WSL(Windows 10 FCU 或更高版本)上的 ArchLinux,基于 wsldl。
日本语 | 简体中文 | 繁体中文 |西班牙语 |葡萄牙语 | 한국어 |德语 |法语
※如果您使用 WSL1,则必须在第一次运行实例时更换 GLIBC 包,请参阅文档
此外,EXE 文件的名称用作 WSL 实例的名称。这意味着,如果您复制多个 EXE 文件并将它们重命名为不同的名称,您可以同时拥有多个不同的 ArchWSL,而不会发生冲突。
这不是必需的,但如果您想使用 pacman,则需要这样做。请参阅文档。
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install archwsl
Usage :
<no args>
- Open a new shell with your default settings.
run <command line>
- Run the given command line in that instance. Inherit current directory.
runp <command line (includes windows path)>
- Run the given command line in that instance after converting its path.
config [setting [value]]
- `--default-user <user>`: Set the default user of this instance to <user>.
- `--default-uid <uid>`: Set the default user uid of this instance to <uid>.
- `--append-path <true|false>`: Switch of Append Windows PATH to $PATH
- `--mount-drive <true|false>`: Switch of Mount drives
- `--wsl-version <1|2>`: Set the WSL version of this instance to <1 or 2>
- `--default-term <default|wt|flute>`: Set default type of terminal window.
get [setting]
- `--default-uid`: Get the default user uid in this instance.
- `--append-path`: Get true/false status of Append Windows PATH to $PATH.
- `--mount-drive`: Get true/false status of Mount drives.
- `--wsl-version`: Get the version os the WSL (1/2) of this instance.
- `--default-term`: Get Default Terminal type of this instance launcher.
- `--lxguid`: Get WSL GUID key for this instance.
backup [contents]
- `--tar`: Output backup.tar to the current directory.
- `--tgz`: Output backup.tar.gz to the current directory.
- `--vhdx`: Output backup.ext4.vhdx to the current directory. (WSL2 only)
- `--vhdxgz`: Output backup.ext4.vhdx.gz to the current directory. (WSL2 only)
- `--reg`: Output settings registry file to the current directory.
- Uninstall that instance.
- Print this usage message.