团队主持人: Kahraman Kostas
scan 0 -> {'green': -60, 'blue': -66, 'red': -67}
scan 1 -> {'green': -58, 'blue': -61, 'red': -60}
scan 2 -> {'green': -66, 'blue': -62, 'red': -59}
WiFi环境的复杂且本地独特的特性使其对于室内定位系统非常有用。例如,在下图中,图像scan 1
def euclidean ( fp1 , fp2 ):
raise NotImplementedError
def manhattan ( fp1 , fp2 ):
raise NotImplementedError
# solution of the above functions
from scipy . spatial import distance
def euclidean ( fp1 , fp2 ):
fp1 = list ( fp1 . values ())
fp2 = list ( fp2 . values ())
return distance . euclidean ( fp1 , fp2 )
def manhattan ( fp1 , fp2 ):
fp1 = list ( fp1 . values ())
fp2 = list ( fp2 . values ())
return distance . cityblock ( fp1 , fp2 )
import json
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
from metrics import eval_dist_metric
with open ( "intro_trajectory_1.json" ) as f :
traj = json . load ( f )
## Pre-calculate the pair indexes we are interested in
keys = []
for fp1 in traj [ 'fps' ]:
for fp2 in traj [ 'fps' ]:
# only calculate the upper triangle
if fp1 [ 'step_index' ] > fp2 [ 'step_index' ]:
keys . append (( fp1 [ 'step_index' ], fp2 [ 'step_index' ]))
## Get the distances from PDR
true_d = {}
for step1 in traj [ 'steps' ]:
for step2 in traj [ 'steps' ]:
key = ( step1 [ 'step_index' ], step2 [ 'step_index' ])
if key in keys :
true_d [ key ] = abs ( step1 [ 'di' ] - step2 [ 'di' ])
euc_d = {}
man_d = {}
for fp1 in traj [ 'fps' ]:
for fp2 in traj [ 'fps' ]:
key = ( fp1 [ 'step_index' ], fp2 [ 'step_index' ])
if key in keys :
euc_d [ key ] = euclidean ( fp1 [ 'profile' ], fp2 [ 'profile' ])
man_d [ key ] = manhattan ( fp1 [ 'profile' ], fp2 [ 'profile' ])
print ( "Euclidean Average Error" )
print ( f' { eval_dist_metric ( euc_d , true_d ):.2f } ' )
print ( "Manhattan Average Error" )
print ( f' { eval_dist_metric ( man_d , true_d ):.2f } ' )
Euclidean Average Error
Manhattan Average Error
。 So for this data, the Manhattan distance is a better estimate of the true distance.
This is of course a very simplistic model.确实,以这种方式,RSSI值与自由空间距离之间没有直接的关系。 Typically, when we create our own estimates for distance we would use the known pdr distances from within a trajectory to fit the numeric score to a physical distance estimate.
For your main challenge, we would like you to develop your own metric to estimate the real-world distance between two scans, based solely on their WiFi fingerprints. We will provide you with real crowdsourced data collected early in 2021 from a single mall. The data will contain 114661 fingerprints scans and 879824 distances between the scans.距离将是我们将考虑的其他信息的最佳估计。
包含问题的所有指纹信息。 That is each entry represents a real scan of the WiFi emitters in an area of the mall.您会发现许多指纹中都会存在相同的MAC地址。
The task1_train.csv
contains the valid training pairs to help you design/train your algorithm.每个id1-id2
import csv
import json
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
path_to_data = "for_contestants"
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task1_fingerprints.json" )) as f :
fps = json . load ( f )
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task1_train.csv" )) as f :
train_data = []
train_h = csv . DictReader ( f )
for pair in tqdm ( train_h ):
train_data . append ([ pair [ 'id1' ], pair [ 'id2' ], float ( pair [ 'displacement' ])])
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task1_test.csv" )) as f :
test_h = csv . DictReader ( f )
test_ids = []
for pair in tqdm ( test_h ):
test_ids . append ([ pair [ 'id1' ], pair [ 'id2' ]])
def my_distance_function ( fp1 , fp2 ):
raise NotImplementedError
output_data = [[ "id1" , "id2" , "displacement" ]]
for id1 , id2 in tqdm ( test_ids ):
fp1 = fps [ id1 ]
fp2 = fps [ id2 ]
distance_estimate = my_distance_function ( fp1 , fp2 )
output_data . append ([ id1 , id2 , distance_estimate ])
with open ( "MySubmission.csv" , "w" , newline = '' ) as f :
writer = csv . writer ( f )
writer . writerows ( output_data )
我们使用Python 3.6.5创建应用程序文件。我们包括了一些其他模块,这些模块未包含在比赛开始时给出的示例文件中。这些模块可以列为:
molules | 任务 |
张量 | 深度学习 |
熊猫 | 数据分析 |
Scipy | 距离计算 |
We started with the installation of these modules as the first step.
