Falcon 是一個簡約的 ASGI/WSGI 框架,用於建立關鍵任務的 REST API 和微服務,重點是大規模的可靠性、正確性和效能。
在建立 HTTP API 時,其他框架會因為大量依賴項和不必要的抽象而拖垮您。 Falcon 採用簡潔的設計,擁抱 HTTP 和 REST 架構風格。
Falcon 應用程式可與任何 WSGI 或 ASGI 伺服器配合使用,並且在 CPython 3.8+ 和 PyPy 3.8+ 下運作得像冠軍一樣。
「我們一直在使用 Falcon 作為[另一個框架]的替代品,我們只是喜歡它的性能(快三倍)和程式碼庫大小(很容易是我們[原始]程式碼的一半)。”
“到目前為止,Falcon 看起來很棒。我對我的小型伺服器進行了快速測試,只用了 20 分鐘,速度就快了 40%。”
“我覺得我最後只是在談論 HTTP,中間沒有任何內容。Falcon 看起來像是後端的請求。”
“Falcon 的源代碼非常好,我幾乎更喜歡它而不是文檔。它基本上不會出錯。”
“還有什麼其他框架集成了對 786 的支持,現在就嘗試一下?”
Falcon 嘗試在保持高效率的同時盡可能少做事。
支援Falcon 是否幫助您製作了出色的應用程式?今天就透過一次性捐款或成為贊助者來表達您的支持。支持者可以獲得酷炫的裝備、向 Python 開發者推廣其品牌的機會以及優先支援。
我們設計 Falcon 是為了支援大規模微服務和響應式應用程式後端的嚴格需求。 Falcon 透過在您需要的地方提供裸機效能、可靠性和靈活性來補充更通用的 Python Web 框架。
可靠的。我們竭盡全力避免引入重大更改,當我們這樣做時,它們會被完整記錄,並且僅在主要版本增量的情況下引入(本著 SemVer 的精神)。該程式碼經過大量輸入的嚴格測試,我們始終要求 100% 的覆蓋率。 Falcon 沒有標準庫以外的依賴項,有助於最大限度地減少應用程式的攻擊面,同時避免傳遞性錯誤和重大更改。
快速地。相同的硬件,更多的要求。 Falcon 處理請求的速度明顯快於其他流行的 Python 框架(如 Django 和 Flask)。為了獲得額外的速度提升,Falcon 在可用時使用 Cython 進行編譯,並且也可以與 PyPy 很好地配合。考慮轉向另一種程式語言?先用Falcon+PyPy進行基準測試!
靈活的。 Falcon 將許多決策和實作細節留給 API 開發人員。這為您提供了很大的自由來客製化和調整您的實現。它還可以幫助您更深入地了解您的應用程序,從長遠來看,使它們更容易調整、調試和重構。 Falcon 的極簡設計為 Python 社群成員在 Falcon 附加元件和補充包上獨立創新提供了空間。
Falcon 在世界各地被越來越多的組織使用,包括:
如果您將 Falcon 框架用於社群或商業項目,請考慮將您的資訊新增至我們的 wiki 中的誰在使用 Falcon?
許多 Falcon 附加元件、範本和補充包可供您在專案中使用。我們在 Falcon wiki 上列出了其中的幾個作為起點,但您可能還想搜尋 PyPI 以獲取其他資源。
Gitter 上的 Falconry 社群是提問和分享想法的好地方。您可以在獵鷹/用戶中找到我們。我們還有一個獵鷹/開發室來討論框架本身的設計和開發。
PyPy 是運行 Falcon 應用程式最快的方式。從 PyPy v7.3.7+ 開始支援 PyPy3.8+。
$ pip install falcon
$ pip install --pre falcon
Falcon 也完全支援 CPython 3.8+。
最新穩定版本的 Falcon 可以直接從 PyPI 安裝:
$ pip install falcon
$ pip install --pre falcon
為了提供額外的速度提升,Falcon 在任何符合 PEP 517 的安裝程式下自動使用 Cython 進行編譯。
為了您的方便,PyPI 提供了適用於大多數常見平台的包含預編譯二進位的輪子。即使您選擇的平台的二進位版本不可用, pip
也會選擇純 Python 輪。您也可以針對您的環境對 Falcon 進行 cythonize;有關此選項和其他高級選項的更多信息,請參閱我們的安裝文件。
Falcon 不需要安裝任何其他軟體套件。
Falcon 使用 WSGI(或 ASGI;另見下文)。為了提供 Falcon 應用程序,您將需要一個 WSGI 伺服器。 Gunicorn 和 uWSGI 是其中一些比較流行的應用程序,但任何可以加載 WSGI 應用程式的應用程式都可以。
$ pip install [gunicorn | uwsgi]
為了提供 Falcon ASGI 應用程序,您將需要一個 ASGI 伺服器。 Uvicorn 是一個受歡迎的選擇:
$ pip install uvicorn
Falcon 位於 GitHub 上,讓程式碼易於瀏覽、下載、fork 等。另外,如果該項目讓您滿意,請記得為該項目加註星標。 :)
克隆儲存庫或從 GitHub 下載 tarball 後,您可以像這樣安裝 Falcon:
$ cd falcon
$ pip install .
