AHN CLI 是一款命令列介面工具,旨在輕鬆下載特定城市和分類類別的 AHN (Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland) 點雲資料。
使用 pip 安裝 AHN CLI:
pip install ahn_cli
若要使用 AHN CLI,請使用適當的選項執行下列命令:
-c, --city < city_name > Download point cloud data for the specified city.
-o, --output < file > Designate the output file for the downloaded data.
-i, --include-class < class > Include specific point cloud classes in the download,
specified in a comma-separated list. Available classes:
0:Created, never classified ; 1:Unclassified ; 2:Ground ;
6:Building ; 9:Water ; 14:High tension ; 26:Civil structure.
-e, --exclude-class < class > Exclude specific point cloud classes from the download,
specified in a comma-separated list. Available classes as above.
-d, --decimate < step > Decimate the point cloud data by the specified step.
-ncc, --no-clip-city Avoid clipping the point cloud data to the city boundary.
-cf, --clip-file < file > Provide a file path for a clipping boundary file to clip
the point cloud data to a specified area.
-e, --epsg < epsg > Set the EPSG code for user ' s clip file.
-b, --bbox <bbox> Specify a bounding box to clip the point cloud data. It should be comma-separated list with minx,miny,maxx,maxy
centered on the city polygon.
-p, --preview Preview the point cloud data in a 3D viewer.
-h, --help [category] Show help information. Optionally specify a category for
detailed help on a specific command.
-v, --version Display the version number of the AHN CLI and exit.
ahn_cli -c delft -o ./delft.laz
ahn_cli -c delft -o ./delft.laz -i 1,2
ahn_cli -c delft -o ./delft.laz -i 1,2 -ncc
ahn_cli -c delft -o ./delft.laz -i 1,2 -d 2
ahn_cli -o ./delft.laz -i 1,2 -b 194198.0,443461.0,194594.0,443694.0
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