该项目涵盖了编年史的Java版本。该项目的C ++版本也可用,并支持Java/C ++互操作性以及其他语言绑定,例如Python。如果您有兴趣评估C ++版本,请联系[email protected]。
乍一看,纪事队的队列可以被视为另一个队列实现。但是,它具有应强调的主要设计选择。使用非主存储,Chronicle队列提供了一个环境,该环境不受垃圾收集(GC)的困扰。在Java中实施高性能和内存密集型应用程序(您听到了花哨的术语“ BigData”?)时,最大的问题之一就是垃圾收集。
批量大小 | 每分钟1000万事件 | 每分钟6000万事件 | 每分钟1亿个活动 |
99%的ILE | 0.78 µs | 0.78 µs | 1.2 µs |
99.9%的ILE | 1.2 µs | 1.3 µs | 1.5 µs |
批量大小 | 每分钟1000万事件 | 每分钟6000万事件 | 每分钟1亿个活动 |
99%的ILE | 20 µs | 28 µs | 176 µs |
99.9%的ILE | 901 µs | 705 µs | 5,370 µs |
笔记 | 每分钟1亿个活动每660纳秒发出活动;复制和持续。 |
重要的 | 使用大型机器无法实现此性能。这是使用一个线程发布的,而一个线程要消耗。 |
由于Chronicle队列将所有保存的数据存储在内存映射的文件中,即使您拥有超过100 TB的数据,也有一个微不足道的架子开销。
编年史为达到非常低的延迟而付出了巨大的努力。在其他关注Web应用程序支持的产品中,少于40毫秒的潜伏期比您看到的要快得多。例如,电影帧速率为24 Hz,或大约40毫秒。
在大多数系统系统上, System.nanoTime()
重要的 | Chronicle队列不支持在任何网络文件系统中运行,无论是NFS,AFS,基于SAN的存储还是其他任何东西。这样做的原因是这些文件系统没有为记忆映射文件的所有必需的原始纪录提供编年史的使用。如果需要任何网络(例如,使数据可访问多个主机),则唯一支持的方法是编年史队列复制(企业功能)。 |
市场数据出版商不会让您选择长期推荐生产商。如果有的话。我们的一些用户从CME OPRA消耗数据。这会产生每分钟1000万次活动的峰值,以UDP数据包发送而无需重试。如果您错过或放下数据包,那么它会丢失。您必须尽快消耗并记录这些数据包,而网络适配器中的缓冲很少。特别是对于市场数据,实时意味着在几微秒内;这并不意味着日内(白天)。
在Maven Central上可以使用:
< dependency >
< groupId >net.openhft</ groupId >
< artifactId >chronicle-queue</ artifactId >
< version > <!-- replace with the latest version, see below --> </ version >
</ dependency >
笔记 | 驻留在“内部”包中的任何一个,“ impl”和“ main”(后者包含各种可运行的主要方法)和任何子包装的类中都不是公共API的一部分,并且可能会在任何情况下更改出于任何原因的时间。有关详细信息,请参见相应的 文件。 |
v5中更改了编年史队列的锁定模型,在.cq4文件中存在写入锁(以防止并发写入队列)。在V5中,这移至一个名为Table Store(Metadata.cq4t)的单个文件。这简化了内部锁定代码,因为只能检查表存储文件。
您可以使用Chronicle队列V5读取使用Chronicle队列V4编写的消息,但这不能始终可以始终工作 - 例如,如果您使用wireType(WireType.FIELDLESS_BINARY)
创建了V4队列,那么Chronicle decorele decornle dechornicle decor v5将无法阅读队列的标题。我们对V5阅读V4队列的测试进行了一些测试,但这些测试是有限的,所有场景可能不支持。
Vanilla Chronicle队列将每个线程创建一个文件。如果控制螺纹的数量,这很好,但是,许多应用程序对使用多少线程几乎没有控制,这会导致可用性问题。
appender . writeBytes ( b -> b . writeInt ( 1234 ). writeDouble ( 1.111 ));
boolean present = tailer . readBytes ( b -> process ( b . readInt (), b . readDouble ()));
try ( DocumentContext dc = appender . writingDocument ()) {
Bytes <?> bytes = dc . wire (). bytes ();
// write to bytes
try ( DocumentContext dc = tailer . readingDocument ()) {
if ( dc . isPresent ()) {
Bytes <?> bytes = dc . wire (). bytes ();
// read from bytes
有关Chronicle队列企业版的更多信息,请联系[email protected]。
通过TCP复制(使用Chronicle Queue Enterprise),同一台机器上或跨多个计算机上的同时读取器,
base-directory /
{cycle-name}.cq4 - The default format is yyyyMMdd for daily rolling.
