該部分標識了該庫支援的所有服務。請查看 wiki,以了解有關支援模組的更多資訊。
下表列出了該工具支援的服務以及您需要使用的一些範例服務 URL 才能利用它。點擊下面列出的任何服務,以獲取有關如何配置愛普瑞斯以存取它們的更多詳細資訊。
通知服務 | 服務編號 | 預設連接埠 | 範例語法 |
愛普瑞斯API | 通知:// 或通知:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | apprise://主機名稱/令牌 |
AWSSES | 會話:// | (TCP)443 | ses://用戶@網域/AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName ses://用戶@網域/AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName/email1/email2/emailN |
吠 | 吠:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | 樹皮://主機名 bark://主機名稱/裝置金鑰 bark://主機名稱/device_key1/device_key2/device_keyN barks://主機名 barks://主機名稱/裝置金鑰 barks://主機名稱/device_key1/device_key2/device_keyN |
頌揚 | 吟誦:// | (TCP)443 | chantify://token |
不和諧 | 不和諧:// | (TCP)443 | 不和諧://webhook_id/webhook_token Discord://avatar@webhook_id/webhook_token |
恩比 | emby:// 或 embys:// | (TCP)8096 | emby://用戶@主機名稱/ emby://使用者名稱:密碼@主機名 |
謎2 | enigma2:// 或 enigma2s:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | enigma2://主機名 |
流式細胞儀 | fcm:// | (TCP)443 | fcm://project@apikey/DEVICE_ID fcm://project@apikey/#TOPIC fcm://project@apikey/DEVICE_ID1/#topic1/#topic2/DEVICE_ID2/ |
飛書 | 飛書:// | (TCP)443 | 飛書://token |
群 | 群:// | (TCP)443 | 羊群://令牌 羊群://機器人名稱@token 羊群://app_token/u:用戶ID 羊群://app_token/g:channel_id 羊群://app_token/u:用戶id/g:channel_id |
谷歌聊天 | 聊天室:// | (TCP)443 | gchat://工作空間/金鑰/令牌 |
戈蒂菲 | gotify:// 或gotifys:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | gotify://主機名稱/令牌 gotifys://主機名稱/令牌? |
咆哮 | 咆哮:// | (UDP)23053 | 咆哮://主機名 咆哮://主機名稱:連接埠號 咆哮://密碼@主機名 咆哮://密碼@主機名稱:端口 注意:您也可以使用 get 參數版本,該版本允許咆哮請求使用較舊的 v1.x 協定進行操作。例如:growl://hostname?version=1 |
行會 | 公會:// | (TCP)443 | guilded://webhook_id/webhook_token guilded://avatar@webhook_id/webhook_token |
家庭助理 | hassio:// 或 hassios:// | (TCP)8123 或 443 | hassio://主機名稱/accesstoken hassio://用戶@主機名稱/accesstoken hassio://用戶:密碼@主機名稱:連接埠/accesstoken hassio://主機名稱/可選/路徑/accesstoken |
IFTT | ifttt:// | (TCP)443 | ifttt://webhooksID/事件 ifttt://webhooksID/Event1/Event2/EventN ifttt://webhooksID/Event1/?+Key=Value ifttt://webhooksID/Event1/?-Key=value1 |
加入 | 加入:// | (TCP)443 | 加入://apikey/設備 加入://apikey/device1/device2/deviceN/ 加入://apikey/群組 加入://apikey/groupA/groupB/groupN 加入://apikey/DeviceA/groupA/groupN/DeviceN/ |
科迪 | 科迪://或科迪斯:// | (TCP)8080 或 443 | kodi://主機名 kodi://用戶@主機名 kodi://用戶:密碼@主機名稱:端口 |
庫穆洛斯 | 庫穆洛斯:// | (TCP)443 | kumulos://apikey/serverkey |
公制時間 | 拉米克:// | (TCP)443 | lametric://apikey@device_ipaddr lametric://apikey@主機名稱:端口 lametric://client_id@client_secret |
線 | 線:// | (TCP)443 | 行://令牌@用戶 行://令牌/用戶1/用戶2/用戶N |
月海 | 月海:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | lunasea://用戶:pass@+FireBaseDevice/ lunasea://用戶:pass@FireBaseUser/ lunasea://用戶:pass@主機名稱/+FireBaseDevice/ lunasea://用戶:pass@主機名稱/@FireBaseUser/ |
郵件槍 | 郵件槍:// | (TCP)443 | mailgun://用戶@主機名稱/apikey mailgun://使用者@主機名稱/apikey/電子郵件 mailgun://用戶@主機名稱/apikey/email1/email2/emailN mailgun://user@hostname/apikey/?name="From%20User" |