## 1.1 Installing modules
!p ip install tensorflow == 2.6 . 2
!p ip install scipy
!p ip install pandas
In this step, we fixed the related random seed to be used in order to obtain repeatable results. In this way, we have provided a deterministic path where we get the same result in every run.但是,根据我们的观察,用不同计算机获得的结果可能略有不同(±1%)
## 1.2 Setting Random Seeds
seed_value = 0
import os
os . environ [ 'PYTHONHASHSEED' ] = str ( seed_value )
import random
random . seed ( seed_value )
import numpy as np
np . random . seed ( seed_value )
import tensorflow as tf
tf . random . set_seed ( seed_value )
import tensorflow as tf
session_conf = tf . compat . v1 . ConfigProto ( intra_op_parallelism_threads = 1 , inter_op_parallelism_threads = 1 )
sess = tf . compat . v1 . Session ( graph = tf . compat . v1 . get_default_graph (), config = session_conf )
在本节中,我们加载了将使用的数据。我们从给出的示例文件( Task1-IPS-Challenge-2021.ipynb
## 1.3 Loading the data
import csv
import json
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
path_to_data = "for_contestants"
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task1_fingerprints.json" )) as f :
fps = json . load ( f )
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task1_train.csv" )) as f :
train_data = []
train_h = csv . DictReader ( f )
for pair in tqdm ( train_h ):
train_data . append ([ pair [ 'id1' ], pair [ 'id2' ], float ( pair [ 'displacement' ])])
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task1_test.csv" )) as f :
test_h = csv . DictReader ( f )
test_ids = []
for pair in tqdm ( test_h ):
test_ids . append ([ pair [ 'id1' ], pair [ 'id2' ]])
879824it [05:16, 2778.31it/s]
5160445it [01:00, 85269.27it/s]
在此步骤中,我们使用两个功能执行特征提取。 feature_extraction_file
函数中,如果这两个指纹在尺寸和所包含的设备方面相互不同,则将两个指纹中包含的所有设备汇集在一起以形成一个常见的序列而无需重复。 In each array, we make these two arrays identical (in terms of devices they include) by assigning the value 0 to the non-corresponding devices.以下图像中的一个示例对此过程进行了解释。
## 1.4 Feature Extraction
def feature_extraction_file ( data , name , flag ):
features = [[ "braycurtis" ,
"canberra" ,
"chebyshev" ,
"cityblock" ,
"correlation" ,
"cosine" ,
"euclidean" ,
"jensenshannon" ,
"minkowski" ,
"sqeuclidean" ,
"wminkowski" , "real" ]]
for i in tqdm (( data ), position = 0 , leave = True ):
fp1 = fps [ i [ 0 ]]
fp2 = fps [ i [ 1 ]]
feature = feature_extraction ( fp1 , fp2 )
if flag :
feature . append ( i [ 2 ])
else : feature . append ( 0 )
features . append ( feature )
with open ( name , "w" , newline = '' ) as f :
writer = csv . writer ( f )
writer . writerows ( features )
## 1.4 Feature Extraction
def feature_extraction ( fp1 , fp2 ):
mac = set ( list ( fp1 . keys ()) + list ( fp2 . keys ()))
mac = { i : 0 for i in mac }
f1 = mac . copy ()
f2 = mac . copy ()
for key in fp1 :
f1 [ key ] = fp1 [ key ]
for key in fp2 :
f2 [ key ] = fp2 [ key ]
f1 = list ( f1 . values ())
f2 = list ( f2 . values ())
braycurtis = scipy . spatial . distance . braycurtis ( f1 , f2 )
canberra = scipy . spatial . distance . canberra ( f1 , f2 )
chebyshev = scipy . spatial . distance . chebyshev ( f1 , f2 )
cityblock = scipy . spatial . distance . cityblock ( f1 , f2 )
correlation = scipy . spatial . distance . correlation ( f1 , f2 )
cosine = scipy . spatial . distance . cosine ( f1 , f2 )
euclidean = scipy . spatial . distance . euclidean ( f1 , f2 )
jensenshannon = scipy . spatial . distance . jensenshannon ( f1 , f2 )
minkowski = scipy . spatial . distance . minkowski ( f1 , f2 )
sqeuclidean = scipy . spatial . distance . sqeuclidean ( f1 , f2 )
wminkowski = scipy . spatial . distance . wminkowski ( f1 , f2 , 1 , np . ones ( len ( f1 )))