笔记 | 由于相当低的操作,编年史队列读/写操作可能会引发不受限制的例外。为了防止线程死亡,可以捕获RuntimeExceptions 并将其记录/分析它们可能是实际的。 |
笔记 | 有关如何使用编年史队列的演示 |
笔记 | 我们故意避免使用消费者一词,而是使用阅读器,因为阅读不会消耗/破坏消息。 |
编年史队列不再是经纪人。如果您需要经纪人的架构,请联系[email protected]。
如果您希望使用标准Java API,则首选Externalizable
String basePath = OS . getTarget () + "/getting-started"
ChronicleQueue queue = SingleChronicleQueueBuilder . single ( basePath ). build ();
// Obtains an ExcerptAppender
ExcerptAppender appender = queue . acquireAppender ();
// Writes: {msg: TestMessage}
appender . writeDocument ( w -> w . write ( "msg" ). text ( "TestMessage" ));
// Writes: TestMessage
appender . writeText ( "TestMessage" );
// Creates a tailer
ExcerptTailer tailer = queue . createTailer ();
tailer . readDocument ( w -> System . out . println ( "msg: " + w . read (()-> "msg" ). text ()));
assertEquals ( "TestMessage" , tailer . readText ());
另外, ChronicleQueue.dump()
queue . dump ();
笔记 | 如果这样做,不会丢失数据。这只是清理所使用的资源。 |
queue . close ();
try ( ChronicleQueue queue = SingleChronicleQueueBuilder . single ( "queue-dir" ). build ()) {
// Obtain an ExcerptAppender
ExcerptAppender appender = queue . acquireAppender ();
// Writes: {msg: TestMessage}
appender . writeDocument ( w -> w . write ( "msg" ). text ( "TestMessage" ));
// Writes: TestMessage
appender . writeText ( "TestMessage" );
ExcerptTailer tailer = queue . createTailer ();
tailer . readDocument ( w -> System . out . println ( "msg: " + w . read (()-> "msg" ). text ()));
assertEquals ( "TestMessage" , tailer . readText ());
ChronicleQueue . singleBuilder ( queuePath ). rollCycle ( RollCycles . HOURLY ). build ()
// Creates a queue with roll-cycle MINUTELY
try ( ChronicleQueue minuteRollCycleQueue = ChronicleQueue . singleBuilder ( queueDir ). rollCycle ( MINUTELY ). build ()) {
// Creates a queue with roll-cycle HOURLY
try ( ChronicleQueue hourlyRollCycleQueue = ChronicleQueue . singleBuilder ( queueDir ). rollCycle ( HOURLY ). build ()) {
try ( DocumentContext documentContext = hourlyRollCycleQueue . acquireAppender (). writingDocument ()) {
documentContext . wire (). write ( "somekey" ). text ( "somevalue" );
// Now try to append using the queue configured with roll-cycle MINUTELY
try ( DocumentContext documentContext2 = minuteRollCycleQueue . acquireAppender (). writingDocument ()) {
documentContext2 . wire (). write ( "otherkey" ). text ( "othervalue" );
[main] WARN SingleChronicleQueueBuilder - Overriding roll cycle from HOURLY to MINUTELY.
// Creates a queue at "queuePath" and sets the WireType
SingleChronicleQueueBuilder . builder ( queuePath , wireType )
// Creates a queue with default WireType: BINARY_LIGHT
ChronicleQueue . singleBuilder ( queuePath )
// Creates a queue and sets the WireType as FIELDLESS_BINARY
SingleChronicleQueueBuilder . fieldlessBinary ( queuePath )
// Creates a queue and sets the WireType as DEFAULT_ZERO_BINARY
SingleChronicleQueueBuilder . defaultZeroBinary ( queuePath )
// Creates a queue and sets the WireType as DELTA_BINARY
SingleChronicleQueueBuilder . deltaBinary ( queuePath )
当读取/书写队列时,当前正在读取/书面的文件的一部分将映射到内存段。此参数控制内存映射块的大小。您可以使用方法SingleChronicleQueueBuilder.blockSize(long blockSize)
笔记 | 您应该避免不必要地更换blockSize 。 |
警告 | 如果您使用小型blockSize 用于大邮件,则会收到IllegalStateException 并且写入中止。 |
提示 | 对于复制的队列的每个实例,使用相同的blockSize 。 |
您可以使用SingleChronicleQueueBuilder.indexSpacing(int indexSpacing)
笔记 | 索引2是索引队列条目的最大数量。 |
笔记 | 有关更多信息和使用索引的示例,请参见本用户指南编年史中的摘要索引。 |
- 默认值(也是唯一可用于开源用户的一个),没有缓冲;
- 与加密结合使用;
- 在阅读和/或写作时使用异步缓冲液,由编年史异步模式提供。
使用bufferMode: Asynchronous
笔记 | 在这个4个字节的标头中,我们还为许多内部操作(例如锁定)保留了一些位,以使纪事排队螺纹在处理器和线程之间进行纪录队列线程安全。要注意的重要一点是,因此,您无法严格地将4个字节转换为整数以找到数据斑点的长度。 |
try ( ChronicleQueue queue = ChronicleQueue . singleBuilder ( path + "/trades" ). build ()) {
final ExcerptAppender appender = queue . acquireAppender ();
try ( final DocumentContext dc = appender . writingDocument ()) {
dc . wire (). write (). text (“ your text data “);
try ( final DocumentContext dc = appender . writingDocument ()) {
dc . wire (). write (). text (“ your text data “);
System . out . println ( "your data was store to index=" + dc . index ());
便利方法,但两种方法基本上都在做同样的事情。 writeText(CharSequence text)
* @param text the message to write
void writeText ( CharSequence text ) {
try ( DocumentContext dc = writingDocument ()) {
dc . wire (). bytes (). append8bit ( text );
// using the method writer interface.