乳齒象 | 乳齒象:// 或乳齒象:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | 乳齒象://access_key@主機名 乳齒象://access_key@主機名稱/@用戶 乳齒象://access_key@主機名稱/@user1/@user2/@userN |
矩陣 | 矩陣://或矩陣:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | 矩陣://主機名 矩陣://使用者@主機名 矩陣://用戶:pass@主機名稱:連接埠/#room_alias 矩陣://用戶:pass@主機名稱:連接埠/!room_id 矩陣://用戶:pass@主機名稱:連接埠/#room_alias/!room_id/#room2 矩陣://token@主機名稱:連接埠/?webhook=matrix 矩陣://用戶:token@主機名稱/?webhook=slack&format=markdown |
最重要的 | mmmost:// 或 mmmosts:// | (TCP)8065 | mmost://主機名稱/authkey mmost://主機名稱:80/authkey mmmost://用戶@主機名稱:80/authkey mmost://主機名稱/authkey?channel=channel mmosts://主機名稱/authkey mmosts://用戶@主機名稱/authkey |
Microsoft Power 自動化/工作流程 (MSTeams) | 工作流程:// | (TCP)443 | 工作流程://工作流程ID/簽章/ |
微軟團隊 | 微軟團隊:// | (TCP)443 | msteams://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/ |
米斯基 | misskey:// 或 misskeys:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | misskey://access_token@主機名 |
MQTT | mqtt:// 或 mqtts:// | (TCP) 1883 或 8883 | mqtt://主機名稱/主題 mqtt://用戶@主機名稱/主題 mqtts://用戶:pass@主機名稱:9883/topic |
下一個雲 | ncloud:// 或 nclouds:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | ncloud://adminuser:pass@host/用戶 nclouds://adminuser:pass@host/User1/User2/UserN |
下一個雲話 | nctalk:// 或 nctalks:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | nctalk://使用者:pass@主機/RoomId nctalks://用戶:pass@host/RoomId1/RoomId2/RoomIdN |
諾蒂卡 | 通知:// | (TCP)443 | 通知://令牌/ |
通知者 | 通知:// | (TCP)443 | notifiarr://apikey/#channel notifiarr://apikey/#channel1/#channel2/#channeln |
通知 | 通知:// | (TCP)443 | notifico://ProjectID/MessageHook/ |
NTFY | ntfy:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | ntfy://主題/ ntfys://主題/ |
辦公室365 | o365:// | (TCP)443 | o365://TenantID:AccountEmail/ClientID/ClientSecret o365://TenantID:AccountEmail/ClientID/ClientSecret/TargetEmail o365://TenantID:AccountEmail/ClientID/ClientSecret/TargetEmail1/TargetEmail2/TargetEmailN |
單一訊號 | 一個訊號:// | (TCP)443 | onesignal://AppID@APIKey/PlayerID onesignal://TemplateID:AppID@APIKey/UserID onesignal://AppID@APIKey/#IncludeSegment onesignal://AppID@APIKey/信箱 |
奧普斯吉尼 | 操作精靈:// | (TCP)443 | opsgenie://APIKey opsgenie://APIKey/用戶ID opsgenie://APIKey/#團隊 opsgenie://APIKey/*時間表 opsgenie://APIKey/^升級 |
呼叫器任務 | 呼叫任務:// | (TCP)443 | pagerduty://IntegrationKey@ApiKey pagerduty://IntegrationKey@ApiKey/Source/Component |
呼叫樹 | 尋呼樹:// | (TCP)443 | pagertree://integration_id |
解析平台 | parsep:// 或 parseps:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | parsep://AppID:MasterKey@主機名 parseps://AppID:MasterKey@主機名 |
爆米花通知 | 爆米花:// | (TCP)443 | 爆米花://ApiKey/ToPhoneNo 爆米花://ApiKey/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ 爆米花://ApiKey/ToEmail 爆米花://ApiKey/ToEmail1/ToEmail2/ToEmailN/ 爆米花://ApiKey/ToPhoneNo1/ToEmail1/ToPhoneNoN/ToEmailN |
徘徊 | 徘徊:// | (TCP)443 | 徘徊://apikey 徘徊://apikey/providerkey |
推子彈 | pbul:// | (TCP)443 | pbul://訪問令牌 pbul://accesstoken/#channel pbul://accesstoken/A_DEVICE_ID pbul://accesstoken/[email protected] pbul://accesstoken/#channel/#channel2/[email protected]/DEVICE |
