利用CVE-2024-7339 DVR資訊外洩漏洞的漏洞偵測與利用工具 超過400,000+裝置外洩產品型號、核心版本等資訊。
cd CVE-2024-7339
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 exploit.py --help
python3 exploit.py -h
______ ____ __ _ ______
/ ____/ __/ __ / / ____ (_)_ __/__ _____
/ __/ | |/_/ /_/ / / / __ / / / / / _ / ___/
/ /____> </ ____/ /__/ /_/ / / / / / __/ /
/_____/_/|_/_/ /_____|____/_/ /_/ ___/_/
[Description] : Vulnerability Detection and Exploitation tool for CVE-2024-7339
options :
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- u URL, --url URL [INF] : Specify a URL or domain for vulnerability detection
- l LIST, --list LIST [INF] : Specify a list of URLs for vulnerability detection
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
[INF] : Number of threads for list of URLs
-proxy PROXY, --proxy PROXY
[INF] : Proxy URL to send request via your proxy
- v, --verbose [INF] : Increases verbosity of output in console
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
[INF] : Filename to save output of vulnerable target]
Exploiter 工具用於教育目的,開發者不對使用此工具的任何非法利用負責,開發者如下所述