$ cd falcon
$ FALCON_DISABLE_CYTHON=Y pip install -e .
您可以透過切換到複製儲存庫的目錄然後執行 Python 來手動測試 Falcon 框架的變更:
$ cd falcon
$ pip install -r requirements/tests
$ pytest tests
$ pip install tox && tox
另請參閱 tox.ini 檔案以取得可用環境的完整清單。
Falcon 程式碼庫中的文件字串相當廣泛,我們建議在學習框架時保持 REPL 運行,以便您可以在有問題時查詢各種模組和類別。
$ pip install tox && tox -e docs
文件建置完成後,您可以透過在瀏覽器中開啟以下索引頁面來查看它們。在 OS X 上,它很簡單:
$ 開啟文件/_build/html/index.html
或在 Linux 上:
$ xdg-open docs/_build/html/index.html
這是一個簡單的、人為的範例,展示如何建立基於 Falcon 的 WSGI 應用程式(ASGI 版本包含在下面):
# examples/things.py
# Let's get this party started!
from wsgiref . simple_server import make_server
import falcon
# Falcon follows the REST architectural style, meaning (among
# other things) that you think in terms of resources and state
# transitions, which map to HTTP verbs.
class ThingsResource :
def on_get ( self , req , resp ):
"""Handles GET requests"""
resp . status = falcon . HTTP_200 # This is the default status
resp . content_type = falcon . MEDIA_TEXT # Default is JSON, so override
resp . text = ( ' n Two things awe me most, the starry sky '
'above me and the moral law within me. n '
' n '
' ~ Immanuel Kant n n ' )
# falcon.App instances are callable WSGI apps...
# in larger applications the app is created in a separate file
app = falcon . App ()
# Resources are represented by long-lived class instances
things = ThingsResource ()
# things will handle all requests to the '/things' URL path
app . add_route ( '/things' , things )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
with make_server ( '' , 8000 , app ) as httpd :
print ( 'Serving on port 8000...' )
# Serve until process is killed
httpd . serve_forever ()
您可以使用隨附的 wsgiref 伺服器直接運行上面的範例:
$ pip install falcon
$ python things.py
$ curl localhost:8000/things
該範例的 ASGI 版本類似:
# examples/things_asgi.py
import falcon
import falcon . asgi
# Falcon follows the REST architectural style, meaning (among
# other things) that you think in terms of resources and state
# transitions, which map to HTTP verbs.
class ThingsResource :
async def on_get ( self , req , resp ):
"""Handles GET requests"""
resp . status = falcon . HTTP_200 # This is the default status
resp . content_type = falcon . MEDIA_TEXT # Default is JSON, so override
resp . text = ( ' n Two things awe me most, the starry sky '
'above me and the moral law within me. n '
' n '
' ~ Immanuel Kant n n ' )
