cordova plugin wechat
由于iOS 13系统版本安全升级,微信官方SDK从1.8.6开始适配,支持*通用链接*模式跳转,以及分享时的有效性检查。
从我们的插件3.0.0版本开始,我们更改为最新的微信SDK。使用之前需要配置Universal Links服务,安装插件时注意传递universallink
文档 · 教程 · FAQ · DEMO
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wechat --variable wechatappid=YOUR_WECHAT_APPID --variable universallink=YOUR_UNIVERSAL_LINK
cordova build ios
cordova build android
Wechat . isInstalled ( function ( installed ) {
alert ( "Wechat installed: " + ( installed ? "Yes" : "No" ) ) ;
} , function ( reason ) {
alert ( "Failed: " + reason ) ;
} ) ;
var scope = "snsapi_userinfo" ,
state = "_" + ( + new Date ( ) ) ;
Wechat . auth ( scope , state , function ( response ) {
// you may use response.code to get the access token.
alert ( JSON . stringify ( response ) ) ;
} , function ( reason ) {
alert ( "Failed: " + reason ) ;
} ) ;
Wechat . share ( {
text : "This is just a plain string" ,
scene : Wechat . Scene . TIMELINE // share to Timeline
} , function ( ) {
alert ( "Success" ) ;
} , function ( reason ) {
alert ( "Failed: " + reason ) ;
} ) ;
Wechat . share ( {
message : {
title : "Hi, there" ,
description : "This is description." ,
thumb : "www/img/thumbnail.png" ,
mediaTagName : "TEST-TAG-001" ,
messageExt : "这是第三方带的测试字段" ,
messageAction : "<action>dotalist</action>" ,
} ,
scene : Wechat . Scene . TIMELINE // share to Timeline
} , function ( ) {
alert ( "Success" ) ;
} , function ( reason ) {
alert ( "Failed: " + reason ) ;
} ) ;
Wechat . share ( {
message : {
media : {
type : Wechat . Type . WEBPAGE ,
webpageUrl : ""
} ,
scene : Wechat . Scene . TIMELINE // share to Timeline
} , function ( ) {
alert ( "Success" ) ;
} , function ( reason ) {
alert ( "Failed: " + reason ) ;
} ) ;
Wechat . share ( {
message : {
media : {
type : Wechat . Type . MINI ,
webpageUrl : "" , // 兼容低版本的网页链接
userName : "wxxxxxxxx" , // 小程序原始id
path : "user/info" , // 小程序的页面路径
hdImageData : "" , // 程序新版本的预览图二进制数据 不超过128kb 支持 地址 base64 temp
withShareTicket : true , // 是否使用带shareTicket的分享
miniprogramType : Wechat . Mini . RELEASE
} ,
scene : Wechat . Scene . SESSION // 小程序仅支持聊天界面
} , function ( ) {
alert ( "Success" ) ;
} , function ( reason ) {
alert ( "Failed: " + reason ) ;
} ) ;
// See for php demo
var params = {
partnerid : '10000100' , // merchant id
prepayid : 'wx201411101639507cbf6ffd8b0779950874' , // prepay id
noncestr : '1add1a30ac87aa2db72f57a2375d8fec' , // nonce
timestamp : '1439531364' , // timestamp
sign : '0CB01533B8C1EF103065174F50BCA001' , // signed string
} ;
Wechat . sendPaymentRequest ( params , function ( ) {
alert ( "Success" ) ;
} , function ( reason ) {
alert ( "Failed: " + reason ) ;
} ) ;
//offical doc
var params = {
timeStamp : '1510198391' , // timeStamp
signType : 'SHA1' , // sign type
cardSign : 'dff450eeeed08120159d285e79737173aec3df94' , // cardSign
nonceStr : '5598190f-5fb3-4bff-8314-fd189ab4e4b8' , // nonce
} ;
Wechat . chooseInvoiceFromWX ( params , function ( data ) {
console . log ( data ) ;
} , function ( ) {
alert ( 'error' ) ;
} )
//offical doc
var params = {
userName : 'gh_d43f693ca31f' , // userName
path : 'pages/index/index?name1=key1&name2=key2' , // open mini program page
miniprogramType : Wechat . Mini . RELEASE // Developer version, trial version, and official version are available for selection
} ;
Wechat . openMiniProgram ( params , function ( data ) {
console . log ( data ) ; // data:{extMsg:""} extMsg: Corresponds to the app-parameter attribute in the Mini Program component <button open-type="launchApp">
} , function ( ) {
alert ( 'error' ) ;
} )
Wechat . isInstalled ( ( installed ) => {
if ( ! installed ) return
document . addEventListener (
'wechat.launchFromWX' ,
( { extinfo } ) => {
console . log ( 'launch from wechat extinfo = ' , extinfo )
} ,
} )