該庫有助於從 Pinterest 抓取和下載圖像。使用 Selenium 進行自動化,它使用戶能夠從指定的 Pinterest URL 中提取圖像並將其保存到選定的目錄中。
它包括用於直接使用的 CLI 和用於程式存取的 Python API。該工具支援使用瀏覽器 cookie 從公共和私人板和圖釘中抓取圖像。它還允許用戶將抓取的 URL 保存到 JSON 檔案中以供將來存取。
️ 免責聲明:
該項目是獨立的,不隸屬於 Pinterest。它是專為教育目的而設計。請注意,自動抓取網站可能會與其服務條款發生衝突。儲存庫擁有者對濫用此工具不承擔任何責任。負責任地使用它並自行承擔法律風險。
該項目的靈感來自 pinterest-image-scraper。
,以便於搜尋。--client chrome
或--client firefox
來使用 webdriver )(請參閱拉取請求pip install pinterest-dl
git clone https://github.com/sean1832/pinterest-dl.git
cd pinterest-dl
pip install .
pinterest-dl [command] [options]
以匿名模式,無需登錄,從 Pinterest URL https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1234567
。將抓取的 URL 儲存到JSON
pinterest-dl scrape " https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1234567 " " images/art " -l 30 -r 512x512 --json
取得瀏覽器 Cookie:
取得用於 Pinterest 登入的瀏覽器 cookie,並以 headful 模式(使用瀏覽器視窗)將它們儲存到cookies.json
pinterest-dl login -o cookies.json --headful
系統將提示您輸入 Pinterest 電子郵件和密碼。該工具會將瀏覽器cookie儲存到指定的檔案中以供將來使用。
檔案中儲存的 cookies 從私人 Pinterest 板上抓取影像。
pinterest-dl scrape " https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1234567 " " images/art " -l 30 -c cookies.json
Webdriver 進行抓取。這較慢但更可靠。它將以無頭模式打開瀏覽器來抓取圖像。您也可以使用--headful
pinterest-dl download art.json -o downloaded_imgs -r 1024x1024
使用您的憑證登入 Pinterest 以取得瀏覽器 cookie,以抓取私人圖板和圖釘。
pinterest-dl login [options]
, --output [file]
:儲存瀏覽器 cookie 供將來使用的檔案。 (預設: cookies.json
:選擇抓取客戶端( chrome
/ firefox
)。 (預設: chrome
:在瀏覽器視窗的 headful 模式下運作。--verbose
:啟動隱身模式進行抓取。 提示
指令後,系統將提示您輸入 Pinterest 電子郵件和密碼。然後,該工具會將瀏覽器 cookie 儲存到指定檔案以供將來使用。 (如果不指定,則會儲存到./cookies.json
從指定的 Pinterest URL 中提取圖像。
pinterest-dl scrape [url] [output_dir] [options]
, --cookies [file]
:包含專用板/接腳的瀏覽器 cookie 的檔案。執行login
, --limit [number]
, --resolution [width]x[height]
:下載的最小影像解析度(例如,512x512)。--timeout [second]
:將抓取的 URL 儲存到 JSON 檔案中。--dry-run
: 選擇抓取客戶端 ( api
/ chrome
/ firefox
)。 (預設:API)--incognito
:啟動隱身模式進行抓取。 (僅限鉻/火狐瀏覽器)--headful
:在瀏覽器視窗的 headful 模式下運作。 (僅限鉻/火狐瀏覽器) 從文件中提供的 URL 清單下載圖片。
pinterest-dl download [url_list] [options]
, --output [directory]
, --resolution [width]x[height]
:下載的最小解析度(例如 512x512)。--verbose
:啟用詳細輸出。 您也可以直接在 Python 程式碼中使用PinterestDL
以下範例展示如何一步從 Pinterest URL 抓取和下載圖像。
from pinterest_dl import PinterestDL
# Initialize and run the Pinterest image downloader with specified settings
images = PinterestDL . with_api (
timeout = 3 , # Timeout in seconds for each request (default: 3)
verbose = False , # Enable detailed logging for debugging (default: False)
). scrape_and_download (
url = "https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1234567" , # Pinterest URL to scrape
output_dir = "images/art" , # Directory to save downloaded images
limit = 30 , # Max number of images to download
min_resolution = ( 512 , 512 ), # Minimum resolution for images (width, height) (default: None)
json_output = "art.json" , # File to save URLs of scraped images (default: None)
dry_run = False , # If True, performs a scrape without downloading images (default: False)
add_captions = True , # Adds image `alt` text as metadata to images (default: False)