# falcon.asgi.App instances are callable ASGI apps...
# in larger applications the app is created in a separate file
app = falcon . asgi . App ()
# Resources are represented by long-lived class instances
things = ThingsResource ()
# things will handle all requests to the '/things' URL path
app . add_route ( '/things' , things )
您可以使用 uvicorn 或任何其他 ASGI 伺服器運行 ASGI 版本:
$ pip install falcon uvicorn
$ uvicorn things_asgi:app
這是一個更複雜的範例,演示了讀取標頭和查詢參數、處理錯誤以及使用請求和回應主體。請注意,此範例假設已安裝 requests 套件。
(有關等效的 ASGI 應用程序,請參閱:更複雜的範例 (ASGI))。
# examples/things_advanced.py
import json
import logging
import uuid
from wsgiref import simple_server
import falcon
import requests
class StorageEngine :
def get_things ( self , marker , limit ):
return [{ 'id' : str ( uuid . uuid4 ()), 'color' : 'green' }]
def add_thing ( self , thing ):
thing [ 'id' ] = str ( uuid . uuid4 ())
return thing
class StorageError ( Exception ):
@ staticmethod
def handle ( ex , req , resp , params ):
# TODO: Log the error, clean up, etc. before raising
raise falcon . HTTPInternalServerError ()
class SinkAdapter :
engines = {
'ddg' : 'https://duckduckgo.com' ,
'y' : 'https://search.yahoo.com/search' ,
def __call__ ( self , req , resp , engine ):
url = self . engines [ engine ]
params = { 'q' : req . get_param ( 'q' , True )}
result = requests . get ( url , params = params )
resp . status = str ( result . status_code ) + ' ' + result . reason
resp . content_type = result . headers [ 'content-type' ]
resp . text = result . text
class AuthMiddleware :
def process_request ( self , req , resp ):
token = req . get_header ( 'Authorization' )
account_id = req . get_header ( 'Account-ID' )
challenges = [ 'Token type="Fernet"' ]
if token is None :
description = ( 'Please provide an auth token '
'as part of the request.' )
raise falcon . HTTPUnauthorized ( title = 'Auth token required' ,
description = description ,
challenges = challenges ,
href = 'http://docs.example.com/auth' )
if not self . _token_is_valid ( token , account_id ):
description = ( 'The provided auth token is not valid. '
'Please request a new token and try again.' )
raise falcon . HTTPUnauthorized ( title = 'Authentication required' ,
description = description ,
challenges = challenges ,
href = 'http://docs.example.com/auth' )
def _token_is_valid ( self , token , account_id ):
return True # Suuuuuure it's valid...
class RequireJSON :
def process_request ( self , req , resp ):
if not req . client_accepts_json :
raise falcon . HTTPNotAcceptable (
description = 'This API only supports responses encoded as JSON.' ,
href = 'http://docs.examples.com/api/json' )
if req . method in ( 'POST' , 'PUT' ):
if 'application/json' not in req . content_type :
raise falcon . HTTPUnsupportedMediaType (
title = 'This API only supports requests encoded as JSON.' ,
href = 'http://docs.examples.com/api/json' )
class JSONTranslator :
# NOTE: Normally you would simply use req.media and resp.media for
# this particular use case; this example serves only to illustrate
# what is possible.
def process_request ( self , req , resp ):
# req.stream corresponds to the WSGI wsgi.input environ variable,
# and allows you to read bytes from the request body.
# See also: PEP 3333
if req . content_length in ( None , 0 ):
# Nothing to do
body = req . stream . read ()
if not body :
raise falcon . HTTPBadRequest ( title = 'Empty request body' ,
description = 'A valid JSON document is required.' )
try :
req . context . doc = json . loads ( body . decode ( 'utf-8' ))
except ( ValueError , UnicodeDecodeError ):
description = ( 'Could not decode the request body. The '
'JSON was incorrect or not encoded as '
'UTF-8.' )
raise falcon . HTTPBadRequest ( title = 'Malformed JSON' ,
description = description )
def process_response ( self , req , resp , resource , req_succeeded ):
if not hasattr ( resp . context , 'result' ):
resp . text = json . dumps ( resp . context . result )
def max_body ( limit ):
def hook ( req , resp , resource , params ):
length = req . content_length
if length is not None and length > limit :
msg = ( 'The size of the request is too large. The body must not '
'exceed ' + str ( limit ) + ' bytes in length.' )
raise falcon . HTTPContentTooLarge (
title = 'Request body is too large' , description = msg )
return hook
class ThingsResource :
def __init__ ( self , db ):
self . db = db
self . logger = logging . getLogger ( 'thingsapp.' + __name__ )
def on_get ( self , req , resp , user_id ):
marker = req . get_param ( 'marker' ) or ''
limit = req . get_param_as_int ( 'limit' ) or 50
try :
result = self . db . get_things ( marker , limit )
except Exception as ex :
self . logger . error ( ex )
description = ( 'Aliens have attacked our base! We will '
'be back as soon as we fight them off. '
'We appreciate your patience.' )
raise falcon . HTTPServiceUnavailable (
title = 'Service Outage' ,
description = description ,
retry_after = 30 )
