.______ .______ .______ ._______ ._______ ._______ _____._
:_ _ : __ : __ : .___ : __ / : .___ __ _:|
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| . | || : | : | : || |> | : | | |
|. ____/ | |___| |___ _. ___/ |_______/ _. ___/ | |
:/ |___| |___| :/ :/ |___|
: : :
版權所有 2019 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS)。根據與 NTESS 簽訂的合約 DE-NA0003525 的條款,美國政府保留對此軟體的某些權利。
Dr.ROBOT 是一個領域偵察和枚舉工具。透過利用容器來減少處理依賴關係、跨作業系統和不同語言的不一致的開銷,Dr.ROBOT 被建構為高度可移植和可配置的。
用例:收集組織擁有的盡可能多的面向公眾的伺服器。查詢 DNS 資源使我們能夠快速開發大量可能的目標列表,您可以對其進行進一步分析。
注意:ROBOT 博士不僅僅是一匹只會耍花招的小馬。您可以輕鬆自訂用於收集資訊的工具,以便您可以享受使用最新、最好的工具以及您最喜歡的工具的好處。
Dr.ROBOT 將設定檔、範本、日誌、輸出檔和資料庫檔案加入.drrobot
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 Sep 16 12:15 ansible_inventory
drwxr-xr-x 5 160 Sep 16 12:18 ansible_plays
-rw-r--r-- 1 13576 Sep 16 12:41 config.json
drwxr-xr-x 4 128 Sep 17 10:48 dbs
drwxr-xr-x 21 672 Sep 16 13:51 docker_buildfiles
drwxr-xr-x 4 128 Sep 16 15:38 logs
drwxr-xr-x 3 96 Sep 16 12:46 output
目錄中的 config.json 檔案並重新執行 Dr.ROBOT,這將為您產生一個新的設定檔。
git clone <URL>
cd gitrepo
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
drrobot --help
usage: drrobot [-h] [--proxy PROXY] [--dns DNS] [--verbose] [--dbfile DBFILE]
{gather,inspect,upload,rebuild,dumpdb,output,serve} ...
Docker DNS recon tool
positional arguments:
gather Runs initial scanning phase where tools under the
webtools/scannerscategory will run and gather
information used in the following phases
inspect Run further tools against domain information gathered
from previous step.Note: you must either supply a file
which contains a list of IP/Hostnames orThe targeted
domain must have a db under the dbs folder
upload Upload recon data to Mattermost/Slack
rebuild Rebuild the database with additional files/all files
from previous runtime
dumpdb Dump contents of database (ip,hostname,banners) to a
text file with hostname for filename
output Generate output in specified format. Contains all
information from scans (images, headers, hostnames,
serve Serve database file in docker container using django
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--proxy PROXY Proxy server URL to set DOCKER http_proxy too
--dns DNS DNS server to add to resolv.conf of DOCKER containers
--verbose Display verbose statements
--dbfile DBFILE Specify what db file to use for saving data too
git clone <URL>
cd gitrepo
pipenv sync
pipenv shell
drrobot --help
usage: drrobot [-h] [--proxy PROXY] [--dns DNS] [--verbose] [--dbfile DBFILE]
{gather,inspect,upload,rebuild,dumpdb,output,serve} ...
Docker DNS recon tool
positional arguments:
gather Runs initial scanning phase where tools under the
webtools/scannerscategory will run and gather
information used in the following phases
inspect Run further tools against domain information gathered
from previous step.Note: you must either supply a file
which contains a list of IP/Hostnames orThe targeted
domain must have a db under the dbs folder
upload Upload recon data to Mattermost/Slack
rebuild Rebuild the database with additional files/all files
from previous runtime
dumpdb Dump contents of database (ip,hostname,banners) to a
text file with hostname for filename
output Generate output in specified format. Contains all
information from scans (images, headers, hostnames,
serve Serve database file in docker container using django
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--proxy PROXY Proxy server URL to set DOCKER http_proxy too
--dns DNS DNS server to add to resolv.conf of DOCKER containers
--verbose Display verbose statements
--dbfile DBFILE Specify what db file to use for saving data too
下建立一個 certs 目錄,您可以在其中新增 crt 檔案。作為 dockerfile 建置過程的一部分,我們現在產生帶有憑證的 tarfile,以便 Amass 等應用程式可以運行。
Dr.ROBOT 中包含一個 docker-compose.yml 檔案。該文件包含一個簡單的撰寫文件,用於提供 Minio 以及運行時收集的文件。
cd /path/to/drrobot/
docker-compose up
該工具嚴重依賴 Docker。
您可以使任何模組支援 Ansible。
brew install gnu-tar
gnu-tar eval $(ssh-agent)
ssh-add /path/to/keyfile