从“ Bonjour”到“登机通行证”:多语言AI聊天机器人进行飞行预订
本文演示了如何使用多代理编排框架构建多语言聊天机器人。本文解释了如何将Amazon Lex机器人与其他两个新代理一起使用Amazon Lex Bot作为代理,以使其仅使用几行代码以多种语言起作用。
大声说,AI:用Amazon Connect,Lex和Bedrock表达您的代理商
本文演示了如何建立AI客户呼叫中心。它涵盖了使用多代理编排框架通过Amazon Connect和Amazon Lex与Voice交互的多代理编排框架的架构和设置。
npm install multi-agent-orchestrator
以下示例演示了如何使用两种不同类型的代理的多代理编排者:具有匡威API支持和LEX bot剂的基岩LLM代理。这展示了系统在整合各种AI服务方面的灵活性。
import { MultiAgentOrchestrator , BedrockLLMAgent , LexBotAgent } from "multi-agent-orchestrator" ;
const orchestrator = new MultiAgentOrchestrator ( ) ;
// Add a Bedrock LLM Agent with Converse API support
orchestrator . addAgent (
new BedrockLLMAgent ( {
name : "Tech Agent" ,
description :
"Specializes in technology areas including software development, hardware, AI, cybersecurity, blockchain, cloud computing, emerging tech innovations, and pricing/costs related to technology products and services." ,
streaming : true
} )
) ;
// Add a Lex Bot Agent for handling travel-related queries
orchestrator . addAgent (
new LexBotAgent ( {
name : "Travel Agent" ,
description : "Helps users book and manage their flight reservations" ,
botId : process . env . LEX_BOT_ID ,
botAliasId : process . env . LEX_BOT_ALIAS_ID ,
localeId : "en_US" ,
} )
) ;
// Example usage
const response = await orchestrator . routeRequest (
"I want to book a flight" ,
'user123' ,
) ;
// Handle the response (streaming or non-streaming)
if ( response . streaming == true ) {
console . log ( "n** RESPONSE STREAMING ** n" ) ;
// Send metadata immediately
console . log ( `> Agent ID: ${ response . metadata . agentId } ` ) ;
console . log ( `> Agent Name: ${ response . metadata . agentName } ` ) ;
console . log ( `> User Input: ${ response . metadata . userInput } ` ) ;
console . log ( `> User ID: ${ response . metadata . userId } ` ) ;
console . log ( `> Session ID: ${ response . metadata . sessionId } ` ) ;
console . log (
`> Additional Parameters:` ,
response . metadata . additionalParams
) ;
console . log ( `n> Response: ` ) ;
// Stream the content
for await ( const chunk of response . output ) {
if ( typeof chunk === "string" ) {
process . stdout . write ( chunk ) ;
} else {
console . error ( "Received unexpected chunk type:" , typeof chunk ) ;
} else {
// Handle non-streaming response (AgentProcessingResult)
console . log ( "n** RESPONSE ** n" ) ;
console . log ( `> Agent ID: ${ response . metadata . agentId } ` ) ;
console . log ( `> Agent Name: ${ response . metadata . agentName } ` ) ;
console . log ( `> User Input: ${ response . metadata . userInput } ` ) ;
console . log ( `> User ID: ${ response . metadata . userId } ` ) ;
console . log ( `> Session ID: ${ response . metadata . sessionId } ` ) ;
console . log (
`> Additional Parameters:` ,
response . metadata . additionalParams
) ;
console . log ( `n> Response: ${ response . output } ` ) ;
# Optional: Set up a virtual environment
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # On Windows use `venvScriptsactivate`
pip install multi-agent-orchestrator
这是一个等效的python示例,证明了使用基岩LLM代理和Lex Bot代理使用多代理编排者:
import os
import asyncio
from multi_agent_orchestrator . orchestrator import MultiAgentOrchestrator
from multi_agent_orchestrator . agents import BedrockLLMAgent , LexBotAgent , BedrockLLMAgentOptions , LexBotAgentOptions , AgentCallbacks
orchestrator = MultiAgentOrchestrator ()
class BedrockLLMAgentCallbacks ( AgentCallbacks ):
def on_llm_new_token ( self , token : str ) -> None :
# handle response streaming here
print ( token , end = '' , flush = True )
tech_agent = BedrockLLMAgent ( BedrockLLMAgentOptions (
name = "Tech Agent" ,
streaming = True ,
description = "Specializes in technology areas including software development, hardware, AI,
cybersecurity, blockchain, cloud computing, emerging tech innovations, and pricing/costs
related to technology products and services." ,
model_id = "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0" ,
callbacks = BedrockLLMAgentCallbacks ()
orchestrator . add_agent ( tech_agent )
# Add a Lex Bot Agent for handling travel-related queries
orchestrator . add_agent (
LexBotAgent ( LexBotAgentOptions (
name = "Travel Agent" ,
description = "Helps users book and manage their flight reservations" ,
bot_id = os . environ . get ( 'LEX_BOT_ID' ),
bot_alias_id = os . environ . get ( 'LEX_BOT_ALIAS_ID' ),
locale_id = "en_US" ,
async def main ():
# Example usage
response = await orchestrator . route_request (
"I want to book a flight" ,
'user123' ,
# Handle the response (streaming or non-streaming)
if response . streaming :
print ( " n ** RESPONSE STREAMING ** n " )
# Send metadata immediately
print ( f"> Agent ID: { response . metadata . agent_id } " )
print ( f"> Agent Name: { response . metadata . agent_name } " )
print ( f"> User Input: { response . metadata . user_input } " )
print ( f"> User ID: { response . metadata . user_id } " )
print ( f"> Session ID: { response . metadata . session_id } " )
print ( f"> Additional Parameters: { response . metadata . additional_params } " )
print ( " n > Response: " )
# Stream the content
async for chunk in response . output :
if isinstance ( chunk , str ):
print ( chunk , end = '' , flush = True )
else :
print ( f"Received unexpected chunk type: { type ( chunk ) } " , file = sys . stderr )
else :
# Handle non-streaming response (AgentProcessingResult)
print ( " n ** RESPONSE ** n " )
print ( f"> Agent ID: { response . metadata . agent_id } " )
print ( f"> Agent Name: { response . metadata . agent_name } " )
print ( f"> User Input: { response . metadata . user_input } " )
print ( f"> User ID: { response . metadata . user_id } " )
print ( f"> Session ID: { response . metadata . session_id } " )
print ( f"> Additional Parameters: { response . metadata . additional_params } " )
print ( f" n > Response: { response . output . content } " )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
asyncio . run ( main ())
如果您想将拟人化或OpenAI用于分类器和/或代理,请确保安装具有相关额外功能的多代理 - 策划者。
pip install " multi-agent-orchestrator[anthropic] "
pip install " multi-agent-orchestrator[openai] "
pip install " multi-agent-orchestrator[all] "
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