Version 1.8.1
Colfer 是一种针对速度和大小进行优化的二进制序列化格式。
这是发布到公共领域的免费且不受阻碍的软件。该格式的灵感来自于 Proto col Buf fer s。
下载预构建的编译器或运行go get -u
自己制作一个。 Homebrew 用户还可以brew install colfer
colf — compile Colfer schemas
colf [-h]
colf [-vf] [-b directory] [-p package]
[-s expression] [-l expression] C [file ...]
colf [-vf] [-b directory] [-p package] [-t files]
[-s expression] [-l expression] Go [file ...]
colf [-vf] [-b directory] [-p package] [-t files]
[-x class] [-i interfaces] [-c file]
[-s expression] [-l expression] Java [file ...]
colf [-vf] [-b directory] [-p package]
[-s expression] [-l expression] JavaScript [file ...]
The output is source code for either C, Go, Java or JavaScript.
For each operand that names a file of a type other than
directory, colf reads the content as schema input. For each
named directory, colf reads all files with a .colf extension
within that directory. If no operands are given, the contents of
the current directory are used.
A package definition may be spread over several schema files.
The directory hierarchy of the input is not relevant to the
generated code.
-b directory
Use a base directory for the generated code. (default ".")
-c file
Insert a code snippet from a file.
-f Normalize the format of all schema input on the fly.
-h Prints the manual to standard error.
-i interfaces
Make all generated classes implement one or more interfaces.
Use commas as a list separator.
-l expression
Set the default upper limit for the number of elements in a
list. The expression is applied to the target language under
the name ColferListMax. (default "64 * 1024")
-p package
Compile to a package prefix.
-s expression
Set the default upper limit for serial byte sizes. The
expression is applied to the target language under the name
ColferSizeMax. (default "16 * 1024 * 1024")
-t files
Supply custom tags with one or more files. Use commas as a list
separator. See the TAGS section for details.
-v Enable verbose reporting to standard error.
-x class
Make all generated classes extend a super class.
Tags, a.k.a. annotations, are source code additions for structs
and/or fields. Input for the compiler can be specified with the
-t option. The data format is line-oriented.
<line> :≡ <qual> <space> <code> ;
<qual> :≡ <package> '.' <dest> ;
<dest> :≡ <struct> | <struct> '.' <field> ;
Lines starting with a '#' are ignored (as comments). Java output
can take multiple tag lines for the same struct or field. Each
code line is applied in order of appearance.
The command exits 0 on success, 1 on error and 2 when invoked
without arguments.
Compile ./io.colf with compact limits as C:
colf -b src -s 2048 -l 96 C io.colf
Compile ./*.colf with a common parent as Java:
colf -p com.example.model -x Java
Report bugs at <>.
Text validation is not part of the marshalling and unmarshalling
process. C and Go just pass any malformed UTF-8 characters. Java
and JavaScript replace unmappable content with the '?' character
(ASCII 63).
protoc(1), flatc(1)
建议将生成的源代码提交到相应的版本控制中,以保持构建一致性并最大限度地减少编译器安装的需要。或者,您可以使用 Maven 插件。
< plugin >
< groupId >net.quies.colfer</ groupId >
< artifactId >colfer-maven-plugin</ artifactId >
< version >1.11.2</ version >
< configuration >
< packagePrefix >com/example</ packagePrefix >
</ configuration >
</ plugin >
// Package demo offers a demonstration.
// These comment lines will end up in the generated code.
package demo
// Course is the grounds where the game of golf is played.
type course struct {
ID uint64
name text
holes []hole
image binary
tags []text
type hole struct {
// Lat is the latitude of the cup.
lat float64
// Lon is the longitude of the cup.
lon float64
// Par is the difficulty index.
par uint8
// Water marks the presence of water.
water bool
// Sand marks the presence of sand.
sand bool
查看生成的 C、Go、Java 或 JavaScript 代码是什么样子的。
下表显示了 Colfer 数据类型如何应用于每种语言。
科尔弗 | C | 去 | 爪哇 | JavaScript |
布尔值 | 字符 | 布尔值 | 布尔值 | 布尔值 |
uint8 | uint8_t | uint8 | 字节 † | 数字 |
uint16 | uint16_t | uint16 | 短的 † | 数字 |
uint32 | uint32_t | uint32 | 整数 † | 数字 |
uint64 | uint64_t | uint64 | 长的 † | 数字 ‡ |
整型32 | int32_t | 整型32 | 整数 | 数字 |
整型64 | int64_t | 整型64 | 长的 | 数字 ‡ |
浮动32 | 漂浮 | 浮动32 | 漂浮 | 数字 |
浮动64 | 双倍的 | 浮动64 | 双倍的 | 数字 |
时间戳 | 时间规范 | 时间.时间 †† | 时间.即时 | 日期+数字 |
文本 | 常量 char* + size_t | 细绳 | 细绳 | 细绳 |
二进制 | uint8_t* + size_t | []字节 | 字节[] | Uint8Array |
列表 | * + 尺寸_t | 片 | 大批 | 大批 |
Colfer 适用于不受信任的数据源,例如网络 I/O 或批量流。编组和解组带有内置的大小保护,以确保可预测的内存消耗。该格式旨在防止内存炸弹。
名称更改不会影响序列化格式。应重命名已弃用的字段,以明确阻止其使用。为了向后兼容,必须将新字段添加到 colfer 结构的末尾。因此,字段的数量可以被视为模式版本。
Colfer 的目标是在不影响可靠性的情况下成为最快、最小的格式。请参阅基准 wiki 进行比较。次优性能被视为错误。