php pushwoosh
一个 PHP 库,可使用 Pushwoosh REST Web 服务轻松发送推送通知。
// Create a Pushwoosh client
$ pushwoosh = Pushwoosh:: create ()
-> setApplication ( ' XXXX-XXX ' )
-> setAuth ( ' xxxxxxxx ' );
// Create a request for the '/createMessage' Web Service
$ request = CreateMessageRequest:: create ()
-> addNotification (Notification:: create ()-> setContent ( ' Hello Jean ! ' ));
// Call the REST Web Service
$ response = $ pushwoosh -> createMessage ( $ request );
// Check if its ok
if ( $ response -> isOk ()) {
print ' Great, my message has been sent ! ' ;
} else {
print ' Oups, the sent failed :-( ' ;
print ' Status code : ' . $ response -> getStatusCode ();
print ' Status message : ' . $ response -> getStatusMessage ();
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