连续分析,用于分析 CPU、内存随时间的使用情况,并精确到行号。节省基础设施成本、提高性能并提高可靠性。
eBPF Profiler :单个分析器,使用 eBPF,自动发现整个基础设施中 Kubernetes 或 systemd 的目标,开销非常低。支持 C、C++、Rust、Go 等!
开放标准:既可以使用基于 eBPF 的分析器生成 pprof 格式的配置文件,也可以摄取任何 pprof 格式的配置文件,从而实现广泛的语言采用以及与现有工具的互操作性。
如果您有任何反馈,请在该项目的 GitHub 讨论中打开讨论。我们很想了解您的想法!
请访问 Parca 网站,获取更新且深入的安装指南和文档!
您需要安装 Go、Node 和 Pnpm。
git clone https://github.com/parca-dev/parca.git
cd parca
构建 UI 并编译 Go 二进制文件
make build
现在 Parca 正在本地运行,其 Web UI 可在 http://localhost:7070/ 上使用。
默认情况下,Parca 正在抓取它自己的 pprof 端点,您应该会看到配置文件随着时间的推移而显示。可以在存储库根目录的parca.yaml
Usage: parca [flags]
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
Path to config file.
--mode="all" Scraper only runs a scraper that sends to a
remote gRPC endpoint. All runs all components.
--http-address=":7070" Address to bind HTTP server to.
--http-read-timeout=5s Timeout duration for HTTP server to read
request body.
--http-write-timeout=1m Timeout duration for HTTP server to write
response body.
--port="" (DEPRECATED) Use http-address instead.
--log-level="info" Log level.
--log-format="logfmt" Configure if structured logging as JSON or as
--otlp-address=STRING The endpoint to send OTLP traces to.
--otlp-exporter="grpc" The OTLP exporter to use.
Allowed CORS origins.
--version Show application version.
--path-prefix="" Path prefix for the UI
Fraction of mutex profile samples to collect.
--block-profile-rate=0 Sample rate for block profile.
--enable-persistence Turn on persistent storage for the metastore
and profile storage.
Amount of memory to use for active storage.
Defaults to 512MB.
--storage-path="data" Path to storage directory.
--storage-enable-wal Enables write ahead log for profile storage.
Number of bytes to trigger a snapshot. Defaults
to 1/4 of active memory. This is only used if
enable-wal is set.
Number of rows in each row group during
compaction and persistence. Setting to <= 0
results in a single row group per file.
--storage-index-on-disk Whether to store the index on disk instead
of in memory. Useful to reduce the memory
footprint of the store.
Mode to demangle C++ symbols. Default mode
is simplified: no parameters, no templates,
no return type
Number of tries to attempt to symbolize an
unsybolized location
Path to directory where debuginfo is cached.
Maximum size of debuginfo upload in bytes.
Maximum duration of debuginfo upload.
Whether to use signed URLs for debuginfo
Upstream debuginfod servers. Defaults to
debuginfod.elfutils.org. It is an ordered
list of servers to try. Learn more at
Timeout duration for HTTP request to upstream
debuginfod server. Defaults to 5m
gRPC address to send share profile requests to.
--store-address=STRING gRPC address to send profiles and symbols to.
--bearer-token=STRING Bearer token to authenticate with store.
File to read bearer token from to authenticate
with store.
--insecure Send gRPC requests via plaintext instead of
--insecure-skip-verify Skip TLS certificate verification.
Label(s) to attach to all profiles in
scraper-only mode.
Parca 最初由 Polar Signals 开发。阅读公告博客文章:https://www.polarsignals.com/blog/posts/2021/10/08/introducing-parca-we-got-funded/
查看我们的贡献指南以开始!它解释了如何编译 Parca、如何使用 Tilt 作为 Kubernetes 中的容器来运行它并发送 Pull 请求。
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舒巴姆·帕里瓦拉 | 法比安·赖纳茨 | 卡西克·拉贾 | 相当4工作 | 伯特 |
穆罕默德二世 | 尼基莱什·苏萨拉 | 佛朗哥·桑切斯 | 安德里亚·斯卡皮诺 | 马克西姆·纳博基赫 |
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