注意: Saleae Logic 版本 2 破坏了内置 SPI 分析器导出功能,这意味着 sniffROM 目前仅适用于从 Logic 版本 1.x 导出的数据
截至 2023 年 12 月 6 日,尚不清楚此问题何时会得到解决。
用于串行闪存芯片的被动数据捕获和侦察的工具。它与 Saleae 逻辑分析仪一起使用来重建闪存内容并提取有关设备操作的上下文信息。
请参阅 Wiki 获取文档
usage: [-h] [--addrlen [{2,3,4}]] [--endian [{msb,lsb}]]
[--filter [{r,w}]] [-o [O]] [--summary] [--data-map]
[--timing-plot] [-v]
sniffROM - Reconstructs flash memory contents and extracts other data from
passively sniffed commands in a Saleae logic analyzer capture file. Currently
supports SPI and I2C flash chips.
positional arguments:
input_file Saleae Logic SPI or I2C Analyzer Export File (.csv)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--addrlen [{2,3,4}] set length of SPI memory address in bytes (default: 3)
--endian [{msb,lsb}] set endianness of SPI memory bytes (default: msb)
--filter [{r,w}] analyze only Read or Write commands (default: both)
-o [O] flash image output file name (default: output.bin)
--summary print summary of sniffed commands and metadata
--data-map show visual data map
--timing-plot show timing analysis
-v increase verbosity (up to -vvv)