output_data = [ braycurtis ,
canberra ,
chebyshev ,
cityblock ,
correlation ,
cosine ,
euclidean ,
jensenshannon ,
minkowski ,
sqeuclidean ,
wminkowski ]
output_data = [ 0 if x != x else x for x in output_data ]
return output_data
在此任务中,有指纹扫描,这些扫描具有来自购物中心WiFi发射器周围环境的RRSI信号。首先,挑战希望我们估计两种指纹扫描之间的距离,这是回归任务。我们使用了受生物神经网络启发的ANN(人工神经网络)。安由三层组成;输入层,隐藏图层(多个)和输出层。 ANN从输入层开始,其中包括训练数据(带有功能),将数据传递到第一个隐藏层,该隐藏层由第一个隐藏层的权重计算出数据。在隐藏的层中,重量的重量计算到输入中,然后将它们应用于激活函数[2]。由于我们的问题是回归,我们的最后一层是一个单个输出神经元:其输出是指纹扫描对之间的距离。我们的第一个隐藏层具有64个,第二层具有128个神经元。该模型的所有架构如下。
我们使用两个功能进行深度学习。create_model create_model
塑造了训练数据以训练模型并确定模型的结构。 model_features
## 1.5 Model
import scipy . spatial
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow . keras . models import Sequential
from tensorflow . keras . layers import Dense
#from keras.utils.vis_utils import plot_model
% matplotlib inline
def model_features ( i , ii ):
model = Sequential ()
model . add ( Dense ( i , input_shape = ( 11 , ), activation = 'relu' , name = 'dense_1' ))
model . add ( Dense ( ii , activation = 'relu' , name = 'dense_2' ))
model . add ( Dense ( 1 , activation = 'linear' , name = 'dense_output' ))
model . compile ( optimizer = 'adam' , loss = 'mse' , metrics = [ 'mae' ])
model . summary ()
#plot_model(model, to_file='model_plot.png', show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
return model
def create_model ( name ):
df = pd . read_csv ( name )
df . replace ([ np . inf , - np . inf ], np . nan , inplace = True )
df = df . fillna ( 0 )
X = df [ df . columns [ 0 : - 1 ]]
X_train = np . array ( X )
y_train = np . array ( df [ df . columns [ - 1 ]])
model = model_features ( 64 , 128 )
history = model . fit ( X_train , y_train , epochs = 19 , validation_split = 0.5 ) #,batch_size=1)
loss = history . history [ 'loss' ]
val_loss = history . history [ 'val_loss' ]
my_xticks = list ( range ( len ( loss )))
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 20 , 5 ))
plt . plot ( my_xticks , loss , linestyle = '-' , marker = 'o' , color = 'b' , label = "train" )
plt . plot ( my_xticks , val_loss , linestyle = '-' , marker = 'o' , color = 'r' , label = "val" )
plt . title ( "Scores " )
plt . legend ( numpoints = 1 )
plt . ylabel ( "Loss" )
plt . xlabel ( "Epoch" )
plt . xticks ( rotation = 90 )
plt . ylim ([ 100 , 150 ])
plt . show ()
madelname = "./THEMODEL"
model . save ( madelname )
print ( "Model Created!" )
## 1.6 Checking the inputs
from numpy import inf
from numpy import nan
def create_new_files ( train , test ):
model_path = "./THEMODEL/"
my_train_file = 'new_train_features.csv'
my_test_file = 'new_test_features.csv'
if os . path . isfile ( my_train_file ) :
else :
print ( "Please wait! Training data feature extraction is in progress... n it will take about 10 minutes" )
feature_extraction_file ( train , my_train_file , 1 )
print ( "TThe training feature extraction completed!!!" )
if os . path . isfile ( my_test_file ) :
else :
print ( "Please wait! Testing data feature extraction is in progress... n it will take about 100-120 minutes" )
feature_extraction_file ( test , my_test_file , 0 )
print ( "The testing feature extraction completed!!!" )
if os . path . isdir ( model_path ):
else :
print ( "Please wait! Creating the deep learning model... n it will take about 10 minutes" )
create_model ( my_train_file )
print ( "The model file created!!! n n n " )
model = keras . models . load_model ( model_path )
df = pd . read_csv ( my_test_file )
df . replace ([ np . inf , - np . inf ], np . nan , inplace = True )
df = df . fillna ( 0 )
X_train = df [ df . columns [ 0 : - 1 ]]