RiskMonitor riskMonitor = appender . methodWriter ( RiskMonitor . class );
final LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime . now ( Clock . systemUTC ());
riskMonitor . trade ( new TradeDetails ( now , "GBPUSD" , 1.3095 , 10e6 , Side . Buy , "peter" ));
// writing a self describing message
appender . writeDocument ( w -> w . write ( "trade" ). marshallable (
m -> m . write ( "timestamp" ). dateTime ( now )
. write ( "symbol" ). text ( "EURUSD" )
. write ( "price" ). float64 ( 1.1101 )
. write ( "quantity" ). float64 ( 15e6 )
. write ( "side" ). object ( Side . class , Side . Sell )
. write ( "trader" ). text ( "peter" )));
// writing just data
appender . writeDocument ( w -> w
. getValueOut (). int32 ( 0x123456 )
. getValueOut (). int64 ( 0x999000999000L )
. getValueOut (). text ( "Hello World" ));
// writing raw data
appender . writeBytes ( b -> b
. writeByte (( byte ) 0x12 )
. writeInt ( 0x345678 )
. writeLong ( 0x999000999000L )
. writeUtf8 ( "Hello World" ));
// Unsafe low level
appender . writeBytes ( b -> {
long address = b . address ( b . writePosition ());
Unsafe unsafe = UnsafeMemory . UNSAFE ;
unsafe . putByte ( address , ( byte ) 0x12 );
address += 1 ;
unsafe . putInt ( address , 0x345678 );
address += 4 ;
unsafe . putLong ( address , 0x999000999000L );
address += 8 ;
byte [] bytes = "Hello World" . getBytes ( StandardCharsets . ISO_8859_1 );
unsafe . copyMemory ( bytes , Jvm . arrayByteBaseOffset (), null , address , bytes . length );
b . writeSkip ( 1 + 4 + 8 + bytes . length );
// dump the content of the queue
System . out . println ( queue . dump ());
# position: 262568, header: 0
--- !!data # binary
trade : {
timestamp : 2016-07-17T15:18:41.141,
symbol : GBPUSD,
price : 1.3095,
quantity : 10000000.0,
side : Buy,
trader : peter
# position: 262684, header: 1
--- !!data # binary
trade : {
timestamp : 2016-07-17T15:18:41.141,
symbol : EURUSD,
price : 1.1101,
quantity : 15000000.0,
side : Sell,
trader : peter
# position: 262800, header: 2
--- !!data # binary
!int 1193046
Hello World
# position: 262830, header: 3
--- !!data # binary
000402b0 12 78 56 34 00 00 90 99 00 90 99 00 00 0B ·xV4·· ········
000402c0 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 Hello Wo rld
# position: 262859, header: 4
--- !!data # binary
000402c0 12 ·
000402d0 78 56 34 00 00 90 99 00 90 99 00 00 0B 48 65 6C xV4····· ·····Hel
000402e0 6C 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 lo World
try ( ChronicleQueue queue = ChronicleQueue . singleBuilder ( path + "/trades" ). build ()) {
final ExcerptTailer tailer = queue . createTailer ();
// reading using method calls
RiskMonitor monitor = System . out :: println ;
MethodReader reader = tailer . methodReader ( monitor );
// read one message
assertTrue ( reader . readOne ());
笔记 | 字段的名称,类型和顺序不必匹配。 |
assertTrue ( tailer . readDocument ( w -> w . read ( "trade" ). marshallable (
m -> {
LocalDateTime timestamp = m . read ( "timestamp" ). dateTime ();
String symbol = m . read ( "symbol" ). text ();
double price = m . read ( "price" ). float64 ();
double quantity = m . read ( "quantity" ). float64 ();
Side side = m . read ( "side" ). object ( Side . class );
String trader = m . read ( "trader" ). text ();
// do something with values.
assertTrue ( tailer . readDocument ( w -> {
ValueIn in = w . getValueIn ();
int num = in . int32 ();
long num2 = in . int64 ();
String text = in . text ();
// do something with values
assertTrue ( tailer . readBytes ( in -> {
int code = in . readByte ();
int num = in . readInt ();
long num2 = in . readLong ();
String text = in . readUtf8 ();
assertEquals ( "Hello World" , text );
// do something with values
assertTrue ( tailer . readBytes ( b -> {
long address = b . address ( b . readPosition ());
Unsafe unsafe = UnsafeMemory . UNSAFE ;
int code = unsafe . getByte ( address );
address ++;
int num = unsafe . getInt ( address );
address += 4 ;
long num2 = unsafe . getLong ( address );
address += 8 ;
int length = unsafe . getByte ( address );
address ++;
byte [] bytes = new byte [ length ];
unsafe . copyMemory ( null , address , bytes , Jvm . arrayByteBaseOffset (), bytes . length );
String text = new String ( bytes , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 );
assertEquals ( "Hello World" , text );
// do something with values
笔记 | 每个裁缝都会看到每个消息。 |
(( StoreTailer ) tailer ). releaseResources ()
在某些应用中,可能有必要从队列结束开始阅读(例如,在重新启动方案中)。对于此用例, ExcerptTailer
// this will be false until new messages are appended to the queue
boolean messageAvailable = tailer . toEnd (). readingDocument (). isPresent ();
ExcerptTailer tailer = queue . createTailer ();
tailer . direction ( TailerDirection . BACKWARD ). toEnd ();
向后读取时, toEnd()
// this will be true if there is at least one message in the queue
boolean messageAvailable = tailer . toEnd (). direction ( TailerDirection . BACKWARD ).
