page loader
Javascript 库使用 ajax 加载页面并替换当前页面中的内容。它改变了标题、url、css 和 javascript。您可以使用此库来提高页面加载速度并创建漂亮的页面过渡。它具有以下特点:
其他具有类似用途的库有 barba.js、turbolinks 或高速公路。页面加载器的主要目标是变得更轻量、更少神奇,以便更加灵活和可定制。
npm install @oom/page-loader
让我们从以下 html 代码开始:
<!DOCTYPE html >
< html >
< head >
< meta charset =" utf-8 " >
< title > Page title </ title >
< link rel =" stylesheet " href =" styles.css " >
< script src =" scripts.js " > </ script >
</ head >
< body >
< nav class =" menu " >
< a href =" section1.html " > Section 1 </ a >
< a href =" section2.html " > Section 2 </ a >
< a href =" section3.html " > Section 3 </ a >
</ nav >
< main class =" content " >
< h1 > This is the first section </ h1 >
< p > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. </ p >
</ main >
</ body >
</ html >
使用 javascript 获得完整的体验:
import Navigator from "./vendors/@oom/page-loader/src/navigator.js" ;
const nav = new Navigator ( async ( load , event ) => {
//Load the page
const page = await load ( ) ;
await page . replaceStyles ( ) ; //Load the new css styles defined in <head> not present currently
await page . replaceScripts ( ) ; //Load the new js files defined in <head> not present currently
await page . replaceContent ( "main" ) ; //Replace the <main> element
await page . updateState ( ) ; //Update the page status (change url, title etc)
await page . resetScroll ( ) ; //Reset the scroll position
} ) ;
//Init the navigation, capturing all clicks in links and form submits
nav . init ( ) ;
//Optionally, you can filter links and forms to disable this behaviour
nav . addFilter ( ( el ) => ! el . classList . contains ( "no-loader" ) ) ;
//For example, to disable forms:
nav . addFilter ( ( el ) => el . tagName !== "FORM" ) ;
//Subscribe to events
nav . on ( "error" , ( err ) => console . error ( err ) ) ;
//You can go manually to other url when you want
nav . go ( "https//" ) ;
//Or submit a form via ajax
const form = document . getElementById ( "my-form" ) ;
nav . submit ( form ) ;
//And handle downloads (links with download attribute)
nav . download ( async ( download , event , link ) => {
link . classList . add ( "downloading" ) ;
await download ( ) ;
link . classList . remove ( "downloading" ) ;
} ) ;
const nav = new Navigator ( async ( load , event , target , submitter ) => {
//By clicking a link, the target is the A element
//By submitting a form, the target is the form but you can get the submitter element (the button being pressed)
const trigger = submitter || target ;
trigger . classList . add ( "loading" ) ;
const page = await load ( ) ;
//Replace an element in the document with the same element in the page
await page . replaceContent ( "#content" ) ;
//Append the children of the loaded page to the same element in the document
await page . appendContent ( "#content" ) ;
//Remove content from the document
await page . removeContent ( "#content > .unwanted" ) ;
//Change the css styles used in the new page (<link rel="stylesheet"> in <head>).
await page . replaceStyles ( ) ;
//Change the js styles used in the new page (<script src="..."> in <head>).
await page . replaceScripts ( ) ;
//Performs a document.querySelector in the page. Throws an exception on empty result
await page . querySelector ( "p" ) ;
//Performs a document.querySelectorAll in the page. Throws an exception on empty result
await page . querySelectorAll ( "p" ) ;
//Runs a history.pushState changing the url and title.
await page . updateState ( ) ;
//Reset the page scroll to top (or to the #target element)
await page . resetScroll ( ) ;
page . dom ; //HTMLDocument with the content of the page
page . url ; //The url of the loaded page
page . status ; //The http status code of the ajax response
trigger . classList . remove ( "loading" ) ;
} ) ;