# NOTE: Normally you would use resp.media for this sort of thing;
# this example serves only to demonstrate how the context can be
# used to pass arbitrary values between middleware components,
# hooks, and resources.
resp . context . result = result
resp . set_header ( 'Powered-By' , 'Falcon' )
resp . status = falcon . HTTP_200
@ falcon . before ( max_body ( 64 * 1024 ))
def on_post ( self , req , resp , user_id ):
try :
doc = req . context . doc
except AttributeError :
raise falcon . HTTPBadRequest (
title = 'Missing thing' ,
description = 'A thing must be submitted in the request body.' )
proper_thing = self . db . add_thing ( doc )
resp . status = falcon . HTTP_201
resp . location = '/%s/things/%s' % ( user_id , proper_thing [ 'id' ])
# Configure your WSGI server to load "things.app" (app is a WSGI callable)
app = falcon . App ( middleware = [
AuthMiddleware (),
RequireJSON (),
JSONTranslator (),
db = StorageEngine ()
things = ThingsResource ( db )
app . add_route ( '/{user_id}/things' , things )
# If a responder ever raises an instance of StorageError, pass control to
# the given handler.
app . add_error_handler ( StorageError , StorageError . handle )
# Proxy some things to another service; this example shows how you might
# send parts of an API off to a legacy system that hasn't been upgraded
# yet, or perhaps is a single cluster that all data centers have to share.
sink = SinkAdapter ()
app . add_sink ( sink , r'/search/(?P<engine>ddg|y)Z' )
# Useful for debugging problems in your API; works with pdb.set_trace(). You
# can also use Gunicorn to host your app. Gunicorn can be configured to
# auto-restart workers when it detects a code change, and it also works
# with pdb.
if __name__ == '__main__' :
httpd = simple_server . make_server ( '' , 8000 , app )
httpd . serve_forever ()
此程式碼再次使用 wsgiref,但您也可以使用任何 WSGI 伺服器(例如 uWSGI 或 Gunicorn)來運行上面的範例。例如:
$ pip install requests gunicorn
$ gunicorn things:app
在 Windows 上,您可以透過 WSL 運行 Gunicorn 和 uWSGI,或者您可以嘗試 Waitress:
$ pip install requests waitress
$ waitress-serve --port=8000 things:app
$ http localhost:8000/1/things authorization:custom-token
腳本從 CLI 查看應用程式設定:
falcon-inspect-app things_advanced:app
這是上面應用程式的 ASGI 版本。請注意,它使用 httpx 包代替 requests。
# examples/things_advanced_asgi.py
import json
import logging
import uuid
import falcon
import falcon . asgi
import httpx
class StorageEngine :
async def get_things ( self , marker , limit ):
return [{ 'id' : str ( uuid . uuid4 ()), 'color' : 'green' }]
async def add_thing ( self , thing ):
thing [ 'id' ] = str ( uuid . uuid4 ())
return thing
class StorageError ( Exception ):
@ staticmethod
async def handle ( ex , req , resp , params ):
# TODO: Log the error, clean up, etc. before raising
raise falcon . HTTPInternalServerError ()
class SinkAdapter :
engines = {
'ddg' : 'https://duckduckgo.com' ,
'y' : 'https://search.yahoo.com/search' ,
async def __call__ ( self , req , resp , engine ):
url = self . engines [ engine ]
params = { 'q' : req . get_param ( 'q' , True )}
async with httpx . AsyncClient () as client :
result = await client . get ( url , params = params )
resp . status = result . status_code
resp . content_type = result . headers [ 'content-type' ]
resp . text = result . text
class AuthMiddleware :
async def process_request ( self , req , resp ):
token = req . get_header ( 'Authorization' )
account_id = req . get_header ( 'Account-ID' )
challenges = [ 'Token type="Fernet"' ]
if token is None :
description = ( 'Please provide an auth token '
'as part of the request.' )
raise falcon . HTTPUnauthorized ( title = 'Auth token required' ,
description = description ,
challenges = challenges ,
href = 'http://docs.example.com/auth' )
if not self . _token_is_valid ( token , account_id ):
description = ( 'The provided auth token is not valid. '
'Please request a new token and try again.' )
raise falcon . HTTPUnauthorized ( title = 'Authentication required' ,
description = description ,
challenges = challenges ,
href = 'http://docs.example.com/auth' )
def _token_is_valid ( self , token , account_id ):
return True # Suuuuuure it's valid...
class RequireJSON :
async def process_request ( self , req , resp ):
if not req . client_accepts_json :
raise falcon . HTTPNotAcceptable (
description = 'This API only supports responses encoded as JSON.' ,
href = 'http://docs.examples.com/api/json' )
if req . method in ( 'POST' , 'PUT' ):
if 'application/json' not in req . content_type :
raise falcon . HTTPUnsupportedMediaType (
description = 'This API only supports requests encoded as JSON.' ,
href = 'http://docs.examples.com/api/json' )
class JSONTranslator :
# NOTE: Normally you would simply use req.get_media() and resp.media for
# this particular use case; this example serves only to illustrate
# what is possible.
async def process_request ( self , req , resp ):
