这是将 WordPress 导出迁移到 Hugo 的最佳迁移器。它处理了我在尝试将我的个人网站迁移到基于 Hugo 的网站时遇到的几个奇怪的边缘情况。
虽然这主要针对基于 Hugo 的代码生成,但可以使用它将 WordPress 博客转换为基于 Markdown 的文件,这些文件可以与其他系统(例如 Mkdocs 或 Jekyll)一起使用。
工具Tools -> Export
导出您的 WordPress 网站wordpress-export.xml
使用$ wp2hugo --source wordpress-export.xml --download-media
生成网站$ wp2hugo
Usage of wp2hugo:
-authors string
CSV list of author name(s), if provided, only posts by these authors will be processed
enable colored log output, set false to structured JSON log (default true)
continue processing even if one or more media downloads fail
download media files embedded in the WordPress content
-font string
custom font for the output website (default " Lexend " )
-media-cache-dir string
dir path to cache the downloaded media files (default " /tmp/wp2hugo-cache " )
-output string
dir path to write the Hugo-generated data to (default " /tmp " )
-source string
file path to the source WordPress XML file
$ git clone [email protected]:ashishb/wp2hugo.git
$ cd wp2hugo/src/wp2hugo
$ make build_prod
# `./bin/wp2hugo` will contain the binary and you can use it as `$ ./bin/wp2hugo --source wordpress-export.xml --download-media`
映射到 Hugo 的 RSS feed.xml
迁移 Google 地图嵌入wp-content/uploads
图像迁移到 Hugo 静态文件,同时维护相对 URL 现有工具在迁移内容方面做得并不成熟。他们很少正确迁移 GUID、YouTube 嵌入、Google 地图嵌入和代码嵌入等元数据。
。我使用此工具根据标题自动生成 URL,并了解哪些博客文章仍标记为草稿或哪些博客文章计划很快发布。
src/wp2hugo $ make build_hugo_manager
src/wp2hugo $ ./bin/hugomanager
A tool for managing Hugo sites e.g. adding URL suggestions, generating site status summary etc.
hugomanager [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
sitesummary Print site stats (e.g. number of posts, number of drafts etc.)
urlsuggest Suggests URLs for all the pending/future posts that are missing a URL
version Print the version number of HugoManager
-a, --author string author name for copyright attribution (default " YOUR NAME " )
--config string config file (default is $HOME /.cobra.yaml)
-h, --help help for hugomanager
-l, --license string name of license for the project
--viper use Viper for configuration (default true)
Use " hugomanager [command] --help " for more information about a command.