在 Pytorch 中實作 OpenAI 更新的文字到影像合成神經網路 DALL-E 2。
Yannic Kilcher 總結 |組裝AI講解器
主要的新穎之處似乎是與先前網路(無論是自回歸變壓器還是擴散網路)的額外間接層,它根據來自 CLIP 的文本嵌入來預測圖像嵌入。具體來說,這個儲存庫只會建立擴散先驗網絡,因為它是性能最好的變體(但它順便涉及因果變壓器作為去噪網絡?)
目前,該模型對於文字到圖像的處理是 SOTA。
如果您有興趣幫助 LAION 社區進行複製,請加入 |雅尼克專訪
截至 22 年 5 月 23 日,它不再是 SOTA。索塔將會在這裡。 Jax 版本以及文字到視訊專案將轉向 Imagen 架構,因為它更簡單。
一個研究小組已使用此儲存庫中的程式碼在其 CLIP 世代之前訓練功能擴散。一旦他們發布預印本,將分享他們的工作。這以及 Katherine 自己的實驗驗證了 OpenAI 的發現,即額外的先驗會增加代數。
現在,解碼器已在我的牛津花實驗裝置上被驗證可用於無條件生成。 2 位研究人員也證實 Decoder 正在為他們工作。
正在進行 21k 步
Justin Pinkney 在其 CLIP 到 Stylegan2 文字到圖像應用程式的儲存庫中成功訓練了擴散
Romain 使用可用腳本將訓練擴展到 800 個 GPU,沒有出現任何問題
$ pip install dalle2-pytorch
訓練 DALLE-2 分為 3 個步驟,其中 CLIP 的訓練是最重要的
要訓練 CLIP,您可以使用 x-clip 包,或加入 LAION Discord,其中大量複製工作已經在進行中。
import torch
from dalle2_pytorch import CLIP
clip = CLIP (
dim_text = 512 ,
dim_image = 512 ,
dim_latent = 512 ,
num_text_tokens = 49408 ,
text_enc_depth = 1 ,
text_seq_len = 256 ,
text_heads = 8 ,
visual_enc_depth = 1 ,
visual_image_size = 256 ,
visual_patch_size = 32 ,
visual_heads = 8 ,
use_all_token_embeds = True , # whether to use fine-grained contrastive learning (FILIP)
decoupled_contrastive_learning = True , # use decoupled contrastive learning (DCL) objective function, removing positive pairs from the denominator of the InfoNCE loss (CLOOB + DCL)
extra_latent_projection = True , # whether to use separate projections for text-to-image vs image-to-text comparisons (CLOOB)
use_visual_ssl = True , # whether to do self supervised learning on images
visual_ssl_type = 'simclr' , # can be either 'simclr' or 'simsiam', depending on using DeCLIP or SLIP
use_mlm = False , # use masked language learning (MLM) on text (DeCLIP)
text_ssl_loss_weight = 0.05 , # weight for text MLM loss
image_ssl_loss_weight = 0.05 # weight for image self-supervised learning loss
). cuda ()
# mock data
text = torch . randint ( 0 , 49408 , ( 4 , 256 )). cuda ()
images = torch . randn ( 4 , 3 , 256 , 256 ). cuda ()
# train
loss = clip (
text ,
images ,
return_loss = True # needs to be set to True to return contrastive loss
loss . backward ()
# do the above with as many texts and images as possible in a loop
然後,您需要訓練解碼器,它學習根據來自上面訓練的 CLIP 的圖像嵌入來生成圖像
import torch
from dalle2_pytorch import Unet , Decoder , CLIP
# trained clip from step 1
clip = CLIP (
dim_text = 512 ,
dim_image = 512 ,
dim_latent = 512 ,
num_text_tokens = 49408 ,
text_enc_depth = 1 ,
text_seq_len = 256 ,
text_heads = 8 ,
visual_enc_depth = 1 ,
visual_image_size = 256 ,
visual_patch_size = 32 ,
visual_heads = 8
). cuda ()
# unet for the decoder
unet = Unet (
dim = 128 ,
image_embed_dim = 512 ,
cond_dim = 128 ,
channels = 3 ,
dim_mults = ( 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 )
). cuda ()
# decoder, which contains the unet and clip
decoder = Decoder (
unet = unet ,
clip = clip ,
timesteps = 100 ,
image_cond_drop_prob = 0.1 ,
text_cond_drop_prob = 0.5
). cuda ()
# mock images (get a lot of this)
images = torch . randn ( 4 , 3 , 256 , 256 ). cuda ()
# feed images into decoder
loss = decoder ( images )
loss . backward ()
# do the above for many many many many steps
# then it will learn to generate images based on the CLIP image embeddings
最後是論文的主要貢獻。此儲存庫提供了擴散先驗網路。它採用 CLIP 文字嵌入並嘗試產生 CLIP 圖像嵌入。同樣,您將需要從第一步開始訓練的 CLIP
import torch
from dalle2_pytorch import DiffusionPriorNetwork , DiffusionPrior , CLIP
# get trained CLIP from step one
clip = CLIP (
dim_text = 512 ,
dim_image = 512 ,
dim_latent = 512 ,
num_text_tokens = 49408 ,
text_enc_depth = 6 ,
text_seq_len = 256 ,
text_heads = 8 ,
