Extensible Meta Objects (xmo.js) 是一個用於建立 JS 類別和 mixin 的輕量級類別庫。
是一個輕量級的 javascript 函式庫,用於建立 JS 類別和 mixin。與許多其他試圖解決相同問題的程式庫不同, xmo.js
被設計為可擴展的,並且僅提供創建新類別或 mixin 的機制,並可以註冊使用者定義的擴充功能和 init 處理程序。
有許多 UI 工具包和 JS 框架提供某種類別子系統,為傳統的 javascript 類別添加屬性、事件和其他功能。這種方法使類別子系統依賴框架,並使其在框架之外無法使用。
那麼要如何創建一個 JavaScript 類別呢?只需導入xmo
// Create a new class `Class` that doesn't inherit from any object. It
// inherits internally from a pure JavaScript `Object`, which most JS objects
// do. A `constructor` property defines the constructor and other properties
// define class members (that will be added to the prototype object).
const Class = xmo ( {
constructor ( ) {
this . text = "Hi!"
} ,
toString ( ) {
return this . text ;
} ) ;
// Create an instance of `Class` defined in previous example.
const instance = new Class ( ) ;
// `instance` is now an instance of `Class`, we can check if the inheritance
// is working as expected by calling `toString` method, which should return
// "Hi!". Another expected behavior is using `instanceof` keyword which should
// return `true` if tested against `Class`.
console . log ( instance . toString ( ) ) ; // Outputs `Hi!`.
console . log ( instance instanceof Class ) ; // Outputs `true`.
console . log ( instance instanceof Object ) ; // Outputs `true`.
// `Point` is a base class.
const Point = xmo ( {
constructor ( x , y ) {
this . x = x ;
this . y = y ;
} ,
translate ( x , y ) {
this . x += x ;
this . y += y ;
} ,
toString ( ) {
return `Point { x: ${ this . x } , y: ${ this . y } }` ;
} ) ;
// `Circle` extends `Point`.
const Circle = xmo ( {
$extend : Point ,
constructor ( x , y , radius ) {
// Has to call superclass constructor.
Point . call ( this , x , y ) ;
this . radius = radius ;
} ,
// Overrides `toString` of `Point`.
toString ( ) {
return `Circle { x: ${ this . x } , y: ${ this . y } , radius: ${ this . radius } }`
} ) ;
// Create instances of `Point` and `Circle` classes.
const point = new Point ( 1 , 1 ) ;
const circle = new Circle ( 10 , 10 , 5 ) ;
console . log ( point . toString ( ) ) ; // Outputs `Point { x: 1, y: 1 }`.
console . log ( circle . toString ( ) ) ; // Outputs `Circle { x: 10, y: 10, radius: 5 }`.
// `point` is an instance of `Point`, but not `Circle`.
console . log ( point instanceof Point ) ; // Outputs `true`.
console . log ( point instanceof Circle ) ; // Outputs `false`.
// `circle` is an instance of both `Point` and `Circle`.
console . log ( circle instanceof Point ) ; // Outputs `true`.
console . log ( circle instanceof Circle ) ; // Outputs `true`.
const Class = xmo ( {
constructor ( ) {
this . status = Class . Ready ;
} ,
$statics : {
Ready : 0 ,
Running : 1
} ) ;
console . log ( Class . Ready ) ; // Outputs `0`.
console . log ( Class . Running ) ; // Outputs `1`.
const instance = new Class ( ) ;
console . log ( instance . status ) ; // Outputs `0`.
console . log ( instance . Ready ) ; // Outputs `undefined` (not a member of `instance`).
許多 JS 框架,尤其是為 UI takeits 設計的框架,為它們使用的物件模型提供了一組固定的擴展。例如,Qooxdoo 支援 mixins、接口,並允許定義屬性和事件。 xmo.js
支援 2 個概念:
const Point = xmo ( {
constructor ( x , y ) {
this . x = x ;
this . y = y ;
} ,
$extensions : {
// Define extension `$properties`.
