用于处理 cookie 的 PHP 库。
PHP 版本:8.1 | 8.2 | 8.3.
安装此扩展的首选方法是通过 Composer。
要安装php cookie库,只需:
composer require josantonius/cookie
composer require josantonius/cookie --prefer-source
您还可以使用 Git克隆完整的存储库:
git clone https://github.com/josantonius/php-cookie.git
设置 cookie 选项:
* Cookie options:
* domain: Domain for which the cookie is available.
* expires: The time the cookie will expire.
* httpOnly: If cookie will only be available through the HTTP protocol.
* path: Path for which the cookie is available.
* raw: If cookie will be sent as a raw string.
* sameSite: Enforces the use of a Lax or Strict SameSite policy.
* secure: If cookie will only be available through the HTTPS protocol.
* These settings will be used to create and delete cookies.
* @throws CookieException if $sameSite value is wrong.
* @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.php for date formats.
* @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php for more information.
public function __construct(
private string $ domain = '' ,
private int | string | DateTime $ expires = 0 ,
private bool $ httpOnly = false ,
private string $ path = ' / ' ,
private bool $ raw = false ,
private null | string $ sameSite = null ,
private bool $ secure = false
按名称设置 cookie:
* @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
* @throws CookieException if failure in date/time string analysis.
public function set(
string $ name ,
mixed $ value ,
null | int | string | DateTime $ expires = null
): void ;
一次设置多个 cookie:
* If cookies exist they are replaced, if they do not exist they are created.
* @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
public function replace(
array $ data ,
null | int | string | DateTime $ expires = null
): void ;
按名称获取 cookie:
* Optionally defines a default value when the cookie does not exist.
public function get( string $ name , mixed $ default = null ): mixed ;
public function all(): array ;
public function has( string $ name ): bool ;
按名称删除 cookie 并返回其值:
* Optionally defines a default value when the cookie does not exist.
* @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
public function pull( string $ name , mixed $ default = null ): mixed ;
按名称删除 cookie:
* @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
* @throws CookieException if failure in date/time string analysis.
public function remove( string $ name ): void ;
设置 cookie 选项:
* Cookie options:
* domain: Domain for which the cookie is available.
* expires: The time the cookie will expire.
* httpOnly: If cookie will only be available through the HTTP protocol.
* path: Path for which the cookie is available.
* raw: If cookie will be sent as a raw string.
* sameSite: Enforces the use of a Lax or Strict SameSite policy.
* secure: If cookie will only be available through the HTTPS protocol.
* These settings will be used to create and delete cookies.
* @throws CookieException if $sameSite value is wrong.
* @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.php for date formats.
* @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php for more information.
public static function options(
string $ domain = '' ,
int | string | DateTime $ expires = 0 ,
bool $ httpOnly = false ,
string $ path = ' / ' ,
bool $ raw = false ,
null | string $ sameSite = null ,
bool $ secure = false
): void ;
按名称设置 cookie:
* @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
* @throws CookieException if failure in date/time string analysis.
public static function set(
string $ name ,
mixed $ value ,
null | int | string | DateTime $ expires = null
): void ;
一次设置多个 cookie:
* If cookies exist they are replaced, if they do not exist they are created.
* @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
public static function replace(
array $ data ,
null | int | string | DateTime $ expires = null
): void ;
按名称获取 cookie:
* Optionally defines a default value when the cookie does not exist.
public static function get( string $ name , mixed $ default = null ): mixed ;
public static function all(): array ;
public static function has( string $ name ): bool ;
按名称删除 cookie 并返回其值:
* Optionally defines a default value when the cookie does not exist.
* @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
public static function pull( string $ name , mixed $ default = null ): mixed ;
按名称删除 cookie:
* @throws CookieException if headers already sent.
* @throws CookieException if failure in date/time string analysis.
public static function remove( string $ name ): void ;
use Josantonius Cookie Exceptions CookieException ;
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie ();
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: options ();
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie (
domain: ' example.com ' ,
expires: time () + 3600 ,
httpOnly: true ,
path: ' /foo ' ,
raw: true ,
sameSite: ' Strict ' ,
secure: true ,
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: options (
expires: ' now +1 hour ' ,
httpOnly: true ,
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie ();
$ cookie -> set ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' );
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: set ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' );
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie ();
$ cookie -> set ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' , time () + 3600 );
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: set ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' , new DateTime ( ' now +1 hour ' ));
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie ();
$ cookie -> replace ([
' foo ' => ' bar ' ,
' bar ' => ' foo '
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: replace ([
' foo ' => ' bar ' ,
' bar ' => ' foo '
], time () + 3600 );
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie ();
$ cookie -> replace ([
' foo ' => ' bar ' ,
' bar ' => ' foo '
], time () + 3600 );
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: replace ([
' foo ' => ' bar ' ,
' bar ' => ' foo '
], time () + 3600 );
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie ();
$ cookie -> get ( ' foo ' ); // null if the cookie does not exist
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: get ( ' foo ' ); // null if the cookie does not exist
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie ();
$ cookie -> get ( ' foo ' , false ); // false if cookie does not exist
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: get ( ' foo ' , false ); // false if cookie does not exist
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie ();
$ cookie -> all ();
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: all ();
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie ();
$ cookie -> has ( ' foo ' );
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: has ( ' foo ' );
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie ();
$ cookie -> pull ( ' foo ' ); // null if attribute does not exist
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: pull ( ' foo ' ); // null if attribute does not exist
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie ();
$ cookie -> pull ( ' foo ' , false ); // false if attribute does not exist
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: pull ( ' foo ' , false ); // false if attribute does not exist
use Josantonius Cookie Cookie ;
$ cookie = new Cookie ();
$ cookie -> remove ( ' foo ' );
use Josantonius Cookie Facades Cookie ;
Cookie:: remove ( ' foo ' );
该库的多个方法中使用的expires参数接受以下类型: int|string|DateTime
将被视为 unix 时间。
$ cookie = new Cookie (
expires: ' 2016-12-15 +1 day '
$ cookie = new Cookie (
expires: new DateTime ( ' 2016-12-15 +1 day ' )
对象将用于获取 unix 时间。
$ cookie = new Cookie (
expires: ' now +1 minute '
$ cookie -> set ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ); // Expires in 1 minute
$ cookie -> set ( ' bar ' , ' foo ' , ' now +8 days ' ); // Expires in 8 days
$ cookie -> replace ([ ' foo ' => ' bar ' ]); // Expires in 1 minute
$ cookie -> replace ([ ' foo ' => ' bar ' ], time () + 3600 ); // Expires in 1 hour
$ cookie = new Cookie (
expires: ' now +1 minute ' , // It will not be formatted as unix time yet
$ cookie -> set ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ); // It is will formatted now and expires in 1 minute
要运行测试,您只需要 Composer 并执行以下命令:
git clone https://github.com/josantonius/php-cookie.git
cd php-cookie
composer install
使用 PHPUnit 运行单元测试:
composer phpunit
使用 PHPCS 运行代码标准测试:
composer phpcs
运行 PHP Mess Detector 测试来检测代码风格中的不一致:
composer phpmd
composer tests
感谢所有贡献者! ❤️
该存储库已根据 MIT 许可证获得许可。
版权所有 © 2016 年至今,Josantonius