推射 | pjet:// 或 pjets:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | pjet://主機名稱/秘密 pjet://主機名稱:連接埠/秘密 pjets://secret@主機名稱/secret pjets://主機名稱:連接埠/秘密 |
推(Techulus) | 推:// | (TCP)443 | 推送://apikey/ |
推 | 推:// | (TCP)443 | 推送://appkey/appsecret/ 推://appkey/appsecret/#ChannelAlias 推://appkey/appsecret/#ChannelAlias1/#ChannelAlias2/#ChannelAliasN 推://appkey/appsecret/@UserPushedID 推://appkey/appsecret/@UserPushedID1/@UserPushedID2/@UserPushedIDN |
推我 | 推我:// | (TCP)443 | 推我://令牌/ |
推倒 | 貧困:// | (TCP)443 | pover://用戶@token pover://user@token/DEVICE pover://user@token/DEVICE1/DEVICE2/DEVICEN 注意:您必須同時指定您的 user_id 和 token |
推播安全 | psafer:// 或 psafers:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | psafer://私鑰 psafers://privatekey/DEVICE psafer://privatekey/DEVICE1/DEVICE2/DEVICEN |
愛出風頭 | 愛出風頭:// | (TCP)443 | 愛出風頭://apikey/DEVICE Pushy://apikey/DEVICE1/DEVICE2/DEVICEN Pushy://apikey/TOPIC Pushy://apikey/TOPIC1/TOPIC2/TOPICN |
推鹿 | Pushdeer:// 或 Pushdeers:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | Pushdeer://pushKey Pushdeer://主機名稱/pushKey Pushdeer://主機名稱:連接埠/pushKey |
紅迪網 | 紅迪網:// | (TCP)443 | reddit://用戶:密碼@app_id/app_secret/subreddit reddit://用戶:密碼@app_id/app_secret/sub1/sub2/subN |
反叛 | 反叛:// | (TCP)443 | 反抗://bottoken/ChannelID 反抗://bottoken/ChannelID1/ChannelID2/ChannelIDN |
火箭聊天 | 火箭:// 或火箭:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | Rocket://用戶:密碼@主機名稱/RoomID/頻道 Rockets://用戶:密碼@主機名稱:443/#Channel1/#Channel1/RoomID Rocket://用戶:密碼@主機名稱/#頻道 Rocket://webhook@主機名 Rockets://webhook@主機名稱/@User/#Channel |
系統日誌 | rsyslog:// | (UDP)514 | rsyslog://主機名 rsyslog://主機名稱/設施 |
里弗 | 里弗:// | (TCP)443 | ryver://組織/令牌 ryver://botname@Organization/Token |
發送網格 | 發送網格:// | (TCP)443 | sendgrid://APIToken:FromEmail/ sendgrid://APIToken:FromEmail/ToEmail sendgrid://APIToken:FromEmail/ToEmail1/ToEmail2/ToEmailN/ |
伺服器通道 | 尚:// | (TCP)443 | schan://發送金鑰/ |
訊號API | 信號:// 或信號:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | 訊號://主機名稱:連接埠/FromPhoneNo 訊號://主機名稱:連接埠/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo 訊號://主機名稱:連接埠/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
簡單推播 | 噴:// | (TCP)443 | spush://apikey spush://salt:密碼@apikey spush://apikey?event=Apprise |
鬆弛 | 鬆弛:// | (TCP)443 | 鬆弛://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/ slack://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/Channel slack://botname@TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/Channel 鬆弛://用戶@TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/Channel1/Channel2/ChannelN |
SMTP2Go | smtp2go:// | (TCP)443 | smtp2go://用戶@主機名稱/apikey smtp2go://使用者@主機名稱/apikey/電子郵件 smtp2go://使用者@主機名稱/apikey/email1/email2/emailN smtp2go://user@主機名稱/apikey/?name="From%20User" |
星火郵報 | 火花郵報:// | (TCP)443 | Sparkpost://用戶@主機名稱/apikey Sparkpost://用戶@主機名稱/apikey/電子郵件 SparkPost://用戶@主機名稱/apikey/email1/email2/emailN sparkpost://user@hostname/apikey/?name="From%20User" |