readingDocument (). isPresent ();
try ( ChronicleQueue cq = SingleChronicleQueueBuilder . binary ( tmp ). build ()) {
ExcerptTailer atailer = cq . createTailer ( "a" );
assertEquals ( "test 0" , atailer . readText ());
assertEquals ( "test 1" , atailer . readText ());
assertEquals ( "test 2" , atailer . readText ()); // (1)
ExcerptTailer btailer = cq . createTailer ( "b" );
assertEquals ( "test 0" , btailer . readText ()); // (3)
try ( ChronicleQueue cq = SingleChronicleQueueBuilder . binary ( tmp ). build ()) {
ExcerptTailer atailer = cq . createTailer ( "a" );
assertEquals ( "test 3" , atailer . readText ()); // (2)
assertEquals ( "test 4" , atailer . readText ());
assertEquals ( "test 5" , atailer . readText ());
ExcerptTailer btailer = cq . createTailer ( "b" );
assertEquals ( "test 1" , btailer . readText ()); // (4)
尾声“ a”最后读消息2
尾声“ a”下一个读取消息3
尾声“ B”最后读消息0
尾声“ B”下一步读取消息1
那里有两个裁缝,每个裁缝都有一个唯一的名称。 These tailers store their index within the Queue itself and this index is maintained as the tailer uses toStart()
, toEnd()
, moveToIndex()
or reads a message.
笔记 | The direction() is not preserved across restarts, only the next index to be read. |
笔记 | The index of a tailer is only progressed when the DocumentContext.close() is called. If this is prevented by an error, the same message will be read on each restart. |
Chronicle Queue stores its data in binary format, with a file extension of cq4
ÎyyyyMMdd-HH≈epoch¶ÄÓ6�»indexing∂SCQSIndexingÇN��� indexCount•��ÃindexSpacing�Àindex2Indexé����ß��������…lastIndexé�
This can often be a bit difficult to read, so it is better to dump the cq4
files as text. This can also help you fix your production issues, as it gives you the visibility as to what has been stored in the queue, and in what order.
You can dump the queue to the terminal using net.openhft.chronicle.queue.main.DumpMain
or net.openhft.chronicle.queue.ChronicleReaderMain
. DumpMain
performs a simple dump to the terminal while ChronicleReaderMain
handles more complex operations, eg tailing a queue. They can both be run from the command line in a number of ways described below.
If you have a project pom file that includes the Chronicle-Queue artifact, you can read a cq4
file with the following command:
$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="net.openhft.chronicle.queue.main.DumpMain" -Dexec.args="myqueue"
In the above command myqueue is the directory containing your .cq4 files
You can also set up any dependent files manually. This requires the chronicle-queue.jar
, from any version 4.5.3 or later, and that all dependent files are present on the class path. The dependent jars are listed below:
$ ls -ltr
total 9920
-rw-r--r-- 1 robaustin staff 112557 28 Jul 14:52 chronicle-queue-5.20.108.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 robaustin staff 209268 28 Jul 14:53 chronicle-bytes-2.20.104.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 robaustin staff 136434 28 Jul 14:56 chronicle-core-2.20.114.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 robaustin staff 33562 28 Jul 15:03 slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 robaustin staff 33562 28 Jul 15:03 slf4j-simple-1.7.30.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 robaustin staff 324302 28 Jul 15:04 chronicle-wire-2.20.105.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 robaustin staff 35112 28 Jul 15:05 chronicle-threads-2.20.101.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 robaustin staff 344235 28 Jul 15:05 affinity-3.20.0.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 robaustin staff 124332 28 Jul 15:05 commons-cli-1.4.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 robaustin staff 4198400 28 Jul 15:06 19700101-02.cq4
提示 | To find out which version of jars to include please, refer to the chronicle-bom . |
Once the dependencies are present on the class path, you can run:
$ java -cp chronicle-queue-5.20.108.jar net.openhft.chronicle.queue.main.DumpMain 19700101-02.cq4
This will dump the 19700101-02.cq4
file out as text, as shown below:
!!meta-data # binary
header : !SCQStore {
wireType : !WireType BINARY,
writePosition : 0,
roll : !SCQSRoll {
length : !int 3600000,
format : yyyyMMdd-HH,
epoch : !int 3600000
indexing : !SCQSIndexing {
indexCount : !short 4096,
indexSpacing : 4,
index2Index : 0,
lastIndex : 0
lastAcknowledgedIndexReplicated : -1,
recovery : !TimedStoreRecovery {
timeStamp : 0
# 4198044 bytes remaining
笔记 | The example above does not show any user data, because no user data was written to this example file. |
There is also a script named
located in the Chonicle-Queue/bin
-folder that gathers the needed dependencies in a shaded jar and uses it to dump the queue with DumpMain
. The script can be run from the Chronicle-Queue
root folder like this:
$ ./bin/ <file path>
The second tool for logging the contents of the chronicle queue is the ChronicleReaderMain
(in the Chronicle Queue project). As mentioned above, it is able to perform several operations beyond printing the file content to the console. For example, it can be used to tail a queue to detect whenever new messages are added (rather like $tail -f).