X_train = np . array ( X_train )
y_train = np . array ( df [ df . columns [ - 1 ]])
predicted = model . predict ( X_train )
print ( "Please wait! Creating resuşts... " )
return predicted
## 1.7 Submission
distance_estimate = create_new_files ( train_data , test_ids )
count = 0
output_data = [[ "id1" , "id2" , "displacement" ]]
for id1 , id2 in tqdm ( test_ids ):
output_data . append ([ id1 , id2 , distance_estimate [ count ][ 0 ]])
count += 1
print ( "Process finished. Preparing result file ..." )
with open ( "TASK1-MySubmission.csv" , "w" , newline = '' ) as f :
writer = csv . writer ( f )
writer . writerows ( output_data )
print ( "The results are ready. n See MySubmission.csv" )
Please wait! Creating the deep learning model...
it will take about 10 minutes
Model: "sequential_3"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
dense_1 (Dense) (None, 64) 768
dense_2 (Dense) (None, 128) 8320
dense_output (Dense) (None, 1) 129
Total params: 9,217
Trainable params: 9,217
Non-trainable params: 0
Epoch 1/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 30s 2ms/step - loss: 2007233.6250 - mae: 161.3013 - val_loss: 218.8822 - val_mae: 11.5630
Epoch 2/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 24832.6309 - mae: 53.9385 - val_loss: 123437.0859 - val_mae: 307.2885
Epoch 3/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 4028.0859 - mae: 29.9960 - val_loss: 3329.2024 - val_mae: 49.9126
Epoch 4/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 904.7919 - mae: 17.6284 - val_loss: 122.3358 - val_mae: 6.8169
Epoch 5/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 25s 2ms/step - loss: 315.7050 - mae: 11.9098 - val_loss: 404.0973 - val_mae: 15.2033
Epoch 6/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 126.3843 - mae: 7.8173 - val_loss: 112.6499 - val_mae: 7.6804
Epoch 7/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 112.0149 - mae: 7.4220 - val_loss: 109.5987 - val_mae: 7.1964
Epoch 8/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 108.6342 - mae: 7.3271 - val_loss: 110.9016 - val_mae: 7.6862
Epoch 9/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 107.6721 - mae: 7.2827 - val_loss: 109.5083 - val_mae: 7.5235
Epoch 10/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 107.0110 - mae: 7.2290 - val_loss: 107.7498 - val_mae: 7.1105
Epoch 11/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 29s 2ms/step - loss: 106.7296 - mae: 7.2158 - val_loss: 107.6115 - val_mae: 7.1178
Epoch 12/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 106.5561 - mae: 7.2039 - val_loss: 107.9937 - val_mae: 6.9932
Epoch 13/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 106.3344 - mae: 7.1905 - val_loss: 108.8941 - val_mae: 7.4530
Epoch 14/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 106.3188 - mae: 7.1927 - val_loss: 109.0832 - val_mae: 7.5309
Epoch 15/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 106.1150 - mae: 7.1829 - val_loss: 113.9741 - val_mae: 7.9496
Epoch 16/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 106.0676 - mae: 7.1788 - val_loss: 107.2984 - val_mae: 7.2192
Epoch 17/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 106.0614 - mae: 7.1733 - val_loss: 108.8553 - val_mae: 7.4640
Epoch 18/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 28s 2ms/step - loss: 106.0113 - mae: 7.1790 - val_loss: 110.2068 - val_mae: 7.6562
Epoch 19/19
13748/13748 [==============================] - 27s 2ms/step - loss: 106.0519 - mae: 7.1791 - val_loss: 107.3276 - val_mae: 7.0981
INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./THEMODELassets
Model Created!