史普朗克 | splunk:// 或 victorops:/ | (TCP)443 | splunk://route_key@apikey splunk://route_key@apikey/entity_id |
流實驗室 | strmlabs:// | (TCP)443 | strmlabs://AccessToken/ strmlabs://AccessToken/?name=姓名&identifier=identifier&金額=0¤cy=USD |
Synology 聊天 | Synology:// 或 Synology:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | Synology://主機名稱/令牌 Synology://主機名稱:連接埠/令牌 |
系統日誌 | 系統日誌:// | 不適用 | 系統日誌:// 系統日誌://設施 |
電報 | tgram:// | (TCP)443 | tgram://bottoken/ChatID tgram://bottoken/ChatID1/ChatID2/ChatIDN |
嘰嘰喳喳 | 嘰嘰喳喳:// | (TCP)443 | 推特://CKey/CSecret/AKey/ASecret 推特://用戶@CKey/CSecret/AKey/ASecret 推特://CKey/CSecret/AKey/ASecret/User1/User2/User2 推特://CKey/CSecret/AKey/ASecret?mode=tweet |
捻 | 捻:// | (TCP)443 | 扭曲://密碼:登入 扭曲://密碼:登入/#頻道 扭曲://密碼:登入/#team:頻道 扭曲://密碼:登入/#team:channel1/channel2/#team3:channel |
Webex 團隊(思科) | wxteams:// | (TCP)443 | wxteams://令牌 |
微康機器人 | 微康機器人:// | (TCP)443 | wecombot://BotKey |
Whatsapp:// | (TCP)443 | Whatsapp://AccessToken@FromPhoneID/ToPhoneNo Whatsapp://範本:AccessToken@FromPhoneID/ToPhoneNo | |
WxPusher | wxpusher:// | (TCP)443 | wxpusher://AppToken@UserID1/UserID2/UserIDN wxpusher://AppToken@Topic1/Topic2/Topic3 wxpusher://AppToken@UserID1/Topic1/ |
西安BMC | xbmc:// 或 xbmcs:// | (TCP)8080 或 443 | xbmc://主機名 xbmc://用戶@主機名 xbmc://用戶:密碼@主機名稱:端口 |
祖利普聊天 | 祖利普:// | (TCP)443 | zulip://botname@Organization/Token zulip://botname@Organization/Token/Stream zulip://botname@Organization/Token/Email |
通知服務 | 服務編號 | 預設連接埠 | 範例語法 |
非洲人說話 | 談話:// | (TCP)443 | atalk://AppUser@ApiKey/ToPhoneNo atalk://AppUser@ApiKey/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
自動資料包報告系統 (ARPS) | aprs:// | (TCP)10152 | aprs://用戶:pass@callsign aprs://使用者:pass@callsign1/callsign2/callsignN |
AWS社群網路服務 | sns:// | (TCP)443 | sns://AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName/+PhoneNo sns://AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName/+PhoneNo1/+PhoneNo2/+PhoneNoN sns://AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName/Topic sns://AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName/Topic1/Topic2/TopicN |
群發簡訊 | 大量簡訊:// | (TCP)443 | bulksms://用戶名:密碼@ToPhoneNo bulksms://用戶:密碼@ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
散裝VS | 批量vs:// | (TCP)443 | 批次vs://用戶:密碼@FromPhoneNo bulkvs://用戶:密碼@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo bulkvs://用戶:密碼@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
突發簡訊 | 突發簡訊:// | (TCP)443 | burstsms://ApiKey:ApiSecret@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo burstsms://ApiKey:ApiSecret@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
點擊發送 | 點擊發送:// | (TCP)443 | clicksend://用戶:pass@電話號碼 clicksend://用戶:pass@ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN |
達普網 | 達普網:// | (TCP)80 | dapnet://使用者:pass@callsign dapnet://使用者:pass@callsign1/callsign2/callsignN |
D7網絡 | d7sms:// | (TCP)443 | d7sms://token@電話號碼 d7sms://token@ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN |
釘釘 | 釘釘:// | (TCP)443 | 釘釘://token/ dingtalk://token/ToPhoneNo dingtalk://token/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNo1/ |
免費移動 | 免費手機:// | (TCP)443 | 免費手機://用戶@密碼/ |
http簡訊 | https:// | (TCP)443 | httpsms://ApiKey@FromPhoneNo httpsms://ApiKey@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo httpsms://ApiKey@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
卡韋內加爾 | 卡文內加爾:// | (TCP)443 | 卡文尼加://ApiKey/ToPhoneNo 卡文尼加://FromPhoneNo@ApiKey/ToPhoneNo 卡文尼加://ApiKey/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN |
消息鳥 | 消息鳥:// | (TCP)443 | msgbird://ApiKey/FromPhoneNo msgbird://ApiKey/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo msgbird://ApiKey/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
味精91 | 訊息91:// | (TCP)443 | msg91://TemplateID@AuthKey/ToPhoneNo msg91://TemplateID@AuthKey/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
普利沃 | 普利沃:// | (TCP)443 | plivo://AuthID@Token@FromPhoneNo plivo://AuthID@Token/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo plivo://AuthID@Token/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
七 | 七:// | (TCP)443 | 七://ApiKey/FromPhoneNo 七://ApiKey/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo 七://ApiKey/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
法國無線電公司 (SFR) | sfr:// | (TCP)443 | sfr://使用者:密碼>@spaceId/ToPhoneNo sfr://使用者:密碼>@spaceId/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
訊號API | 信號:// 或信號:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | 訊號://主機名稱:連接埠/FromPhoneNo 訊號://主機名稱:連接埠/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo 訊號://主機名稱:連接埠/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
辛奇 | 辛奇:// | (TCP)443 | sinch://ServicePlanId:ApiToken@FromPhoneNo sinch://ServicePlanId:ApiToken@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo sinch://ServicePlanId:ApiToken@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ sinch://ServicePlanId:ApiToken@ShortCode/ToPhoneNo sinch://ServicePlanId:ApiToken@ShortCode/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
簡訊鷹 | smseagle:// 或 smseagles:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | smseagles://主機名稱:連接埠/ToPhoneNo smseagles://主機名稱:連接埠/@ToContact smseagles://主機名稱:連接埠/#ToGroup smseagles://主機名稱:連接埠/ToPhoneNo1/#ToGroup/@ToContact/ |
簡訊管理器 | 簡訊管理器:// | (TCP)443 | smsmgr://ApiKey@ToPhoneNo smsmgr://ApiKey@ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
三馬網關 | 三馬:// | (TCP)443 | Threema://GatewayID@secret/ToPhoneNo Threema://GatewayID@secret/ToEmail Threema://GatewayID@secret/ToThreemaID/ Threema://GatewayID@secret/ToEmail/ToThreemaID/ToPhoneNo/... |
特威利奧 | twilio:// | (TCP)443 | twilio://AccountSid:AuthToken@FromPhoneNo twilio://AccountSid:AuthToken@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo twilio://AccountSid:AuthToken@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ twilio://AccountSid:AuthToken@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo?apikey=Key twilio://AccountSid:AuthToken@ShortCode/ToPhoneNo twilio://AccountSid:AuthToken@ShortCode/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