visual_enc_depth = 6 ,
visual_image_size = 256 ,
visual_patch_size = 32 ,
visual_heads = 8 ,
). cuda ()
# setup prior network, which contains an autoregressive transformer
prior_network = DiffusionPriorNetwork (
dim = 512 ,
depth = 6 ,
dim_head = 64 ,
heads = 8
). cuda ()
# diffusion prior network, which contains the CLIP and network (with transformer) above
diffusion_prior = DiffusionPrior (
net = prior_network ,
clip = clip ,
timesteps = 100 ,
cond_drop_prob = 0.2
). cuda ()
# mock data
text = torch . randint ( 0 , 49408 , ( 4 , 256 )). cuda ()
images = torch . randn ( 4 , 3 , 256 , 256 ). cuda ()
# feed text and images into diffusion prior network
loss = diffusion_prior ( text , images )
loss . backward ()
# do the above for many many many steps
# now the diffusion prior can generate image embeddings from the text embeddings
在論文中,他們實際上使用了 Jonathan Ho 本人(DDPM 的原始作者,DALL-E v2 中使用的核心技術)最近發現的一項技術來進行高解析度影像合成。
import torch
from dalle2_pytorch import Unet , Decoder , CLIP
# trained clip from step 1
clip = CLIP (
dim_text = 512 ,
dim_image = 512 ,
dim_latent = 512 ,
num_text_tokens = 49408 ,
text_enc_depth = 6 ,
text_seq_len = 256 ,
text_heads = 8 ,
visual_enc_depth = 6 ,
visual_image_size = 256 ,
visual_patch_size = 32 ,
visual_heads = 8
). cuda ()
# 2 unets for the decoder (a la cascading DDPM)
unet1 = Unet (
dim = 32 ,
image_embed_dim = 512 ,
cond_dim = 128 ,
channels = 3 ,
dim_mults = ( 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 )
). cuda ()
unet2 = Unet (
dim = 32 ,
image_embed_dim = 512 ,
cond_dim = 128 ,
channels = 3 ,
dim_mults = ( 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 )
). cuda ()
# decoder, which contains the unet(s) and clip
decoder = Decoder (
clip = clip ,
unet = ( unet1 , unet2 ), # insert both unets in order of low resolution to highest resolution (you can have as many stages as you want here)
image_sizes = ( 256 , 512 ), # resolutions, 256 for first unet, 512 for second. these must be unique and in ascending order (matches with the unets passed in)
timesteps = 1000 ,
image_cond_drop_prob = 0.1 ,
text_cond_drop_prob = 0.5
). cuda ()
# mock images (get a lot of this)
images = torch . randn ( 4 , 3 , 512 , 512 ). cuda ()
# feed images into decoder, specifying which unet you want to train
# each unet can be trained separately, which is one of the benefits of the cascading DDPM scheme
loss = decoder ( images , unet_number = 1 )
loss . backward ()
loss = decoder ( images , unet_number = 2 )
loss . backward ()
# do the above for many steps for both unets
最後,從文字產生 DALL-E2 圖像。插入經過訓練的DiffusionPrior
from dalle2_pytorch import DALLE2
dalle2 = DALLE2 (
prior = diffusion_prior ,
decoder = decoder
# send the text as a string if you want to use the simple tokenizer from DALLE v1
# or you can do it as token ids, if you have your own tokenizer
texts = [ 'glistening morning dew on a flower petal' ]
images = dalle2 ( texts ) # (1, 3, 256, 256)
import torch
from dalle2_pytorch import DALLE2 , DiffusionPriorNetwork , DiffusionPrior , Unet , Decoder , CLIP
clip = CLIP (
dim_text = 512 ,
dim_image = 512 ,
dim_latent = 512 ,
num_text_tokens = 49408 ,
text_enc_depth = 6 ,
text_seq_len = 256 ,
text_heads = 8 ,
visual_enc_depth = 6 ,
visual_image_size = 256 ,
visual_patch_size = 32 ,
visual_heads = 8
). cuda ()
# mock data
text = torch . randint ( 0 , 49408 , ( 4 , 256 )). cuda ()
images = torch . randn ( 4 , 3 , 256 , 256 ). cuda ()
# train
loss = clip (
text ,
images ,
return_loss = True
loss . backward ()