The model file created!!!
Please wait! Creating resuşts...
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5160445/5160445 [00:08<00:00, 610910.29it/s]
Process finished. Preparing result file ...
The results are ready.
See MySubmission.csv
在此示例中,使用边缘之间的分数来检测图形通信。 Return a list of lists where each sublist contains the node ids of the communities.请注意,这仅仅是为了帮助您理解问题,并且不计算实际解决方案。
def detect_communities ( Graph ):
## This function should return a list of lists containing
## the node ids of the communities that you have detected.
eb_score = nx . edge_betweenness_centrality ( G )
raise NotImplementedError
import networkx as nx
from metrics import check_result
G = nx . read_adjlist ( "graph.adjlist" )
communities = detect_communities ( G )
if check_result ( communities ):
print ( "Correct!" )
else :
print ( "Try again" )
此问题的样本训练数据是一组106981指纹( task2_train_fingerprints.json
indicates edges that connect subsequent steps within a trajectory.这些边缘应高度信任,因为它们表明从同一楼层记录了两个指纹。
您的图形可以是两个细节级别之一,即轨迹级别或指纹级别,您可以选择要使用的表示形式,但最终我们想知道轨迹簇。 Trajectory level would have every node as a trajectory and edges between nodes would occur if fingerprints in their trajectories had high similiraty.指纹水平将每个指纹作为节点。您可以使用task2_train_lookup.json
In this section we will provide some example code to open the files and construct both types of graph.
import os
import json
import csv
import networkx as nx
from tqdm import tqdm
path_to_data = "task2_for_participants/train"
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_train_estimated_wifi_distances.csv" )) as f :
wifi = []
reader = csv . DictReader ( f )
for line in tqdm ( reader ):
wifi . append ([ line [ 'id1' ], line [ 'id2' ], float ( line [ 'estimated_distance' ])])
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_train_elevations.csv" )) as f :
elevs = []
reader = csv . DictReader ( f )
for line in tqdm ( reader ):
elevs . append ([ line [ 'id1' ], line [ 'id2' ]])
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_train_steps.csv" )) as f :
steps = []
reader = csv . DictReader ( f )
for line in tqdm ( reader ):
steps . append ([ line [ 'id1' ], line [ 'id2' ], float ( line [ 'displacement' ])])
fp_lookup_path = os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_train_lookup.json" )
gt_path = os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_train_GT.json" )
with open ( fp_lookup_path ) as f :
fp_lookup = json . load ( f )
with open ( gt_path ) as f :
gt = json . load ( f )
This is one way to construct the fingerprint-level graph, where each node in the graph is a fingerprint.我们添加了与WiFi和PDR边缘的估计/真实距离相对应的边缘权重。我们还添加了高程边缘以表明这种关系。您可能需要明确强制执行开发解决方案时这些边缘(或轨迹之间的任何有效高程边缘)。
G = nx . Graph ()
for id1 , id2 , dist in tqdm ( steps ):
G . add_edge ( id1 , id2 , ty = "s" , weight = dist )
for id1 , id2 , dist in tqdm ( wifi ):
G . add_edge ( id1 , id2 , ty = "w" , weight = dist )
for id1 , id2 in tqdm ( elevs ):
G . add_edge ( id1 , id2 , ty = "e" )
The trajectory graph is arguably not as simple as you need to think of a way to represent many wifi connections between trajectories.在下面的示例图中,我们只是将平均距离作为重量,但这真的是最好的表示吗?
