最流行的 JavaScript / TypeScript Google Sheets API 包装器
文档网站 -完整文档位于 https://theoephraim.github.io/node-google-spreadsheet
pnpm i google-spreadsheet
(或npm i google-spreadsheet --save
或yarn add google-spreadsheet
重要提示- 为了使示例简洁,我在顶层调用 wait ,这在某些旧版本的节点中是不允许的。如果您需要在根级别的脚本中调用await并且您的环境不支持它,则必须将其包装在异步函数中,如下所示:
( async function ( ) {
await someAsyncFunction ( ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
import { GoogleSpreadsheet } from 'google-spreadsheet' ;
import { JWT } from 'google-auth-library' ;
// Initialize auth - see https://theoephraim.github.io/node-google-spreadsheet/#/guides/authentication
const serviceAccountAuth = new JWT ( {
// env var values here are copied from service account credentials generated by google
// see "Authentication" section in docs for more info
email : process . env . GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL ,
key : process . env . GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY ,
scopes : [ 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets' ] ,
} ) ;
const doc = new GoogleSpreadsheet ( '<the sheet ID from the url>' , serviceAccountAuth ) ;
await doc . loadInfo ( ) ; // loads document properties and worksheets
console . log ( doc . title ) ;
await doc . updateProperties ( { title : 'renamed doc' } ) ;
const sheet = doc . sheetsByIndex [ 0 ] ; // or use `doc.sheetsById[id]` or `doc.sheetsByTitle[title]`
console . log ( sheet . title ) ;
console . log ( sheet . rowCount ) ;
// adding / removing sheets
const newSheet = await doc . addSheet ( { title : 'another sheet' } ) ;
await newSheet . delete ( ) ;
// if creating a new sheet, you can set the header row
const sheet = await doc . addSheet ( { headerValues : [ 'name' , 'email' ] } ) ;
// append rows
const larryRow = await sheet . addRow ( { name : 'Larry Page' , email : '[email protected]' } ) ;
const moreRows = await sheet . addRows ( [
{ name : 'Sergey Brin' , email : '[email protected]' } ,
{ name : 'Eric Schmidt' , email : '[email protected]' } ,
] ) ;
// read rows
const rows = await sheet . getRows ( ) ; // can pass in { limit, offset }
// read/write row values
console . log ( rows [ 0 ] . get ( 'name' ) ) ; // 'Larry Page'
rows [ 1 ] . set ( 'email' , '[email protected]' ) ; // update a value
rows [ 2 ] . assign ( { name : 'Sundar Pichai' , email : '[email protected]' } ) ; // set multiple values
await rows [ 2 ] . save ( ) ; // save updates on a row
await rows [ 2 ] . delete ( ) ; // delete a row
Row 方法支持数据形状的显式 TypeScript 类型
type UsersRowData = {
name : string ;
email : string ;
type ?: 'admin' | 'user' ;
} ;
const userRows = await sheet . getRows < UsersRowData > ( ) ;
userRows [ 0 ] . get ( 'name' ) ; // <- TS is happy, knows it will be a string
userRows [ 0 ] . get ( 'badColumn' ) ; // <- will throw a type error
await sheet . loadCells ( 'A1:E10' ) ; // loads range of cells into local cache - DOES NOT RETURN THE CELLS
console . log ( sheet . cellStats ) ; // total cells, loaded, how many non-empty
const a1 = sheet . getCell ( 0 , 0 ) ; // access cells using a zero-based index
const c6 = sheet . getCellByA1 ( 'C6' ) ; // or A1 style notation
// access everything about the cell
console . log ( a1 . value ) ;
console . log ( a1 . formula ) ;
console . log ( a1 . formattedValue ) ;
// update the cell contents and formatting
a1 . value = 123.456 ;
c6 . formula = '=A1' ;
a1 . textFormat = { bold : true } ;
c6 . note = 'This is a note!' ;
await sheet . saveUpdatedCells ( ) ; // save all updates in one call
const auth = new JWT ( {
email : process . env . GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL ,
key : process . env . GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY ,
scopes : [
'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets' ,
// note that sharing-related calls require the google drive scope
'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file' ,
] ,
} ) ;
// create a new doc
const newDoc = await GoogleSpreadsheet . createNewSpreadsheetDocument ( auth , { title : 'new fancy doc' } ) ;
// share with specific users, domains, or make public
await newDoc . share ( '[email protected]' ) ;
await newDoc . share ( 'mycorp.com' ) ;
await newDoc . setPublicAccessLevel ( 'reader' ) ;
// delete doc
await newDoc . delete ( ) ;
该模块提供了一个围绕 Google API 的直观包装器,以简化常见交互
虽然 Google 的 v4 Sheets API 比 v3 更容易使用,但官方的 googleapis npm 模块是一个巨大的自动生成元工具,可以处理所有 Google 产品。该模块和 API 本身很尴尬,而且文档也非常糟糕,至少在开始时是这样。
该模块对界面的简单性进行了权衡。 Google 的 API 提供了一种并行发出多个请求的机制,因此如果速度和效率对您的用例极其重要,您可能希望直接使用他们的 API。他们的 API 还有许多较少使用的功能尚未在这里实现。
该模块由 Theo Ephraim 编写并积极维护。
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