# do above for many steps ...
# prior networks (with transformer)
prior_network = DiffusionPriorNetwork (
dim = 512 ,
depth = 6 ,
dim_head = 64 ,
heads = 8
). cuda ()
diffusion_prior = DiffusionPrior (
net = prior_network ,
clip = clip ,
timesteps = 1000 ,
sample_timesteps = 64 ,
cond_drop_prob = 0.2
). cuda ()
loss = diffusion_prior ( text , images )
loss . backward ()
# do above for many steps ...
# decoder (with unet)
unet1 = Unet (
dim = 128 ,
image_embed_dim = 512 ,
text_embed_dim = 512 ,
cond_dim = 128 ,
channels = 3 ,
dim_mults = ( 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 ),
cond_on_text_encodings = True # set to True for any unets that need to be conditioned on text encodings
). cuda ()
unet2 = Unet (
dim = 16 ,
image_embed_dim = 512 ,
cond_dim = 128 ,
channels = 3 ,
dim_mults = ( 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 )
). cuda ()
decoder = Decoder (
unet = ( unet1 , unet2 ),
image_sizes = ( 128 , 256 ),
clip = clip ,
timesteps = 100 ,
image_cond_drop_prob = 0.1 ,
text_cond_drop_prob = 0.5
). cuda ()
for unet_number in ( 1 , 2 ):
loss = decoder ( images , text = text , unet_number = unet_number ) # this can optionally be decoder(images, text) if you wish to condition on the text encodings as well, though it was hinted in the paper it didn't do much
loss . backward ()
# do above for many steps
dalle2 = DALLE2 (
prior = diffusion_prior ,
decoder = decoder
images = dalle2 (
[ 'cute puppy chasing after a squirrel' ],
cond_scale = 2. # classifier free guidance strength (> 1 would strengthen the condition)
# save your image (in this example, of size 256x256)
您也可以在大於訓練 CLIP 的尺寸(例如 512x512)(256x256)的圖像上訓練解碼器。影像將調整為 CLIP 影像解析度以進行影像嵌入
對於外行人來說,不用擔心,培訓將全部自動化到 CLI 工具中,至少對於小規模培訓來說是如此。
、 text_embed
import torch
from dalle2_pytorch import DiffusionPriorNetwork , DiffusionPrior , CLIP
# get trained CLIP from step one
clip = CLIP (
dim_text = 512 ,
dim_image = 512 ,
dim_latent = 512 ,
num_text_tokens = 49408 ,
text_enc_depth = 6 ,
text_seq_len = 256 ,
text_heads = 8 ,
visual_enc_depth = 6 ,
visual_image_size = 256 ,
visual_patch_size = 32 ,
visual_heads = 8 ,
). cuda ()
# setup prior network, which contains an autoregressive transformer
prior_network = DiffusionPriorNetwork (
dim = 512 ,
depth = 6 ,
dim_head = 64 ,
heads = 8
). cuda ()
# diffusion prior network, which contains the CLIP and network (with transformer) above
diffusion_prior = DiffusionPrior (
net = prior_network ,
clip = clip ,
timesteps = 100 ,
cond_drop_prob = 0.2 ,
condition_on_text_encodings = False # this probably should be true, but just to get Laion started
). cuda ()
# mock data
text = torch . randint ( 0 , 49408 , ( 4 , 256 )). cuda ()
images = torch . randn ( 4 , 3 , 256 , 256 ). cuda ()
# precompute the text and image embeddings
# here using the diffusion prior class, but could be done with CLIP alone
clip_image_embeds = diffusion_prior . clip . embed_image ( images ). image_embed
clip_text_embeds = diffusion_prior . clip . embed_text ( text ). text_embed
# feed text and images into diffusion prior network
loss = diffusion_prior (
text_embed = clip_text_embeds ,
image_embed = clip_image_embeds
loss . backward ()
# do the above for many many many steps
# now the diffusion prior can generate image embeddings from the text embeddings
import torch