# NOTE: Test explicitly for 0, since this property could be None in
# the case that the Content-Length header is missing (in which case we
# can't know if there is a body without actually attempting to read
# it from the request stream.)
if req . content_length == 0 :
# Nothing to do
body = await req . stream . read ()
if not body :
raise falcon . HTTPBadRequest ( title = 'Empty request body' ,
description = 'A valid JSON document is required.' )
try :
req . context . doc = json . loads ( body . decode ( 'utf-8' ))
except ( ValueError , UnicodeDecodeError ):
description = ( 'Could not decode the request body. The '
'JSON was incorrect or not encoded as '
'UTF-8.' )
raise falcon . HTTPBadRequest ( title = 'Malformed JSON' ,
description = description )
async def process_response ( self , req , resp , resource , req_succeeded ):
if not hasattr ( resp . context , 'result' ):
resp . text = json . dumps ( resp . context . result )
def max_body ( limit ):
async def hook ( req , resp , resource , params ):
length = req . content_length
if length is not None and length > limit :
msg = ( 'The size of the request is too large. The body must not '
'exceed ' + str ( limit ) + ' bytes in length.' )
raise falcon . HTTPContentTooLarge (
title = 'Request body is too large' , description = msg )
return hook
class ThingsResource :
def __init__ ( self , db ):
self . db = db
self . logger = logging . getLogger ( 'thingsapp.' + __name__ )
async def on_get ( self , req , resp , user_id ):
marker = req . get_param ( 'marker' ) or ''
limit = req . get_param_as_int ( 'limit' ) or 50
try :
result = await self . db . get_things ( marker , limit )
except Exception as ex :
self . logger . error ( ex )
description = ( 'Aliens have attacked our base! We will '
'be back as soon as we fight them off. '
'We appreciate your patience.' )
raise falcon . HTTPServiceUnavailable (
title = 'Service Outage' ,
description = description ,
retry_after = 30 )
# NOTE: Normally you would use resp.media for this sort of thing;
# this example serves only to demonstrate how the context can be
# used to pass arbitrary values between middleware components,
# hooks, and resources.
resp . context . result = result
resp . set_header ( 'Powered-By' , 'Falcon' )
resp . status = falcon . HTTP_200
@ falcon . before ( max_body ( 64 * 1024 ))
async def on_post ( self , req , resp , user_id ):
try :
doc = req . context . doc
except AttributeError :
raise falcon . HTTPBadRequest (
title = 'Missing thing' ,
description = 'A thing must be submitted in the request body.' )
proper_thing = await self . db . add_thing ( doc )
resp . status = falcon . HTTP_201
resp . location = '/%s/things/%s' % ( user_id , proper_thing [ 'id' ])
# The app instance is an ASGI callable
app = falcon . asgi . App ( middleware = [
# AuthMiddleware(),
RequireJSON (),
JSONTranslator (),
db = StorageEngine ()
things = ThingsResource ( db )
app . add_route ( '/{user_id}/things' , things )
# If a responder ever raises an instance of StorageError, pass control to
# the given handler.
app . add_error_handler ( StorageError , StorageError . handle )
# Proxy some things to another service; this example shows how you might
# send parts of an API off to a legacy system that hasn't been upgraded
# yet, or perhaps is a single cluster that all data centers have to share.
sink = SinkAdapter ()
app . add_sink ( sink , r'/search/(?P<engine>ddg|y)Z' )
您可以使用任何 ASGI 伺服器運行 ASGI 版本,例如 uvicorn:
$ pip install falcon httpx uvicorn
$ uvicorn things_advanced_asgi:app
感謝您對該項目的興趣!我們歡迎各種技能等級的開發人員提出拉取請求。首先,只需將 GitHub 上的 master 分支分叉到您的個人帳戶,然後將分叉克隆到您的開發環境中。
在提交拉取請求之前,請確保您已添加/更新了適當的測試(並且所有現有測試仍然通過您的更改),並且您的編碼風格遵循 PEP 8 並且不會導致 pyflakes 抱怨。
提交訊息應使用 AngularJS 約定進行格式化。
評論遵循 Google 的風格指南,並附加要求使用您的 GitHub 暱稱和適當的前綴為內聯評論添加前綴:
Falcon 專案的核心維護者是:
如果您有任何疑問,或者只是需要一些入門協助,請隨時與我們聯繫。您可以在 Gitter 的 falconry/dev 中找到我們。
版權所有 2013-2024,歸個人和企業貢獻者所有,如個人來源文件所述。
根據 Apache 許可證 2.0 版(“許可證”)獲得許可;除非遵守許可,否則您不得使用 Falcon 框架的任何部分。貢獻者同意在同一許可證下許可他們的作品。您可以在 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 取得授權副本