naturalspeech2 pytorch
在 Pytorch 中实现自然语音 2、零样本语音和歌唱合成器
NaturalSpeech 2 是一个 TTS 系统,它利用具有连续潜在向量的神经音频编解码器和具有非自回归生成的潜在扩散模型来实现自然和零样本的文本到语音合成
该存储库将使用去噪扩散而不是基于分数的 SDE,并且也可能提供阐明的版本。它还将在适用的情况下对注意力/变压器组件进行改进。
稳定性和? Huggingface 慷慨赞助尖端人工智能研究并开源
感谢 Manmay 提交了音素、音调、持续时间和语音提示编码器以及多语言音素生成器和音素对齐器的初始代码!
Manmay 连接扩散网络的完整端到端调节!
你?如果您是一名有抱负的 ML / AI 工程师或在 TTS 领域工作,并希望为最先进的开源做出贡献,请立即加入!
$ pip install naturalspeech2-pytorch
import torch
from naturalspeech2_pytorch import (
EncodecWrapper ,
Model ,
# use encodec as an example
codec = EncodecWrapper ()
model = Model (
dim = 128 ,
depth = 6
# natural speech diffusion model
diffusion = NaturalSpeech2 (
model = model ,
codec = codec ,
timesteps = 1000
). cuda ()
# mock raw audio data
raw_audio = torch . randn ( 4 , 327680 ). cuda ()
loss = diffusion ( raw_audio )
loss . backward ()
# do the above in a loop for a lot of raw audio data...
# then you can sample from your generative model as so
generated_audio = diffusion . sample ( length = 1024 ) # (1, 327680)
import torch
from naturalspeech2_pytorch import (
EncodecWrapper ,
Model ,
NaturalSpeech2 ,
# use encodec as an example
codec = EncodecWrapper ()
model = Model (
dim = 128 ,
depth = 6 ,
dim_prompt = 512 ,
cond_drop_prob = 0.25 , # dropout prompt conditioning with this probability, for classifier free guidance
condition_on_prompt = True
# natural speech diffusion model
diffusion = NaturalSpeech2 (
model = model ,
codec = codec ,
timesteps = 1000
# mock raw audio data
raw_audio = torch . randn ( 4 , 327680 )
prompt = torch . randn ( 4 , 32768 ) # they randomly excised a range on the audio for the prompt during training, eventually will take care of this auto-magically
text = torch . randint ( 0 , 100 , ( 4 , 100 ))
text_lens = torch . tensor ([ 100 , 50 , 80 , 100 ])
# forwards and backwards
loss = diffusion (
audio = raw_audio ,
text = text ,
text_lens = text_lens ,
prompt = prompt
loss . backward ()
# after much training
generated_audio = diffusion . sample (
length = 1024 ,
text = text ,
prompt = prompt
) # (1, 327680)
from naturalspeech2_pytorch import Trainer
trainer = Trainer (
diffusion_model = diffusion , # diffusion model + codec from above
folder = '/path/to/speech' ,
train_batch_size = 16 ,
gradient_accumulate_every = 2 ,
trainer . train ()
完成感知者,然后在 ddpm 方面进行交叉注意调节
训练期间完整的持续时间/音高预测 - 感谢 Manmay
确保 pyworld 计算音高的方式也可以工作
向 TTS 领域的博士生咨询 pyworld 的用法
还可以使用 Spear-TTS 文本到语义模块(如果可用)提供直接求和调节
确保 curtail_from_left 适用于编码器,弄清楚他们在做什么
@inproceedings { Shen2023NaturalSpeech2L ,
title = { NaturalSpeech 2: Latent Diffusion Models are Natural and Zero-Shot Speech and Singing Synthesizers } ,
author = { Kai Shen and Zeqian Ju and Xu Tan and Yanqing Liu and Yichong Leng and Lei He and Tao Qin and Sheng Zhao and Jiang Bian } ,
year = { 2023 }
@misc { shazeer2020glu ,
title = { GLU Variants Improve Transformer } ,
author = { Noam Shazeer } ,
year = { 2020 } ,
url = { }
@inproceedings { dao2022flashattention ,
title = { Flash{A}ttention: Fast and Memory-Efficient Exact Attention with {IO}-Awareness } ,
author = { Dao, Tri and Fu, Daniel Y. and Ermon, Stefano and Rudra, Atri and R{'e}, Christopher } ,
booktitle = { Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems } ,
year = { 2022 }
@article { Salimans2022ProgressiveDF ,
title = { Progressive Distillation for Fast Sampling of Diffusion Models } ,
author = { Tim Salimans and Jonathan Ho } ,
journal = { ArXiv } ,
year = { 2022 } ,
volume = { abs/2202.00512 }
@inproceedings { Hang2023EfficientDT ,
title = { Efficient Diffusion Training via Min-SNR Weighting Strategy } ,
author = { Tiankai Hang and Shuyang Gu and Chen Li and Jianmin Bao and Dong Chen and Han Hu and Xin Geng and Baining Guo } ,
year = { 2023 }
@article { Alayrac2022FlamingoAV ,
title = { Flamingo: a Visual Language Model for Few-Shot Learning } ,
author = { Jean-Baptiste Alayrac and Jeff Donahue and Pauline Luc and Antoine Miech and Iain Barr and Yana Hasson and Karel Lenc and Arthur Mensch and Katie Millican and Malcolm Reynolds and Roman Ring and Eliza Rutherford and Serkan Cabi and Tengda Han and Zhitao Gong and Sina Samangooei and Marianne Monteiro and Jacob Menick and Sebastian Borgeaud and Andy Brock and Aida Nematzadeh and Sahand Sharifzadeh and Mikolaj Binkowski and Ricardo Barreira and Oriol Vinyals and Andrew Zisserman and Karen Simonyan } ,
journal = { ArXiv } ,
year = { 2022 } ,
volume = { abs/2204.14198 }
@article { Badlani2021OneTA ,
title = { One TTS Alignment to Rule Them All } ,
author = { Rohan Badlani and Adrian Lancucki and Kevin J. Shih and Rafael Valle and Wei Ping and Bryan Catanzaro } ,
journal = { ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) } ,
year = { 2021 } ,
pages = { 6092-6096 } ,
url = { }