Youku mPLUG
我們發布了公開的最大的中文高品質視訊語言資料集(1000萬),名為Youku-mPLUG ,該資料集來自中國知名影片分享網站優酷,具有嚴格的安全性、多樣性和品質標準。
建議的 Youku-mPLUG 資料集中的影片剪輯和標題範例。
我們提供 3 個不同的下游多模態影片基準資料集來衡量預訓練模型的能力。這 3 項不同的任務包括:
注意:由於megatron_util的bug,安裝megatron_util後,需要將conda/envs/youku/lib/python3.10/site-packages/megatron_util/initialize.py替換為目前目錄下的 。
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate youku
pip install megatron_util==1.3.0 -f
# For caption evaluation
apt-get install default-jre
首先,您應該從 Modelscope 下載 GPT-3 1.3B 和 2.7B 檢查點。預訓練模型可以在此處(1.3B)和此處(2.7B)下載。
將 mPLUG-Video 的預訓練運行為:
exp_name = 'pretrain/gpt3_1.3B/pretrain_gpt3_freezeGPT_youku_v0'
python - m torch . distributed . launch - - nproc_per_node = 8 - - master_addr = $ MASTER_ADDR
- - master_port = $ MASTER_PORT
- - nnodes = $ WORLD_SIZE
- - node_rank = $ RANK
- - use_env run_pretrain_distributed_gpt3 . py
- - config . / configs / ${ exp_name }. yaml
- - output_dir . / output / ${ exp_name }
- - enable_deepspeed
- - bf16
2 > & 1 | tee . / output / ${ exp_name } / train . log
exp_name = 'cls/cls_gpt3_1.3B_youku_v0_sharp_2'
python - m torch . distributed . launch - - nproc_per_node = 8 - - master_addr = $ MASTER_ADDR
- - master_port = $ MASTER_PORT
- - nnodes = $ WORLD_SIZE
- - node_rank = $ RANK
- - use_env downstream / run_cls_distributed_gpt3 . py
- - config . / configs / ${ exp_name }. yaml
- - output_dir . / output / ${ exp_name }
- - enable_deepspeed
- - resume path / to / 1_3 B_mp_rank_00_model_states . pt
- - bf16
2 > & 1 | tee . / output / ${ exp_name } / train . log
我們基於 mPLUG-Owl 建構了 mPLUG-Video 模型。要使用該模型,您應該先將 mPLUG-Owl 儲存庫克隆為
git clone
cd mPLUG-Owl/mPLUG-Owl
HuggingFace 上提供了指令調整的檢查點。對於模型的微調,可以參考 mPLUG-Owl Repo。要執行視訊推理,您可以使用以下程式碼:
import torch
from mplug_owl_video . modeling_mplug_owl import MplugOwlForConditionalGeneration
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from mplug_owl_video . processing_mplug_owl import MplugOwlImageProcessor , MplugOwlProcessor
pretrained_ckpt = 'MAGAer13/mplug-youku-bloomz-7b'
model = MplugOwlForConditionalGeneration . from_pretrained (
pretrained_ckpt ,
torch_dtype = torch . bfloat16 ,
device_map = { '' : 0 },
image_processor = MplugOwlImageProcessor . from_pretrained ( pretrained_ckpt )
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer . from_pretrained ( pretrained_ckpt )
processor = MplugOwlProcessor ( image_processor , tokenizer )
# We use a human/AI template to organize the context as a multi-turn conversation.
# <|video|> denotes an video placehold.
prompts = [
'''The following is a conversation between a curious human and AI assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.
Human: <|video|>
Human: 视频中的女人在干什么?
AI: ''' ]
video_list = [ 'yoga.mp4' ]
# generate kwargs (the same in transformers) can be passed in the do_generate()
generate_kwargs = {
'do_sample' : True ,
'top_k' : 5 ,
'max_length' : 512
inputs = processor ( text = prompts , videos = video_list , num_frames = 4 , return_tensors = 'pt' )
inputs = { k : v . bfloat16 () if v . dtype == torch . float else v for k , v in inputs . items ()}
inputs = { k : v . to ( model . device ) for k , v in inputs . items ()}
with torch . no_grad ():
res = model . generate ( ** inputs , ** generate_kwargs )
sentence = tokenizer . decode ( res . tolist ()[ 0 ], skip_special_tokens = True )
print ( sentence )
@misc { xu2023youku_mplug ,
title = { Youku-mPLUG: A 10 Million Large-scale Chinese Video-Language Dataset for Pre-training and Benchmarks } ,
author = { Haiyang Xu, Qinghao Ye, Xuan Wu, Ming Yan, Yuan Miao, Jiabo Ye, Guohai Xu, Anwen Hu, Yaya Shi, Chenliang Li, Qi Qian, Que Maofei, Ji Zhang, Xiao Zeng, Fei Huang } ,
year = { 2023 } ,
eprint = { 2306.04362 } ,
archivePrefix = { arXiv } ,
primaryClass = { cs.CL }