在迷你 CPU 上運行的微型彙編器。
mini-cpu 架構是由米蘭理工大學 Daniele Braga 教授所發展的教學工具,源自於《Informatica: arte e mestiere》一書中提出的抽象機。
$ make all
$ ./assembler examples/sum.masm
$ ./runner examples/sum
OPCODE <operand>
OPCODES <op> type
0000 0 LOADA addr. copy in A the value from RAM cell <op>
0001 1 LOADB addr. copy in B the value from RAM cell <op>
0010 2 STOREA addr. store in RAM cell <op> the value from A
0011 3 STOREB addr. store in RAM cell <op> the value from B
0100 4 READ addr. read from console, store in RAM cell <op>
0101 5 WRITE addr. write to console from RAM cell <op>
0110 6 ADD - load A + B in A
0111 7 DIF - load A - B in A
1000 -8 LDCA value load <op> in A
1001 -7 LDCB value load <op> in B
1010 -6 JMP addr. run instruction at RAM cell <op> next
1011 -5 JMPZ addr. do the same as jump, if A == 0
1100 -4 NOP - do nothing
1101 -3 HALT - stop execution