minoRityPower是一个 R 包,旨在估计统计功效,以检测医疗保健系统级干预措施对临床试验注册的影响,特别注重加速少数族裔参与者的招募。该软件包专为 ARPA-H 计划应用程序开发,通过混合效应模型和基于引导程序的模拟提供设施级和参与者级分析。
# Install from GitHub
devtools :: install_github( " biostochastics/ minoRityPower " )
# Facility-level power analysis
facility_results <- run_power_facility(
effect_sizes1 = c( 1.25 , 1.50 ), # 25% and 50% increase in enrollment rate
Ns = c( 30 , 45 , 60 ), # Number of facilities per arm
tau2_facility = 0.64 , # Facility-level variance
mean_rate = 11 # Average monthly enrollment rate
# Participant-level power analysis
participant_results <- run_power_participant(
effect_sizes1 = c( 1.25 , 1.50 ), # Main intervention effects
effect_sizes2 = c( 1.75 , 2.00 ), # Minority-specific effects
Ns = c( 30 , 45 , 60 ), # Facilities per arm
minority_rate = 0.3 , # Expected minority enrollment proportion
tau2_trial = 1.19 # Trial-level variance
library( minoRityPower )
# 1. Facility-level analysis
facility_results <- run_power_facility(
effect_sizes1 = c( 1.25 , 1.50 ),
Ns = c( 30 , 45 , 60 ),
tau2_facility = 0.64 ,
R_boot = 1000
# 2. Participant-level analysis
participant_results <- run_power_participant(
effect_sizes1 = c( 1.25 , 1.50 ), # Main effects
effect_sizes2 = c( 1.75 , 2.00 ), # Minority interaction effects
Ns = c( 30 , 45 , 60 ),
minority_rate = 0.3 ,
R_boot = 1000
# 3. View results
print( facility_results $ power_table )
print( participant_results $ power_table )
# 4. Display plots
print( facility_results $ power_plot )
print( participant_results $ power_plot )
@software { your_citation_2024 ,
author = { Sergey Kornilov } ,
title = { minoRityPower : Power Analysis for Healthcare System Interventions in Clinical Trial Enrollment } ,
year = { 2024 } ,
publisher = { GitHub } ,
version = { 0.1.1 } ,
url = { https://github.com/biostochastics/minoRityPower }
该项目根据 MIT 许可证获得许可 - 有关详细信息,请参阅许可证文件。
欢迎贡献!请通过 GitHub 提交问题和拉取请求。
这项工作的开发是为了支持对 ARPA-H 计划应用的医疗保健系统级干预措施的评估,重点是加快少数族裔参与者的临床试验注册。