Highlighter 4.0.4
一個簡單的 Chrome 擴展,只需右鍵單擊(或鍵盤快捷鍵 Ctrl+Shfit+H)即可突出顯示網頁上的文字。儲存所有突出顯示,以便在重新開啟網頁時可以重新突出顯示它們!
可於 Chrome 線上應用程式商店下載。
您將需要安裝 Node.js 和gh
npm install
最後,您需要輸入您自己的 Google Analytics 帳戶 ID。一份用於生產,一份用於測試:
cp config/secrets.sample.js config/secrets.js # Then replace "GA_TRACKING_ID" with your test account ID
cp config/secrets.sample.js config/secrets.production.js # Then replace the "GA_TRACKING_ID" with your production account ID
npm run lint
# Bump the version in the manifest and package.json files, create a new commit, tag it, push to Github
# and create a draft release on Github using the `gh` CLI tool
npm run release
# Create the zipped package to upload to the Chrome web store
npm run build