Below is the command line interface used to configure ChronicleReaderMain
usage: ChronicleReaderMain -a <binary-arg> Argument to pass to binary search class -b <binary-search> Use this class as a comparator to binary search -cbl <content-based-limiter> Specify a content-based limiter -cblArg <content-based-limiter-argument> Specify an argument for use by the content-based limiter -d <directory> Directory containing chronicle queue files -e <exclude-regex> Do not display records containing this regular expression -f Tail behaviour - wait for new records to arrive -g Show message history (when using method reader) -h Print this help and exit -i <include-regex> Display records containing this regular expression -k Read the queue in reverse -l Squash each output message into a single line -m <max-history> Show this many records from the end of the data set -n <from-index> Start reading from this index (eg 0x123ABE) -named <named> Named tailer ID -r <as-method-reader> Use when reading from a queue generated using a MethodWriter -s Display index -w <wire-type> Control output ie JSON -x <max-results> Limit the number of results to output -z Print timestamps using the local timezone
Just as with DumpQueue
you need the classes in the example above present on the class path. This can again be achieved by manually adding them and then run:
$ java -cp chronicle-queue-5.20.108.jar net.openhft.chronicle.queue.ChronicleReaderMain -d <directory>
Another option is to create an Uber Jar using the Maven shade plugin. It is configured as follows:
< build >
< plugins >
< plugin >
< groupId >org.apache.maven.plugins</ groupId >
< artifactId >maven-shade-plugin</ artifactId >
< executions >
< execution >
< phase >package</ phase >
< goals >
< goal >shade</ goal >
</ goals >
< configuration >
< filters >
< filter >
< artifact >*:*</ artifact >
< includes >
< include >net/openhft/**</ include >
< include >software/chronicle/**</ include >
</ includes >
</ filter >
</ filters >
</ configuration >
</ execution >
</ executions >
</ plugin >
</ plugins >
</ build >
Once the Uber jar is present, you can run ChronicleReaderMain
from the command line via:
java -cp "$UBER_JAR" net.openhft.chronicle.queue.ChronicleReaderMain "19700101-02.cq4"
Lastly, there is a script for running the reader named
which again is located in the Chonicle-Queue/bin
-folder. It automatically gathers the needed dependencies in a shaded jar and uses it to run ChronicleReaderMain
. The script can be run from the Chronicle-Queue
root folder like this:
$ ./bin/ <options>
If using MethodReader
and MethodWriter
then you can write single-argument method calls to a queue using net.openhft.chronicle.queue.ChronicleWriterMain
or the shell script
usage: ChronicleWriterMain files.. -d < directory > [-i < interface > ] -m < method >
Missing required options: m, d
-d < directory > Directory containing chronicle queue to write to
-i < interface > Interface to write via
-m < method > Method name
If you want to write to the below "doit" method
public interface MyInterface {
void doit ( DTO dto );
public class DTO extends SelfDescribingMarshallable { private int age;私有字符串名称; }
Then you can call ChronicleWriterMain -d queue doit x.yaml
with either (or both) of the below Yamls:
age : 19,
name : Henry
!x.y.z.DTO {
age : 42,
name : Percy
makes use of custom serialisation then you should specify the interface to write to with -i
Chronicle v4.4+ supports the use of proxies to write and read messages. You start by defining an asynchronous interface
, where all methods have:
arguments which are only inputs
no return value or exceptions expected.
import net . openhft . chronicle . wire . SelfDescribingMarshallable ;
interface MessageListener {
void method1 ( Message1 message );
void method2 ( Message2 message );
static class Message1 extends SelfDescribingMarshallable {
String text ;
public Message1 ( String text ) {
this . text = text ;
static class Message2 extends SelfDescribingMarshallable {
long number ;
public Message2 ( long number ) {
this . number = number ;
To write to the queue you can call a proxy which implements this interface.
SingleChronicleQueue queue1 = ChronicleQueue . singleBuilder ( path ). build ();
MessageListener writer1 = queue1 . acquireAppender (). methodWriter ( MessageListener . class );
// call method on the interface to send messages
writer1 . method1 ( new Message1 ( "hello" ));
writer1 . method2 ( new Message2 ( 234 ));
These calls produce messages which can be dumped as follows.
# position: 262568, header: 0
--- !!data # binary
method1 : {
text : hello
# position: 262597, header: 1
--- !!data # binary
method2 : {
number : !int 234
To read the messages, you can provide a reader which calls your implementation with the same calls that you made.
// a proxy which print each method called on it
MessageListener processor = ObjectUtils . printAll ( MessageListener . class )
// a queue reader which turns messages into method calls.
MethodReader reader1 = queue1 . createTailer (). methodReader ( processor );
assertTrue ( reader1 . readOne ());
assertTrue ( reader1 . readOne ());
assertFalse ( reader1 . readOne ());
Running this example prints:
method1 [!Message1 {
text: hello
method2 [!Message2 {
number: 234
For more details see, Using Method Reader/Writers and MessageReaderWriterTest
Chronicle Queue supports explicit, or implicit, nanosecond resolution timing for messages as they pass end-to-end over across your system. We support using nano-time across machines, without the need for specialist hardware. To enable this, set the sourceId
of the queue.
ChronicleQueue out = ChronicleQueue . singleBuilder ( queuePath )
. sourceId ( 1 )
. build ();
SidedMarketDataListener combiner = out . acquireAppender ()
. methodWriterBuilder ( SidedMarketDataListener . class )
. get ();
combiner . onSidedPrice ( new SidedPrice ( "EURUSD1" , 123456789000L , Side . Sell , 1.1172 , 2e6 ));
A timestamp is added for each read and write as it passes from service to service.