from dalle2_pytorch import DiffusionPriorNetwork , DiffusionPrior
# setup prior network, which contains an autoregressive transformer
prior_network = DiffusionPriorNetwork (
dim = 512 ,
depth = 6 ,
dim_head = 64 ,
heads = 8
). cuda ()
# diffusion prior network, which contains the CLIP and network (with transformer) above
diffusion_prior = DiffusionPrior (
net = prior_network ,
image_embed_dim = 512 , # this needs to be set
timesteps = 100 ,
cond_drop_prob = 0.2 ,
condition_on_text_encodings = False # this probably should be true, but just to get Laion started
). cuda ()
# mock data
text = torch . randint ( 0 , 49408 , ( 4 , 256 )). cuda ()
images = torch . randn ( 4 , 3 , 256 , 256 ). cuda ()
# precompute the text and image embeddings
# here using the diffusion prior class, but could be done with CLIP alone
clip_image_embeds = torch . randn ( 4 , 512 ). cuda ()
clip_text_embeds = torch . randn ( 4 , 512 ). cuda ()
# feed text and images into diffusion prior network
loss = diffusion_prior (
text_embed = clip_text_embeds ,
image_embed = clip_image_embeds
loss . backward ()
# do the above for many many many steps
# now the diffusion prior can generate image embeddings from the text embeddings
儘管他們有可能使用未發布的、功能更強大的 CLIP,但如果您不想從頭開始訓練自己的 CLIP,則可以使用已發布的 CLIP 之一。這也將使社區能夠更快地驗證論文的結論。
要使用預先訓練的 OpenAI CLIP,只需導入OpenAIClipAdapter
import torch
from dalle2_pytorch import DALLE2 , DiffusionPriorNetwork , DiffusionPrior , Unet , Decoder , OpenAIClipAdapter
# openai pretrained clip - defaults to ViT-B/32
clip = OpenAIClipAdapter ()
# mock data
text = torch . randint ( 0 , 49408 , ( 4 , 256 )). cuda ()
images = torch . randn ( 4 , 3 , 256 , 256 ). cuda ()
# prior networks (with transformer)
prior_network = DiffusionPriorNetwork (
dim = 512 ,
depth = 6 ,
dim_head = 64 ,
heads = 8
). cuda ()
diffusion_prior = DiffusionPrior (
net = prior_network ,
clip = clip ,
timesteps = 100 ,
cond_drop_prob = 0.2
). cuda ()
loss = diffusion_prior ( text , images )
loss . backward ()
# do above for many steps ...
# decoder (with unet)
unet1 = Unet (
dim = 128 ,
image_embed_dim = 512 ,
cond_dim = 128 ,
channels = 3 ,
dim_mults = ( 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 ),
text_embed_dim = 512 ,
cond_on_text_encodings = True # set to True for any unets that need to be conditioned on text encodings (ex. first unet in cascade)
). cuda ()
unet2 = Unet (
dim = 16 ,
image_embed_dim = 512 ,
cond_dim = 128 ,
channels = 3 ,
dim_mults = ( 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 )
). cuda ()
decoder = Decoder (
unet = ( unet1 , unet2 ),
image_sizes = ( 128 , 256 ),
clip = clip ,
timesteps = 1000 ,
sample_timesteps = ( 250 , 27 ),
image_cond_drop_prob = 0.1 ,
text_cond_drop_prob = 0.5
). cuda ()
for unet_number in ( 1 , 2 ):
loss = decoder ( images , text = text , unet_number = unet_number ) # this can optionally be decoder(images, text) if you wish to condition on the text encodings as well, though it was hinted in the paper it didn't do much
loss . backward ()
# do above for many steps
dalle2 = DALLE2 (
prior = diffusion_prior ,
decoder = decoder
images = dalle2 (
[ 'a butterfly trying to escape a tornado' ],
cond_scale = 2. # classifier free guidance strength (> 1 would strengthen the condition)
# save your image (in this example, of size 256x256)
$ pip install open-clip-torch
前任。使用 Romain 訓練的 SOTA Open Clip 模型