語音管理系統 | voipms:// | (TCP)443 | voipms://密碼:電子郵件/FromPhoneNo voipms://密碼:電子郵件/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo voipms://密碼:電子郵件/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
Vonage(以前稱為 Nexmo) | 內克斯莫:// | (TCP)443 | nexmo://ApiKey:ApiSecret@FromPhoneNo nexmo://ApiKey:ApiSecret@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo nexmo://ApiKey:ApiSecret@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
通知服務 | 服務編號 | 預設連接埠 | 範例語法 |
Linux DBus 通知 | dbus:// qt:// 油嘴滑舌:// kde:// | 不適用 | dbus:// qt:// 油嘴滑舌:// kde:// |
Linux Gnome 通知 | 侏儒:// | 不適用 | 侏儒:// |
MacOS X 通知 | macOS:// | 不適用 | macOS:// |
Windows 通知 | 視窗:// | 不適用 | 視窗:// |
服務編號 | 預設連接埠 | 範例語法 |
郵寄地址:// | (TCP)25 | mailto://userid:[email protected] mailto://domain.com?user=使用者 ID&pass=密碼 mailto://domain.com:2525?user=userid&pass=密碼 mailto://[email protected]&pass=密碼 mailto://mySendingUsername:[email protected][email protected] mailto://userid:[email protected]?smtp=mail.example.com&[email protected]&name=no%20reply |
郵寄地址:// | (TCP)587 | mailtos://userid:[email protected] mailtos://domain.com?user=userid&pass=密碼 mailtos://domain.com:465?user=userid&pass=密碼 mailtos://[email protected]&pass=密碼 mailtos://mySendingUsername:[email protected][email protected] mailtos://userid:[email protected]?smtp=mail.example.com&[email protected]&name=no%20reply |
Apprise 內建了一些電子郵件服務(例如 yahoo、fastmail、hotmail、gmail 等),大大簡化了 mailto:// 服務。請在此處查看更多詳細資訊。
郵寄法 | 服務編號 | 預設連接埠 | 範例語法 |
形式 | 表格://或表格:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | 形式://主機名 形式://用戶@主機名 形式://用戶:密碼@主機名稱:端口 形式://主機名稱/a/path/to/post/to |
JSON | json:// 或 jsons:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | json://主機名 json://用戶@主機名 json://用戶:密碼@主機名稱:端口 json://主機名稱/a/path/to/post/to |
XML | xml:// 或 xmls:// | (TCP)80 或 443 | xml://主機名 xml://使用者@主機名 xml://用戶:密碼@主機名稱:端口 xml://主機名稱/a/path/to/post/to |
最簡單的方法是從 pypi 安裝這個套件:
pip install apprise
Apprise 也打包為 RPM,並透過支援 CentOS、Redhat、Rocky、Oracle Linux 等的 EPEL 提供。
# Follow instructions on https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/epel
# to get your system connected up to EPEL and then:
# Redhat/CentOS 7.x users
yum install apprise
# Redhat/CentOS 8.x+ and/or Fedora Users
dnf install apprise
您也可以查看 Apprise 的圖形版本,透過可管理的網頁集中您的設定和通知。
該軟體包還提供了一個名為apprise的小型命令列介面 (CLI) 工具。如果您知道要通知的伺服器 URL,則只需在命令列上提供所有這些 URL 並以這種方式發送通知:
# Send a notification to as many servers as you want
# as you can easily chain one after another (the -vv provides some
# additional verbosity to help let you know what is going on):
apprise -vv -t ' my title ' -b ' my notification body '
' mailto://myemail:[email protected] '
' pbul://o.gn5kj6nfhv736I7jC3cj3QLRiyhgl98b '
# If you don't specify a --body (-b) then stdin is used allowing
# you to use the tool as part of your every day administration:
cat /proc/cpuinfo | apprise -vv -t ' cpu info '