// This function will be called every time when `$properties` is used in
// class definition that directly or indirectly inherits `Point`. It is
// also called if `Point` itself uses `$properties` extension.
// `this` - Class object (`Point` in our case).
// `k` - Property key ("$properties" string).
// `v` - Property value (`$properties` content).
$properties ( k , v ) {
// Iterate over all keys in `$properties`.
Object . keys ( v ) . forEach ( function ( name ) {
const upper = name . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + name . substr ( 1 ) ;
// Create getter and setter for a given `name`.
this . prototype [ `get ${ upper } ` ] = function ( ) { return this [ name ] ; } ;
this . prototype [ `set ${ upper } ` ] = function ( value ) { this [ name ] = value ; } ;
} , this /* binds `this` to the callback. */ ) ;
} ,
// In our case this will use the defined `$properties` extension.
$properties : {
x : true ,
y : true
} ) ;
// Create an instance of `Point` and call the generated functions.
const point = new Point ( 1 , 2 ) ;
console . log ( point . getX ( ) ) ; // Outputs `1`.
console . log ( point . getY ( ) ) ; // Outputs `2`.
point . setX ( 10 ) ;
point . setY ( 20 ) ;
console . log ( point . getX ( ) ) ; // Outputs `10`.
console . log ( point . getY ( ) ) ; // Outputs `20`.
物件中存在哪些屬性。 $preInit
const Point = xmo ( {
constructor ( x , y ) {
this . x = x ;
this . y = y ;
} ,
// Add a preInit handler.
$preInit ( def ) {
// Does nothing here, just to document the syntax.
} ,
// Add a postInit handler, called once on Point and all classes that inherit it.
// `this` - Class object (`Point` in our case).
// `def` - The whole `def` object passed to `xmo(...)`.
$postInit ( def ) {
if ( ! def . $properties )
return ;
// Iterate over all keys in `$properties`.
Object . keys ( def . $properties ) . forEach ( function ( name ) {
const upper = name . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + name . substr ( 1 ) ;
// Create getter and setter for a given `key`.
this . prototype [ `get ${ upper } ` ] = function ( ) { return this [ name ] ; } ;
this . prototype [ `set ${ upper } ` ] = function ( value ) { this [ name ] = value ; } ;
} , this /* binds `this` to the callback. */ ) ;
} ,
// This is not necessary. Null extensions are only used to make
// a certain property ignored (won't be copied to the prototype).
$extensions : {
$properties : null
} ,
// Will be used by the hook defined above.
$properties : {
x : true ,
y : true
} ) ;
// Create an instance of `Point` and use functions created by the
// `property` extension.
const point = new Point ( 1 , 2 ) ;
console . log ( point . getX ( ) ) ; // Outputs `1`.
console . log ( point . getY ( ) ) ; // Outputs `2`.
point . setX ( 10 ) ;
point . setY ( 20 ) ;
console . log ( point . getX ( ) ) ; // Outputs `10`.
console . log ( point . getY ( ) ) ; // Outputs `20`.
初始化處理程序與擴充功能非常相似,但是,它們不需要定義任何屬性,並且每個類別總是呼叫一次。 Init 處理程序通常更強大,因為它們可以使用任何屬性或多個屬性來為類別本身添加內容。
mixin 是一組可以包含在另一個類別或 mixin 中的函數。 Mixins 是透過使用xmo.mixin(def)
支援(mixins 無法實例化)。 Mixins 也理解$extensions
處理程序,因此可以在 mixin 中定義它們,然後將其包含在其他類別中。
// Create a mixin that provides `translate(x, y)` function.
const MTranslate = xmo . mixin ( {
translate ( x , y ) {
this . x += x ;
this . y += y ;
return this ;
} ) ;
// Create a Point class that includes MTranslate mixin.
const Point = xmo ( {
$mixins : [ MTranslate ] ,
constructor ( x , y ) {
this . x = x ;
this . y = y ;
} ,
toString ( ) {
return `[ ${ this . x } , ${ this . y } ]` ;
} ) ;
// Create a Rect class that includes MTranslate mixin.
