->
sharedData() // Return the shared data collection
startSession() // Start a session and return its ID
flash( $ msg , $ type = ' info ' , $ params = array() // Set a flash message
flashes ( $ type = null ) // Retrieve and clears all flashes of $type
markdown( $ str , $ args , ...) // Return a string formatted with markdown
escape ( $ str ) // Escape a string
refresh() // Redirect to the current URL
back() // Redirect to the referer
query ( $ key , $ value = null ) // Modify the current query string
query ( $ arr )
layout ( $ layout ) // Set the view layout
yieldView () // Call inside the layout to render the view content
render ( $ view , $ data = array ()) // Render a view or partial (in the scope of $response)
partial ( $ view , $ data = array ()) // Render a partial without a layout (in the scope of $response)
addValidator ( $ method , $ callback ) // Add a custom validator method
validate ( $ string , $ err = null ) // Validate a string (with a custom error message)
validateParam ( $ param , $ err = null ) // Validate a param
<callback>( $ arg1 , ...) // Call a user-defined helper
<property> // Get a user-defined property
$ app ->
< callback >( $ arg1 , ...) //Call a user-defined helper
$ validator ->
notNull() // The string must not be null
isLen ( $ length ) // The string must be the exact length
isLen ( $ min , $ max ) // The string must be between $min and $max length (inclusive)
isInt() // Check for a valid integer
isFloat() // Check for a valid float/decimal
isEmail() // Check for a valid email
isUrl() // Check for a valid URL
isIp() // Check for a valid IP
isAlpha() // Check for a-z (case insensitive)
isAlnum() // Check for alphanumeric characters
contains ( $ needle ) // Check if the string contains $needle
isChars ( $ chars ) // Validate against a character list
isRegex ( $ pattern , $ modifiers = '' ) // Validate against a regular expression
notRegex ( $ pattern , $ modifiers = '' )
is<Validator>() // Validate against a custom validator
not<Validator>() // The validator can't match
<Validator>() // Alias for is<Validator>()
单元测试是开发 Klein 等路由引擎的关键部分。添加的功能或错误修复可能会产生负面影响,如果不进行大量测试就很难发现这些负面影响,因此单元测试非常重要。
该项目使用 PHPUnit 作为其单元测试框架。
要测试项目,只需运行php composer.phar install --dev
即可下载带有 Composer 的 PHPUnit 通用版本,并使用./vendor/bin/phpunit
请参阅 wiki 了解更多信息
版权所有 (c) 2010 克里斯·奥哈拉 [email protected]