2a.取得 cookie您需要先登入 Pinterest 取得瀏覽器 cookie,以便抓取私人圖板和圖釘。
import os
import json
from pinterest_dl import PinterestDL
# Make sure you don't expose your password in the code.
email = input ( "Enter Pinterest email: " )
password = os . getenv ( "PINTEREST_PASSWORD" )
# Initialize browser and login to Pinterest
cookies = PinterestDL . with_browser (
browser_type = "chrome" ,
headless = True ,
). login ( email , password ). get_cookies (
after_sec = 7 , # Time to wait before capturing cookies. Login may take time.
# Save cookies to a file
with open ( "cookies.json" , "w" ) as f :
json . dump ( cookies , f , indent = 4 )
from pinterest_dl import PinterestDL
# Initialize and run the Pinterest image downloader with specified settings
images = (
PinterestDL . with_api ()
. with_cookies (
"cookies.json" , # Path to cookies file
. scrape_and_download (
url = "https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1234567" , # Assume this is a private board URL
output_dir = "images/art" , # Directory to save downloaded images
limit = 30 , # Max number of images to download
import json
from pinterest_dl import PinterestDL
# 1. Initialize PinterestDL with API.
scraped_images = PinterestDL . with_api (). scrape (
url = "https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1234567" , # URL of the Pinterest page
limit = 30 , # Maximum number of images to scrape
min_resolution = ( 512 , 512 ), # <- Only available to set in the API. Browser mode will have to pruned after download.
# 2. Save Scraped Data to JSON
# Convert scraped data into a dictionary and save it to a JSON file for future access
images_data = [ img . to_dict () for img in scraped_images ]
with open ( "art.json" , "w" ) as f :
json . dump ( images_data , f , indent = 4 )
# 3. Download Images
# Download images to a specified directory
downloaded_imgs = PinterestDL . download_images ( images = scraped_images , output_dir = "images/art" )
valid_indices = list ( range ( len ( downloaded_imgs ))) # All images are valid to add captions
# 4. Add Alt Text as Metadata
# Extract `alt` text from images and set it as metadata in the downloaded files
PinterestDL . add_captions ( images = downloaded_imgs , indices = valid_indices )
import json
from pinterest_dl import PinterestDL
# 1. Initialize PinterestDL with API.
scraped_images = PinterestDL . with_browser (
browser_type = "chrome" , # Browser type to use ('chrome' or 'firefox')
headless = True , # Run browser in headless mode
). scrape (
url = "https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1234567" , # URL of the Pinterest page
limit = 30 , # Maximum number of images to scrape
# 2. Save Scraped Data to JSON
# Convert scraped data into a dictionary and save it to a JSON file for future access
images_data = [ img . to_dict () for img in scraped_images ]
with open ( "art.json" , "w" ) as f :
json . dump ( images_data , f , indent = 4 )
# 3. Download Images
# Download images to a specified directory
downloaded_imgs = PinterestDL . download_images ( images = scraped_images , output_dir = "images/art" )
# 4. Prune Images by Resolution
# Remove images that do not meet the minimum resolution criteria
valid_indices = PinterestDL . prune_images ( images = downloaded_imgs , min_resolution = ( 200 , 200 ))
# 5. Add Alt Text as Metadata
# Extract `alt` text from images and set it as metadata in the downloaded files
PinterestDL . add_captions ( images = downloaded_imgs , indices = valid_indices )
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