--- !!data # binary
history : {
sources : [
0x426700000000 # (4)
timings : [
1394278797664704, # (1)
1394278822632044, # (2)
1394278824073475 # (3)
onTopOfBookPrice : {
symbol : EURUSD1,
timestamp : 123456789000,
buyPrice : NaN,
buyQuantity : 0,
sellPrice : 1.1172,
sellQuantity : 2000000.0
First write
First read
Write of the result of the read.
What triggered this event.
In the following section you will find how to work with the excerpt index.
Finding the index at the end of a Chronicle Queue
Chronicle Queue appenders are thread-local. In fact when you ask for:
final ExcerptAppender appender = queue.acquireAppender();
the acquireAppender()
uses a thread-local pool to give you an appender which will be reused to reduce object creation. As such, the method call to:
long index = appender.lastIndexAppended();
will only give you the last index appended by this appender; not the last index appended by any appender. If you wish to find the index of the last record written to the queue, then you have to call:
Which will return the index of the last excerpt present in the queue (or -1 for an empty queue). Note that if the queue is being written to concurrently it's possible the value may be an under-estimate, as subsequent entries may have been written even before it was returned.
The number of messages between two indexes
To count the number of messages between two indexes you can use:
笔记 | You should avoid calling this method on latency sensitive code, because if the indexes are in different cycles this method may have to access the .cq4 files from the file system. |
for more information on this see :
Move to a specific message and read it
The following example shows how to write 10 messages, then move to the 5th message to read it
@ Test
public void read5thMessageTest () {
try ( final ChronicleQueue queue = singleBuilder ( getTmpDir ()). build ()) {
final ExcerptAppender appender = queue . acquireAppender ();
int i = 0 ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 10 ; j ++) {
try ( DocumentContext dc = appender . writingDocument ()) {
dc . wire (). write ( "hello" ). text ( "world " + ( i ++));
long indexWritten = dc . index ();
// Get the current cycle
int cycle ;
final ExcerptTailer tailer = queue . createTailer ();
try ( DocumentContext documentContext = tailer . readingDocument ()) {
long index = documentContext . index ();
cycle = queue . rollCycle (). toCycle ( index );
long index = queue . rollCycle (). toIndex ( cycle , 5 );
tailer . moveToIndex ( index );
try ( DocumentContext dc = tailer . readingDocument ()) {
System . out . println ( dc . wire (). read ( "hello" ). text ());
You can add a StoreFileListener
to notify you when a file is added, or no longer used. This can be used to delete files after a period of time. However, by default, files are retained forever. Our largest users have over 100 TB of data stored in queues.
Appenders and tailers are cheap as they don't even require a TCP connection; they are just a few Java objects. The only thing each tailer retains is an index which is composed from:
a cycle number. For example, days since epoch, and
a sequence number within that cycle.
In the case of a DAILY
cycle, the sequence number is 32 bits, and the index = ((long) cycle << 32) | sequenceNumber
providing up to 4 billion entries per day. if more messages per day are anticipated, the XLARGE_DAILY
cycle, for example, provides up 4 trillion entries per day using a 48-bit sequence number. Printing the index in hexadecimal is common in our libraries, to make it easier to see these two components.
Rather than partition the queue files across servers, we support each server, storing as much data as you have disk space. This is much more scalable than being limited to the amount of memory space that you have. You can buy a redundant pair of 6TB of enterprise disks very much more cheaply than 6TB of memory.
Chronicle Queue runs a background thread to watch for low disk space (see net.openhft.chronicle.threads.DiskSpaceMonitor
class) as the JVM can crash when allocating a new memory mapped file if disk space becomes low enough. The disk space monitor checks (for each FileStore you are using Chronicle Queues on): that there is less than 200MB free. If so you will see:
Jvm . warn (). on ( getClass (), "your disk " + fileStore + " is almost full, " +
"warning: chronicle-queue may crash if it runs out of space." );
otherwise it will check for the threshold percentage and log out this message:
Jvm . warn (). on ( getClass (), "your disk " + fileStore
+ " is " + diskSpaceFull + "% full, " +
"warning: chronicle-queue may crash if it runs out of space." );
The threshold percentage is controlled by the chronicle.disk.monitor.threshold.percent system property.默认值为0。
As mentioned previously Chronicle Queue stores its data off-heap in a '.cq4' file. So whenever you wish to append data to this file or read data into this file, chronicle queue will create a file handle . Typically, Chronicle Queue will create a new '.cq4' file every day. However, this could be changed so that you can create a new file every hour, every minute or even every second.
If we create a queue file every second, we would refer to this as SECONDLY rolling. Of course, creating a new file every second is a little extreme, but it's a good way to illustrate the following point. When using secondly rolling, If you had written 10 seconds worth of data and then you wish to read this data, chronicle would have to scan across 10 files. To reduce the creation of the file handles, chronicle queue cashes them lazily and when it comes to writing data to the queue files, care-full consideration must be taken when closing the files, because on most OS's a close of the file, will force any data that has been appended to the file, to be flushed to disk, and if we are not careful this could stall your application.
is a class designed to be called from a long-lived thread. The purpose of the Pretoucher is to accelerate writing in a queue. Upon invocation of the execute()
method, this object will pre-touch pages in the queue's underlying store file, so that they are resident in the page-cache (ie loaded from storage) before they are required by appenders to the queue. Resources held by this object will be released when the underlying queue is closed. Alternatively, the shutdown()
method can be called to close the supplied queue and release any other resources. Invocation of the execute()
method after shutdown()
has been called will cause an IllegalStateException
to be thrown.
