一个轻量级库,允许您通过 TCP 或 UDP 发送和接收对象。 ObjectTranport 的目标是成为一个尽可能简单、轻量级的网络框架。
有多种序列化选项可用,例如 Protobuf。序列化是可注入的,您可以实现自己的序列化。
ObjectTransport 根据您的需求分为单独的包,并可在 nuget 上使用。请参阅安装说明了解更多详细信息:https://github.com/RhynoVDS/ObjectTransport/wiki/Installation
您可以使用以下代码启动 TCP 服务器:
var server = ObjectTransport . Factory . CreateTCPServer ( )
. UseJSONserialization ( ) ;
. Build ( ) ;
//Start the TCP server on port 123
server . Start ( "" , 123 ) ;
var server = ObjectTransport . Factory . CreateUDPServer ( )
. UseJSONserialization ( ) ;
. Build ( ) ;
//Start the UDP server on port 123
server . Start ( "" , 123 ) ;
public class LoginModel
public string Username { get ; set ; }
server . Receive < LoginModel > ( lm =>
Console . WriteLine ( lm . Username ) ;
} )
. Execute ( ) ;
在上面的代码中,我们指定当服务器接收到“LoginModel”类型的对象时,执行给定的 lambda。然后我们将用户名写入控制台。
server . Receive < LoginModel > ( lm => .. . ) . Execute ( ) ;
server . Receive < LogOutModel > ( lm => .. . ) . Execute ( ) ;
server . Receive < PlayerPosition > ( lm => .. . ) . Execute ( ) ;
.. .
您可以使用以下代码启动 TCP 客户端:
var client = ObjectTransport . Factory . CreateTCPClient ( )
. UseJSONserialization ( ) ;
. Build ( ) ;
//Start the client and connect to the target IP address and port
client . Start ( "" , 123 ) ;
var loginRequest = new LoginModel ( )
loginRequest . Username = "TestUser" ;
client . Send ( loginRequest ) . Execute ( ) ;
public class LoginModel
public string Username { get ; set ; }
public string Password { get ; set ; }
public class LoginSuccess
public string Name { get ; set ; }
public string Password { get ; set ; }
public class LoginFailure
public string Message { get ; set ; }
var transport = ObjectTransport . Factory . CreateTCPClient ( "" , 123 ) ;
var loginRequest = new LoginModel ( ) ;
loginRequest . Username = "TestUser" ;
loginRequest . Password = "A password" ;
transport . Send ( loginRequest )
. Response < LoginSuccess > ( ls => {
Console . WriteLine ( "Welcome Back {0}" , ls . Name ) ;
} )
. Response < LoginFailure > ( lr => {
Console . WriteLine ( lr . Message )
} )
. Execute ( ) ;
在上面的示例中,我们设置了 2 个响应句柄,一个用于处理“LoginSuccess”,另一个用于处理“LoginFailure”。
server . Receive < LoginModel > ( )
. Reply ( lr => {
string user = string . empty ;
//Check if login is valid
if ( utilities . Login ( lr , out user ) )
//Return an object back to the client
var response = new LoginSuccess ( ) ;
response . Message = "Login Successful" ;
response . Name = user ;
return response ;
//Return an object back to the client
var response = new LoginFailure ( ) ;
response . Message = "Login Failed" ;
return response ;
} )
. Execute ( ) ;
server . Send ( anObjectToSend )
. To ( client1 , client2 , .. . ClientN )
. Execute ( ) ;
//Send to all clients
server . Send ( anObjectToSend )
. ToAll ( )
. Execute ( ) ;
//Note that you don't actually need to specify ToAll anymore. By default the API will send to all
//Send to all clients except client 3
server . Send ( anObjectToSend )
. ToAllExcept ( client3 ) //Can exclude more eg: .ToAllExcept(client3,client2, ... clientN)
. Execute ( ) ;
//Setup onconnect handler
transport . OnClientConnect ( c => Console . WriteLine ( "A client has connected with ip {0}" , c . IPAddress ) ) ;
//Setup onDisconnect handler
transport . OnClientDisconnect ( c => Console . WriteLine ( "A client has disconnected with ip {0}" , c . IPAddress ) ) ;
通过 UDP 发送对象时,消息的发送不可靠。您可以通过以下方式可靠地打开 UDP:
client . SetReliable ( ) ;
client . Send ( anObjectToSend )
. Reliable ( ) ;
. Execute ( ) ;
要断开一个或多个客户端与服务器的连接,可以使用 DisconnectClient 函数:
server . DisconnectClient ( client1 , client2 , .. . clientN ) ;