panda gym
基于 PyBullet 物理引擎和体育馆的机器人环境集。
pip install panda-gym
git clone
pip install -e panda-gym
import gymnasium as gym
import panda_gym
env = gym . make ( 'PandaReach-v3' , render_mode = "human" )
observation , info = env . reset ()
for _ in range ( 1000 ):
action = env . action_space . sample () # random action
observation , reward , terminated , truncated , info = env . step ( action )
if terminated or truncated :
observation , info = env . reset ()
env . close ()
PandaReach-v3 | PandaPush-v3 |
PandaSlide-v3 | PandaPickAndPlace-v3 |
PandaStack-v3 | PandaFlip-v3 |
基线结果可在 rl-baselines3-zoo 中找到,预训练的代理可在 Hugging Face Hub 中找到。
@article { gallouedec2021pandagym ,
title = { {panda-gym: Open-Source Goal-Conditioned Environments for Robotic Learning} } ,
author = { Gallou{'e}dec, Quentin and Cazin, Nicolas and Dellandr{'e}a, Emmanuel and Chen, Liming } ,
year = 2021 ,
journal = { 4th Robot Learning Workshop: Self-Supervised and Lifelong Learning at NeurIPS } ,
环境广泛受到 OpenAI Fetch 环境的启发。