B = nx . Graph ()
# Get all the trajectory ids from the lookup
valid_nodes = set ( fp_lookup . values ())
for node in valid_nodes :
B . add_node ( node )
# Either add an edge or append the distance to the edge data
for id1 , id2 , dist in tqdm ( wifi ):
if not B . has_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )], fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )]):
B . add_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )],
fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )],
ty = "w" , weight = [ dist ])
else :
B [ fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )]][ fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )]][ 'weight' ]. append ( dist )
# Compute the mean edge weight
for edge in B . edges ( data = True ):
B [ edge [ 0 ]][ edge [ 1 ]][ 'weight' ] = sum ( B [ edge [ 0 ]][ edge [ 1 ]][ 'weight' ]) / len ( B [ edge [ 0 ]][ edge [ 1 ]][ 'weight' ])
# If you have made a wifi connection between trajectories with an elev, delete the edge
for id1 , id2 in tqdm ( elevs ):
if B . has_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )], fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )]):
B . remove_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )],
fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )])
import random
random_data = []
n_clusters = random . randint ( 50 , 100 )
for i in range ( 0 , n_clusters ):
random_data . append ([])
for traj in set ( fp_lookup . values ()):
cluster = random . randint ( 0 , n_clusters - 1 )
random_data [ cluster ]. append ( traj )
with open ( "MyRandomSubmission.csv" , "w" , newline = '' ) as f :
csv_writer = csv . writer ( f )
csv_writer . writerows ( random_data )
我们使用Python 3.6.5创建应用程序文件。我们包括了一些其他模块,这些模块未包含在比赛开始时给出的示例文件中。这些模块可以列为:
molules | 任务 |
Scikit-Learn | 机器学习和数据准备 |
node2vec | 网络的可扩展功能学习 |
numpy | 数学操作 |
## 2.1 Installing modules
!p ip install node2vec
!p ip install scikit - learn
!p ip install numpy
## 2.2 Setting Random Seeds
seed_value = 0
import os
os . environ [ 'PYTHONHASHSEED' ] = str ( seed_value )
import random
random . seed ( seed_value )
import numpy as np
np . random . seed ( seed_value )
## 2.3 Loading the data
import os
import json
import csv
import networkx as nx
from tqdm import tqdm
path_to_data = "task2_for_participants/test"
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_test_estimated_wifi_distances.csv" )) as f :
wifi = []
reader = csv . DictReader ( f )
for line in tqdm ( reader ):
wifi . append ([ line [ 'id1' ], line [ 'id2' ], float ( line [ 'estimated_distance' ])])
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_test_elevations.csv" )) as f :
elevs = []
reader = csv . DictReader ( f )
for line in tqdm ( reader ):
elevs . append ([ line [ 'id1' ], line [ 'id2' ]])
with open ( os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_test_steps.csv" )) as f :
steps = []
reader = csv . DictReader ( f )
for line in tqdm ( reader ):
steps . append ([ line [ 'id1' ], line [ 'id2' ], float ( line [ 'displacement' ])])
fp_lookup_path = os . path . join ( path_to_data , "task2_test_lookup.json" )
with open ( fp_lookup_path ) as f :
fp_lookup = json . load ( f )
3773297it [00:19, 191689.25it/s]
2767it [00:00, 52461.27it/s]
139537it [00:00, 180082.01it/s]
