template netcore logger
Visual Studio >= 2019
NET TargetFramework >= net5.0
網路核心 SDK >= 5.0.100
C# >= 9.0
記錄器可以使用 Nuget 或 CLI dotnet 的管理員安裝。
Install-Package Kitpymes.Core.Logger
CLI 點網
dotnet add package Kitpymes.Core.Logger
public interface ILoggerService
ILogger CreateLogger ( string title ) ;
ILogger CreateLogger < TTitle > ( ) ;
public interface ILogger
ILogger Trace ( string message ) ;
ILogger Trace ( string message , object data ) ;
ILogger Debug ( string message ) ;
ILogger Debug ( string message , object data ) ;
ILogger Info ( string message ) ;
ILogger Info ( string message , object data ) ;
ILogger Info ( string eventName , string templateMessage , params object [ ] propertyValues ) ;
ILogger Error ( string message ) ;
ILogger Error ( string message , object data ) ;
ILogger Error ( string eventName , string templateMessage , params object [ ] propertyValues ) ;
ILogger Error ( Exception exception ) ;
public enum LoggerLevel
Trace = 0 ,
Debug = 1 ,
Info = 2 ,
Error = 3 ,
public enum LoggerFileInterval
Infinite = 0 ,
Year = 1 ,
Month = 2 ,
Day = 3 ,
Hour = 4 ,
Minute = 5 ,
"LoggerSettings" : {
"SerilogSettings" : {
"Console" : {
"Enabled" : null , // (bool) Default: false
"MinimumLevel" : null , // (string) Default: "Info" | Options: Trace, Debug, Info, Error
"OutputTemplate" : null // (string) Default: "{SourceContext}{NewLine}{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss:ff} [{Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}"
} ,
"File" : {
"Enabled" : null , // (bool) Default: false
"FilePath" : null , // (string) Default: "Logs\.log"
"Interval" : null , // (string) Default: "Day" | Options: Infinite, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute
"MinimumLevel" : null // (string) Default: "Error" | Options: Info, Error
} ,
"Email" : {
"Enabled" : null , // (bool) Default: false
"UserName" : null , // (string)
"Password" : null , // (string)
"Server" : null , // (string)
"From" : null , // (string)
"To" : null , // (string)
"EnableSsl" : null , // (bool) Default: true
"Port" : null , // (int) Default: 465
"Subject" : null , // (string) Default: "Log Error"
"IsBodyHtml" : null , // (bool) Default: false
"MinimumLevel" : null , // (string) Default: "Error" | Options: Info, Error,
"OutputTemplate" : null // (string) Default: "SourceContext: {SourceContext} | MachineName: {MachineName} | Process: {Process} | Thread: {Thread} => {NewLine}{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} [{Level:u}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}"
選項 1:應用程式設定配置
public void ConfigureServices ( IServiceCollection services )
services . LoadLogger ( Configuration ) ;
選項 2:設定手冊
public void ConfigureServices ( IServiceCollection services )
services . LoadLogger ( loggers =>
loggers . UseSerilog ( serilog =>
. AddConsole ( )
. AddFile ( )
. AddEmail
userName : "[email protected]" ,
password : "password" ,
server : "smtp.gmail.com" ,
from : "[email protected]" ,
to : "[email protected]"
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
using Kitpymes . Core . Logger . Abstractions ;
using Microsoft . AspNetCore . Mvc ;
using System ;
using System . Collections . Generic ;
using System . Linq ;
namespace Tests . Api . Controllers
[ ApiController ]
[ Route ( "[controller]" ) ]
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
private static readonly string [ ] Summaries = new [ ]
"Freezing" , "Bracing" , "Chilly" , "Cool" , "Mild" , "Warm" , "Balmy" , "Hot" , "Sweltering" , "Scorching"
} ;
//private readonly ILogger<WeatherForecastController> _logger;
//public WeatherForecastController(ILogger<WeatherForecastController> logger)
// _logger = logger;
private ILogger Logger { get ; }
public WeatherForecastController ( ILoggerService logger )
Logger = logger . CreateLogger < WeatherForecastController > ( ) ;
[ HttpGet ]
public IEnumerable < WeatherForecast > Get ( )
// Test
. Info ( "Get Summaries" )
. Info ( "Summary 1" , Summaries [ 0 ] )
. Info ( "Summary 2" , Summaries [ 1 ] )
. Info ( "Summary 3" , Summaries [ 2 ] )
. Info ( "All Summaries" , Summaries ) ;
var rng = new Random ( ) ;
return Enumerable . Range ( 1 , 5 ) . Select ( index => new WeatherForecast
Date = DateTime . Now . AddDays ( index ) ,
TemperatureC = rng . Next ( - 20 , 55 ) ,
Summary = Summaries [ rng . Next ( Summaries . Length ) ]
} )
. ToArray ( ) ;
var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder ( ) . AddJsonFile ( "appsettings.json" ) . Build ( ) ;
var logger = Log . UseSerilog ( configuration ) . CreateLogger < Program > ( ) ;
var logger = Log . UseSerilog ( serilog =>
. AddConsole ( )
. AddFile ( )
. AddEmail
userName : "[email protected]" ,
password : "password" ,
server : "smtp.gmail.com" ,
from : "[email protected]" ,
to : "[email protected]"
) ;
} )
. CreateLogger < Program > ( ) ;
using Kitpymes . Core . Logger ;
using Kitpymes . Core . Logger . Abstractions ;
using Microsoft . AspNetCore . Hosting ;
using Microsoft . Extensions . Hosting ;
using Microsoft . Extensions . Logging ;
using System ;
namespace Tests . Api
public class Program
public static void Main ( string [ ] args )
var logger = Log . UseSerilog ( serilog =>
. AddConsole
. AddFile
minimumLevel : LoggerLevel . Info
. AddEmail
userName : "[email protected]" ,
password : "password" ,
server : "smtp.gmail.com" ,
from : "[email protected]" ,
to : "[email protected]"
) ;
} )
. CreateLogger < Program > ( ) ;
logger . Info ( "Init Host..." ) ;
CreateHostBuilder ( args ) . Build ( ) . Run ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
logger . Error ( ex ) ;
throw ex ;
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder ( string [ ] args ) =>
Host . CreateDefaultBuilder ( args )
. ConfigureLogging ( providers => providers . ClearProviders ( ) )
. ConfigureWebHostDefaults ( webBuilder =>
webBuilder . UseStartup < Startup > ( ) ;
} ) ;
測試項目中的錯誤日誌證明,請參閱“Explorador de pruebas”