const Rect = xmo ( {
$mixins : [ MTranslate ] ,
constructor ( x , y , w , h ) {
this . x = x ;
this . y = y ;
this . w = w ;
this . h = h ;
} ,
toString ( ) {
return `[ ${ this . x } , ${ this . y } , ${ this . w } , ${ this . h } ]` ;
} ) ;
// The translate() functions are provided to both classes.
const p = new Point ( 0 , 0 ) ;
const r = new Rect ( 0 , 0 , 33 , 67 ) ;
p . translate ( 1 , 2 ) ;
r . translate ( 1 , 2 ) ;
console . log ( p . toString ( ) ) ; // Outputs `[1, 2]`.
console . log ( r . toString ( ) ) ; // Outputs `[1, 2, 33, 67]`.
將多個 mixin 組合成一個 mixin:
// Create two mixins MTranslate and MScale.
const MTranslate = xmo . mixin ( {
translate ( x , y ) {
this . x += x ;
this . y += y ;
return this ;
} ) ;
const MScale = xmo . mixin ( {
scale ( x , y ) {
if ( y == null )
y = x ;
this . x *= x ;
this . y *= y ;
return this ;
} ) ;
// If a combined mixin is needed, it can be created simply by
// including MTranslate and MScale into another mixin.
const MCombined = xmo . mixin ( {
$mixins : [ MTranslate , MScale ]
} ) ;
建立的每個類別都包含一個名為 MetaInfo 的不可枚舉屬性。它包含有關類別本身(和繼承)的基本信息,並且可用於存儲擴展所需的附加信息。
讓我們來示範一下 MetaInfo 的基礎:
const Class = xmo ( {
$preInit ( ) {
console . log ( "PreInit()" ) ;
} ,
$postInit ( ) {
console . log ( "PostInit()" ) ;
} ,
$extensions : {
$ignoredField : null ,
$customField ( k , v ) {
console . log ( `CustomField(): ' ${ k } ' with data ${ JSON . stringify ( v ) } ` ) ;
} ,
$customField : {
test : [ ]
} ,
$statics : {
SomeConst : 0
} ) ;
// Firstly, try to instantiate the class:
// PreInit()
// CustomField(): '$customField' with data { test: [] }
// PostInit()
const instance = new Class ( ) ;
// Access MetaInfo of the class.
// (Alternatively `instance.constructor.$metaInfo`)
const MetaInfo = Class . $metaInfo ;
// Boolean value indicating a mixin:
// false
console . log ( MetaInfo . isMixin ) ;
// Super class:
// null (would link to super class if the class was inherited)
console . log ( MetaInfo . super ) ;
// Map of ignored properties:
// { $ignoredField: true, $customField: true }
console . log ( MetaInfo . ignored ) ;
// Map of all static properties:
// { SomeConst: true }
console . log ( MetaInfo . statics ) ;
// PreInit handlers:
// [function(...)]
console . log ( MetaInfo . preInit ) ;
// PostInit handlers:
// [function(...)]
console . log ( MetaInfo . postInit ) ;
// Extensions:
// { $customField: function(...) }
console . log ( MetaInfo . extensions ) ;
值得一提的是,MetaClass 的所有成員都被凍結(不可變),並且在類別創建後(調用所有 postInit 處理程序後)無法修改。 MetaInfo 只能在類別建立期間透過 init 處理程序和類別擴充進行變更。使用getMutable()
成員函式使 MetaInfo 的屬性暫時可變。
以下範例展示如何為 MetaInfo 新增自訂反射資訊:
// Creates some base class that defines a property system.
const Base = xmo ( {
$preInit ( ) {
const meta = this . $metaInfo ;
// Add `properties` property to MetaInfo object.
if ( ! meta . properties )
meta . properties = Object . create ( null ) ;
} ,
$extensions : {
$properties ( k , v ) {
const defProperties = v ;
const metaProperties = this . $metaInfo