This project is used for collecting and organizing WeChat development resources, welcome to contribute contents.
This project was created on August 14, 2016.
由 Senparc.Weixin SDK 作者亲笔撰写的微信开发图书已经出版,书名:《微信开发深度解析:公众号、小程序高效开发秘籍》,Senparc 团队全程参与了图书整理工作及配套的 BookHelper 辅助阅读系统开发。
图书出版时的代码版本快照见分支 BookVersion1。
Senparc.Weixin 12群(微信小程序群):108830388
创建您的特性分支 (git checkout -b my-new-feature
提交您的改动 (git commit -am 'Added some feature'
将您的修改记录提交到远程 git
仓库 git
repository (git push origin my-new-feature
然后到 github 网站的该 git
远程仓库的 my-new-feature
分支下发起 Pull Request
发送邮件至:[email protected],邮件标题以“微信开发资源提交”开头,内容尽量使用 MarkDown 书写,见【格式示例】。
Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature
Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature'
Push your modify records to remote git
repository (git push origin my-new-feature
Go to the branch of the remote git
repository of 'my-new-feature' on GitHub website, then do Pull Request.
The naming rules and content for resource files refer to 【Format Sample】
Send Email to : [email protected], the Subject should be started with 'WeChat Development Resource Commit'. It's recommanded that use MarkDown as the language(format) for files, refer to 【Format Sample】.
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this project, and synchronizing code at any time you want.
You can follow our Wechat Official Account named SenparcRobot
or 盛派网络小助手
to get the news push.
Add this page to your Favorites, open it when you need.
当资料积累到一定量之后我们会集结成图书(电子版 和/或 纸质出版),所有贡献者的GitHub昵称及名字(如有提供)都会被录入。
All the contents in this repository are opened and free to use. Anyone submit contents to here means who know this well and accept the term.
We will publish E-Book and/or P-Book while there are abudant resources. We will record all the contributors with their Github's username or real name(if it's supported). So, please let us know while your name is missing in the contributors' list: https://github.com/JeffreySu/WeixinResource/blob/master/Contributor.md