创建轨迹图时,我们将平均距离作为权重。我们为任务2( Task2-IPS-Challenge-2021.ipynb
)提供了此过程的示例。 We saved the resulting graph ( B
) as an adjacency list in the directory (as my.adjlist
## 2.3 Generating the Trajectory graph.
B = nx . Graph ()
# Get all the trajectory ids from the lookup
valid_nodes = set ( fp_lookup . values ())
for node in valid_nodes :
B . add_node ( node )
# Either add an edge or append the distance to the edge data
for id1 , id2 , dist in tqdm ( wifi ):
if not B . has_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )], fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )]):
B . add_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )],
fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )],
ty = "w" , weight = [ dist ])
else :
B [ fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )]][ fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )]][ 'weight' ]. append ( dist )
# Compute the mean edge weight
for edge in B . edges ( data = True ):
B [ edge [ 0 ]][ edge [ 1 ]][ 'weight' ] = sum ( B [ edge [ 0 ]][ edge [ 1 ]][ 'weight' ]) / len ( B [ edge [ 0 ]][ edge [ 1 ]][ 'weight' ])
# If you have made a wifi connection between trajectories with an elev, delete the edge
for id1 , id2 in tqdm ( elevs ):
if B . has_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )], fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )]):
B . remove_edge ( fp_lookup [ str ( id1 )],
fp_lookup [ str ( id2 )])
nx . write_adjlist ( B , "my.adjlist" )
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3773297/3773297 [00:27<00:00, 135453.95it/s]
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2767/2767 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Before giving the adjacency list as input to the machine learning algorithms, we convert the nodes to vector.在我们的工作中,我们将Node2Vec用作嵌入Grover&Leskovec在2016年提出的算法方法的图表[3]。 Node2Vec是一种半监督算法,用于网络中的节点的特征学习。 Node2Vec是基于跳过的技术创建的,该技术是一种NLP方法,该方法是出于分布结构概念的动机。根据想法,如果在相似上下文中使用的不同单词可能具有相似的含义,并且它们之间存在明显的关系。 Skip-gram技术使用中心词(输入)来预测邻居(输出),而基于给定的窗口大小(中心之后的项目的连续序列)计算周围环境的概率,换句话说。与NLP方法不同,Node2Vec系统不是带有线性结构的单词,而是具有分布式图形结构的节点和边缘。这种多维结构使嵌入式嵌入式复杂且计算昂贵,但是Node2Vec使用负抽样来优化随机梯度下降(SGD)来处理它。除此之外,随机步行方法还用于检测非线性结构中源节点相邻节点的样本。
The parameters we use in Nod2vec can be listed as follows:
超参数 | 价值 |
方面 | 32 |
walk_length | 15 |
num_walks | 100 |
工人 | 1 |
种子 | 0 |
窗户 | 10 |
min_count | 1 |
batch_words | 4 |
Node2VEC模型将邻接列表作为输入列表,并输出32尺寸的向量。 In this part, the node.py file is created and run in the Jupyter Notebook
是一种非常昂贵的方法,如果在Jupyter Notebook中运行,则可能会出现RAM溢出错误。在外部创建和运行Node2vec
模型避免了此错误。下面的单元格创建了名为node.py的文件。该文件创建Node2Vec模型。该模型将邻接列表( my.adjlist
)作为输入,并创建一个32维向量文件作为输出( vectors.emb
重要的!下面的代码应在Linux发行版中运行(在Google Colab和Ubuntu中进行了测试)。
# 2.4 Converting nodes to vectors
# A folder named tmp is created. This folder is essential for the node2vec model to use less RAM.
try :
if not os . path . exists ( "tmp" ):
os . makedirs ( "tmp" )
except OSError :
print ( "The folder could not be created! n Please manually create the " tmp " folder in the directory" )
node = """
# importing related modules
from node2vec import Node2Vec
import networkx as nx
#importing adjacency list file as B
B = nx.read_adjlist("my.adjlist")
# Specifying the input and hyperparameters of the node2vec model
node2vec = Node2Vec(B, dimensions=32, walk_length=15, num_walks=100, workers=1,seed=seed_value,temp_folder = './tmp')
#Assigning/specifying random seeds
import os
import random
import numpy as np
# creation of the model
model = node2vec.fit(window=10, min_count=1, batch_words=4,seed=seed_value)
# saving the output vector
# save the model
f = open ( "node.py" , "w" )
f . write ( node )
f . close ()
! PYTHONHASHSEED = 0 python3 node . py
创建向量文件后,我们读取此文件( vectors.emb
# 2.4 Reshaping data
vec = np . loadtxt ( "vectors.emb" , skiprows = 1 )
print ( "shape of vector file: " , vec . shape )
print ( vec )
vec = vec [ vec [:, 0 ]. argsort ()];
vec = vec [ 0 : vec . shape [ 0 ], 1 : vec . shape [ 1 ]]
shape of vector file: (11162, 33)
[[ 9.1200000e+03 3.9031842e-01 -4.7147268e-01 ... -5.7490986e-02
1.3059708e-01 -5.4280665e-02]
[ 6.5320000e+03 -3.5591956e-02 -9.8558587e-01 ... -2.7217887e-02
5.6435770e-01 -5.7787680e-01]
[ 5.6580000e+03 3.5879680e-01 -4.7564098e-01 ... -9.7607370e-02
1.5506668e-01 1.1333219e-01]
[ 2.7950000e+03 1.1724627e-02 1.0272172e-02 ... -4.5596390e-04
-1.1507459e-02 -7.6738600e-04]
[ 4.3380000e+03 1.2865483e-02 1.2103912e-02 ... 1.6619096e-03
1.3672550e-02 1.4605848e-02]
[ 1.1770000e+03 -1.3707868e-03 1.5238028e-02 ... -5.9994194e-04
-1.2986251e-02 1.3706315e-03]]
Task-2是一个聚类问题。我们需要确定解决此问题的前提是我们应该分为多少个集群。为此,我们尝试了不同的集群数字,并比较了我们获得的分数。下图显示了簇数和获得的分数的比较。 As can be seen from this graph, the number of clusters increased continuously between 5 and 21, with some exception fluctuations, and stabilized after 21. For this reason, we focused on the number of clusters between 21 and 23 in our study.