The Pretoucher's configuration parameters (set via the system properties) are as follows:
(defaults to false): Causes the Pretoucher to create the next cycle file while the queue is still writing to the current one in order to mitigate the impact of stalls in the OS when creating new files.
警告 | earlyAcquireNextCycle is off by default and if it is going to be turned on, you should very carefully stress test before and after turning it on. Basically what you experience is related to your system. |
(defaults to 2,000 milliseconds) The pretoucher will create new cycle files this amount of time in advanced of them being written to. Effectively moves the Pretoucher's notion of which cycle is "current" into the future by pretoucherPrerollTimeMs
(defaults to false): Tells the Pretoucher to never create cycle files that do not already exist. As opposed to the default behaviour where if the Pretoucher runs inside a cycle where no excerpts have been written, it will create the "current" cycle file. Obviously enabling this will prevent earlyAcquireNextCycle
from working.
Pretoucher usage example
The configuration parameters of Pretoucher that were described above should be set via system properties. For example, in the following excerpt earlyAcquireNextCycle
is set to true
and pretoucherPrerollTimeMs
to 100ms.
System . setProperty ( "SingleChronicleQueueExcerpts.earlyAcquireNextCycle" , "true" );
System . setProperty ( "SingleChronicleQueueExcerpts.pretoucherPrerollTimeMs" , "100" );
The constructor of Pretoucher takes the name of the queue that this Pretoucher is assigned to and creates a new Pretoucher. Then, by invoking the execute()
method the Pretoucher starts.
// Creates the queue q1 (or q1 is a queue that already exists)
try ( final SingleChronicleQueue q1 = SingleChronicleQueueBuilder . binary ( "queue-storage-path" ). build ();
final Pretoucher pretouch = PretouchUtil . INSTANCE . createPretoucher ( q1 )){
try {
pretouch . execute ();
} catch ( InvalidEventHandlerException e ) {
throw Jvm . rethrow ( e );
The method close()
, closes the Pretoucher and releases its resources.
pretouch . close ();
笔记 | The Pretoucher is an Enterprise feature |
Chronicle Queue can be monitored to obtain latency, throughput, and activity metrics, in real time (that is, within microseconds of the event triggering it).
The following charts show how long it takes to:
write a 40 byte message to a Chronicle Queue
have the write replicated over TCP
have the second copy acknowledge receipt of the message
have a thread read the acknowledged message
The test was run for ten minutes, and the distribution of latencies plotted.
笔记 | There is a step in latency at around 10 million message per second; it jumps as the messages start to batch. At rates below this, each message can be sent individually. |
The 99.99 percentile and above are believed to be delays in passing the message over TCP. Further research is needed to prove this. These delays are similar, regardless of the throughput. The 99.9 percentile and 99.93 percentile are a function of how quickly the system can recover after a delay. The higher the throughput, the less headroom the system has to recover from a delay.
When double-buffering is disabled, all writes to the queue will be serialized based on the write lock acquisition. Each time ExcerptAppender.writingDocument()
is called, appender tries to acquire the write lock on the queue, and if it fails to do so it blocks until write lock is unlocked, and in turn locks the queue for itself.
When double-buffering is enabled, if appender sees that the write lock is acquired upon call to ExcerptAppender.writingDocument()
call, it returns immediately with a context pointing to the secondary buffer, and essentially defers lock acquisition until the context.close()
is called (normally with try-with-resources pattern it is at the end of the try block), allowing user to go ahead writing data, and then essentially doing memcpy on the serialized data (thus reducing cost of serialization). By default, double-buffering is disabled. You can enable double-buffering by calling
笔记 | During a write that is buffered, DocumentContext.index() will throw an IndexNotAvailableException . This is because it is impossible to know the index until the buffer is written back to the queue, which only happens when the DocumentContext is closed. |
This is only useful if (majority of) the objects being written to the queue are big enough AND their marshalling is not straight-forward (eg BytesMarshallable's marshalling is very efficient and quick and hence double-buffering will only slow things down), and if there's a heavy contention on writes (eg 2 or more threads writing a lot of data to the queue at a very high rate).