' mailto://myemail:[email protected] '
# The title field is totally optional
uptime | apprise -vv
' discord:///4174216298/JHMHI8qBe7bk2ZwO5U711o3dV_js '
沒有人願意將自己的憑證公開給所有人在命令列上查看。沒問題, apprise還支援設定檔。它可以處理特定的 YAML 格式或非常簡單的 TEXT 格式。您也可以透過 HTTP 查詢拉取這些設定檔!您可以在此處閱讀有關配置文件的預期結構的更多資訊。
# By default if no url or configuration is specified apprise will attempt to load
# configuration files (if present) from:
# ~/.apprise
# ~/.apprise.yaml
# ~/.config/apprise.conf
# ~/.config/apprise.yaml
# /etc/apprise.conf
# /etc/apprise.yaml
# Also a subdirectory handling allows you to leverage plugins
# ~/.apprise/apprise
# ~/.apprise/apprise.yaml
# ~/.config/apprise/apprise.conf
# ~/.config/apprise/apprise.yaml
# /etc/apprise/apprise.yaml
# /etc/apprise/apprise.conf
# Windows users can store their default configuration files here:
# %APPDATA%/Apprise/apprise.conf
# %APPDATA%/Apprise/apprise.yaml
# %LOCALAPPDATA%/Apprise/apprise.conf
# %LOCALAPPDATA%/Apprise/apprise.yaml
# %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Appriseapprise.conf
# %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Appriseapprise.yaml
# %PROGRAMFILES%Appriseapprise.conf
# %PROGRAMFILES%Appriseapprise.yaml
# %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%Appriseapprise.conf
# %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%Appriseapprise.yaml
# The configuration files specified above can also be identified with a `.yml`
# extension or even just entirely removing the `.conf` extension altogether.
# If you loaded one of those files, your command line gets really easy:
apprise -vv -t ' my title ' -b ' my notification body '
# If you want to deviate from the default paths or specify more than one,
# just specify them using the --config switch:
apprise -vv -t ' my title ' -b ' my notification body '
# Got lots of configuration locations? No problem, you can specify them all:
# Apprise can even fetch the configuration from over a network!
apprise -vv -t ' my title ' -b ' my notification body '
Apprise 也支援文件附件!根據需要指定通知的任意數量的附件。
# Send a funny image you found on the internet to a colleague:
apprise -vv --title ' Agile Joke '
--body ' Did you see this one yet? '
--attach https://i.redd.it/my2t4d2fx0u31.jpg
' mailto://myemail:[email protected] '
# Easily send an update from a critical server to your dev team
apprise -vv --title ' system crash '
--body ' I do not think Jim fixed the bug; see attached... '
--attach /var/log/myprogram.log
--attach /var/debug/core.2345
--tag devteam
from apprise . decorators import notify
# The below assumes you want to catch foobar:// calls:
@ notify ( on = "foobar" , name = "My Custom Foobar Plugin" )
def my_custom_notification_wrapper ( body , title , notify_type , * args , ** kwargs ):
"""My custom notification function that triggers on all foobar:// calls
# Write all of your code here... as an example...
print ( "{}: {} - {}" . format ( notify_type . upper (), title , body ))