# 2.5 Determine the number of clusters
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib
% matplotlib inline
sns . set_style ( "whitegrid" )
agglom = [ 24.69 , 28.14 , 28.14 , 28.14 , 30 , 33.33 , 40.88 , 38.70 , 40 , 40 , 40 , 29.12 , 45.85 , 45.85 , 48.00 , 50.17 , 57.83 , 57.83 , 57.83 ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 10 , 5 ))
plt . plot ( range ( 5 , 24 ), agglom )
matplotlib . pyplot . xticks ( range ( 5 , 24 ))
plt . title ( 'Number of clusters and performance relationship' )
plt . xlabel ( 'Number of clusters' )
plt . ylabel ( 'Score' )
plt . show ()
Among the unsupervised machine learning methods we tried (such as K-means, Agglomerative Clustering, Affinity Propagation, Mean Shift, Spectral clustering, DBSCAN, OPTICS, BIRCH, Mini-Batch K-Means), we achieved the best results using k-Means有23个集群。
K均值是一种聚类算法,是基本的,传统的无监督机器学习技术之一,它可以使用未标记的数据进行假设,以查找元素或自然组(群集)。集群是将共享特定相似之处分组在一起的一组点(我们的数据中的节点)。 K均值需要质心的目标数,这是指应将数据分为多少组。算法从随机分配的质心组开始,然后继续迭代以找到其最佳位置。该算法使用群集将点的正方形总和分配给指定的质心,这是继续更新和重新定位[4]。在我们的示例中,质心的数量反映了地板的数量。应该注意的是,这不会提供有关地板顺序的信息。
# 2.5 Best result
from sklearn import cluster
import time
ML_results = []
k_clusters = 23
algorithms = {}
algorithms [ 'KMeans' ] = cluster . KMeans ( n_clusters = k_clusters , random_state = 10 )
second = time . time ()
for model in algorithms . values ():
model . fit ( vec )
ML_results = list ( model . labels_ )
print ( model , time . time () - second )
KMeans(n_clusters=23, random_state=10) 1.082334280014038
The output of the machine learning algorithm determines which cluster the fingerprints belong to.但是,我们需要的是群集轨迹。 Therefore, these fingerprints are converted to their trajectory counterparts using the fp_lookup
## 2.6 Submission
result = {}
for ii , i in enumerate ( set ( fp_lookup . values ())):
result [ i ] = ML_results [ ii ]
ters = {}
for i in result :
if result [ i ] not in ters :
ters [ result [ i ]] = []
ters [ result [ i ]]. append ( i )
else :
ters [ result [ i ]]. append ( i )
final_results = []
for i in ters :
final_results . append ( ters [ i ])
name = "TASK2-Mysubmission.csv"
with open ( name , "w" , newline = '' ) as f :
csv_writer = csv . writer ( f )
csv_writer . writerows ( final_results )
print ( name , "file is ready!" )
TASK2-Mysubmission.csv file is ready!
[1] P. Virtanen和Scipy 1.0贡献者。 Scipy 1.0:Python中科学计算的基本算法。 Nature Methods, 17:261--272, 2020.
[2] A. Geron,Scikit-Learn,Keras和TensorFlow的动手机器学习:构建智能系统的概念,工具和技术。 O'Reilly Media,2019年
[3] A. Grover,J。Leskovec。 ACM SIGKDD国际知识发现与数据挖掘会议(KDD),2016年。
[4] Jin X.,Han J.(2011)K-均值聚类。 In: Sammut C., Webb GI (eds) Encyclopedia of Machine Learning.马萨诸塞州波士顿的施普林格。 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-30164-8_425