XXL-SSO, A Distributed Single-Sign-On Framework.
-- Home Page --
XXL-SSO is a distributed single-sign-on framework. You only need to log in once to access all trusted application systems. It has "lightweight, scalable, distributed, cross-domain, WebAPPAPP supportsaccess" APPfes. it's already open source code, real "out-of-the-box".
XXL-SSO 是分散式單一登入框架。只需要登入一次就可以存取所有互信的應用系統。 擁有"輕量級、分散式、跨域、Cookie+Token皆支援、Web+APP皆支援"等特性。現已開放原始碼,開箱即用。
於2019-01-23,XXL-SSO被評選上榜"2018年度新增開源軟體排行榜之國產TOP 50"評比,排名第8名。
1. 湖南创发科技
2. 深圳龙华科技有限公司
3. 摩根国际
4. 印记云
Contributions are welcome! Open a pull request to fix a bug, or open an Issue to discuss a new feature or change.
歡迎參與專案貢獻!例如提交PR修復一個bug,或是新建Issue 討論新功能或是變更。
This product is open source and free, and will continue to provide free community technical support. Individual or enterprise users are free to access and use.
No matter how much the amount is enough to express your thought, thank you very much :) To donate
無論金額多少都足夠表達您這份心意,非常感謝:) 前往捐贈