Below are the benchmark results for various data sizes at the frequency of 10 KHz for a cumbersome message (see net.openhft.chronicle.queue.bench.QueueContendedWritesJLBHBenchmark
), YMMV - always do your own benchmarks:
1 kb
Double-buffer disabled:
-------------------------------- SUMMARY (Concurrent) -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Percentile run1 run2 run3 % Variation 50: 90.40 90.59 91.17 0.42 90: 179.52 180.29 97.50 36.14 99: 187.33 186.69 186.82 0.05 99.7: 213.57 198.72 217.28 5.86 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------- SUMMARY (Concurrent2) -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Percentile run1 run2 run3 % Variation 50: 179.14 179.26 180.93 0.62 90: 183.49 183.36 185.92 0.92 99: 192.19 190.02 215.49 8.20 99.7: 240.70 228.16 258.88 8.24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Double-buffer enabled:
-------------------------------- SUMMARY (Concurrent) -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Percentile run1 run2 run3 % Variation 50: 86.05 85.60 86.24 0.50 90: 170.18 169.79 170.30 0.20 99: 176.83 176.58 177.09 0.19 99.7: 183.36 185.92 183.49 0.88 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------- SUMMARY (Concurrent2) -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Percentile run1 run2 run3 % Variation 50: 86.24 85.98 86.11 0.10 90: 89.89 89.44 89.63 0.14 99: 169.66 169.79 170.05 0.10 99.7: 175.42 176.32 176.45 0.05 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
4 KB
Double-buffer disabled:
-------------------------------- SUMMARY (Concurrent) -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Percentile run1 run2 run3 % Variation 50: 691.46 699.65 701.18 0.15 90: 717.57 722.69 721.15 0.14 99: 752.90 748.29 748.29 0.00 99.7: 1872.38 1743.36 1780.22 1.39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------- SUMMARY (Concurrent2) -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Percentile run1 run2 run3 % Variation 50: 350.59 353.66 353.41 0.05 90: 691.46 701.18 697.60 0.34 99: 732.42 733.95 729.34 0.42 99.7: 1377.79 1279.49 1302.02 1.16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Double-buffer enabled:
-------------------------------- SUMMARY (Concurrent) -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Percentile run1 run2 run3 % Variation 50: 342.40 344.96 344.45 0.10 90: 357.25 360.32 359.04 0.24 99: 688.38 691.97 691.46 0.05 99.7: 1376.77 1480.19 1383.94 4.43 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------- SUMMARY (Concurrent2) -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Percentile run1 run2 run3 % Variation 50: 343.68 345.47 346.24 0.15 90: 360.06 362.11 363.14 0.19 99: 694.02 698.62 699.14 0.05 99.7: 1400.32 1510.91 1435.14 3.40 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
If you wish to tune your code for ultra-low latency, you could take a similar approach to our QueueReadJitterMain
net . openhft . chronicle . queue . jitter . QueueReadJitterMain
This code can be considered as a basic stack sampler profiler. This is assuming you base your code on the net.openhft.chronicle.core.threads.EventLoop
, you can periodically sample the stacks to find a stall. It is recommended to not reduce the sample rate below 50 microseconds as this will produce too much noise
It is likely to give you finer granularity than a typical profiler. As it is based on a statistical approach of where the stalls are, it takes many samples, to see which code has the highest grouping ( in other words the highest stalls ) and will output a trace that looks like the following :
28 at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.putVal( at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.put( at net.openhft.chronicle.core.util.WeakReferenceCleaner.newCleaner( at net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.NativeBytesStore.<init>( at net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.MappedBytesStore.<init>( at net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.MappedFile$$Lambda$4/1732398722.create(Unknown Source) at net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.MappedFile.acquireByteStore( at net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.MappedFile.acquireByteStore( 25 at net.openhft.chronicle.queue.jitter.QueueWriteJitterMain.lambda$main$1( at net.openhft.chronicle.queue.jitter.QueueWriteJitterMain$$Lambda$11/ Source) 在 21 at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.putVal( at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.put( at net.openhft.chronicle.core.util.WeakReferenceCleaner.newCleaner( at net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.NativeBytesStore.<init>( at net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.MappedBytesStore.<init>( at net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.MappedFile$$Lambda$4/1732398722.create(Unknown Source) at net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.MappedFile.acquireByteStore( at net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.MappedFile.acquireByteStore( 14 at net.openhft.chronicle.queue.jitter.QueueWriteJitterMain.lambda$main$1( at net.openhft.chronicle.queue.jitter.QueueWriteJitterMain$$Lambda$11/ Source) 在
from this, we can see that most of the samples (on this occasion 28 of them ) were captured in ConcurrentHashMap.putVal()
if we wish to get finer grain granularity, we will often add a net.openhft.chronicle.core.Jvm.safepoint
into the code because thread dumps are only reported at safe-points.
In the test described above, the typical latency varied between 14 and 40 microseconds. The 99 percentile varied between 17 and 56 microseconds depending on the throughput being tested. Notably, the 99.93% latency varied between 21 microseconds and 41 milliseconds, a factor of 2000.
Acceptable Latency | 吞吐量 |
< 30 microseconds 99.3% of the time | 7 million message per second |
< 20 microseconds 99.9% of the time | 20 million messages per second |
< 1 milliseconds 99.9% of the time | 50 million messages per second |
< 60 microseconds 99.3% of the time | 80 million message per second |
Batching and Queue Latency
End-to-End latency plots for various message sizes
Chronicle Queue is designed to out-perform its rivals such as Kafka. Chronicle Queue supports over an order-of-magnitude of greater throughput, together with an order-of-magnitude of lower latency, than Apache Kafka. While Kafka is faster than many of the alternatives, it doesn't match Chronicle Queue's ability to support throughputs of over a million events per second, while simultaneously achieving latencies of 1 to 20 microseconds.
Chronicle Queue handles more volume from a single thread to a single partition. This avoids the need for the complexity, and the downsides, of having partitions.
Kafka uses an intermediate broker to use the operating system's file system and cache, while Chronicle Queue directly uses the operating system's file system and cache. For comparison see Kafka Documentation
Big Data and Chronicle Queue - a detailed description of some techniques utilised by Chronicle Queue
FAQ - questions asked by customers
How it works - more depth on how Chronicle Queue is implemented
Utilities - lists some useful utilities for working with queue files
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