# Returning True/False is a way to relay your status back to Apprise.
# Returning nothing (None by default) is always interpreted as a Success
一旦定義了自訂掛鉤,您只需在運行時告訴 Apprise 它在哪裡。
# By default if no plugin path is specified apprise will attempt to load
# all plugin files (if present) from the following directory paths:
# ~/.apprise/plugins
# ~/.config/apprise/plugins
# /var/lib/apprise/plugins
# Windows users can store their default plugin files in these directories:
# %APPDATA%/Apprise/plugins
# %LOCALAPPDATA%/Apprise/plugins
# %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Appriseplugins
# %PROGRAMFILES%Appriseplugins
# If you placed your plugin file within one of the directories already defined
# above, then your call simply needs to look like:
apprise -vv --title ' custom override '
--body ' the body of my message '
foobar: \
# However you can over-ride the path like so
apprise -vv --title ' custom override '
--body ' the body of my message '
--plugin-path /path/to/my/plugin.py
foobar: \
使用命令列介面 (CLI) 的使用者還可以利用環境變數來預設預設值:
多變的 | 描述 |
APPRISE_URLS | 如果沒有在命令列上明確指定,則指定要通知的預設 URL。如果指定了--config ( -c ),則這將覆寫對此變數的任何引用。使用空格和/或逗號 ( , ) 來分隔多個條目。 |
APPRISE_CONFIG_PATH | 明確指定要使用的配置搜尋路徑(覆蓋預設值)。此處定義的路徑必須指向要開啟/引用的絕對檔名。使用分號 ( ; )、換行符號 ( n ) 和/或回車符 ( r ) 來分隔多個條目。 |
APPRISE_PLUGIN_PATH | 明確指定要使用的自訂插件搜尋路徑(覆蓋預設值)。使用分號 ( ; )、換行符號 ( n ) 和/或回車符 ( r ) 來分隔多個條目。 |
APPRISE_STORAGE_PATH | 明確指定要使用的持久性儲存路徑(覆蓋預設值)。 |
若要從 python 應用程式內發送通知,只需執行以下操作:
import apprise
# Create an Apprise instance
apobj = apprise . Apprise ()
# Add all of the notification services by their server url.
# A sample email notification:
apobj . add ( 'mailto://myuserid:[email protected]' )
# A sample pushbullet notification
apobj . add ( 'pbul://o.gn5kj6nfhv736I7jC3cj3QLRiyhgl98b' )
# Then notify these services any time you desire. The below would
# notify all of the services loaded into our Apprise object.
apobj . notify (
body = 'what a great notification service!' ,
title = 'my notification title' ,
開發人員還需要存取設定檔。好消息是它們的使用只涉及聲明Apprise物件可以攝取的另一個物件(稱為AppriseConfig )。您還可以根據需要隨意混合和匹配配置和通知條目!您可以在此處閱讀有關配置文件的預期結構的更多資訊。
import apprise
# Create an Apprise instance
apobj = apprise . Apprise ()
# Create an Config instance
config = apprise . AppriseConfig ()
# Add a configuration source:
config . add ( '/path/to/my/config.yml' )
# Add another...
config . add ( 'https://myserver:8080/path/to/config' )
# Make sure to add our config into our apprise object
apobj . add ( config )
# You can mix and match; add an entry directly if you want too
# In this entry we associate the 'admin' tag with our notification
apobj . add ( 'mailto://myuser:[email protected]' , tag = 'admin' )
# Then notify these services any time you desire. The below would
# notify all of the services that have not been bound to any specific
# tag.
apobj . notify (
body = 'what a great notification service!' ,
title = 'my notification title' ,
# Tagging allows you to specifically target only specific notification
# services you've loaded:
apobj . notify (
body = 'send a notification to our admin group' ,
title = 'Attention Admins' ,
# notify any services tagged with the 'admin' tag
tag = 'admin' ,
# If you want to notify absolutely everything (regardless of whether
# it's been tagged or not), just use the reserved tag of 'all':
apobj . notify (
body = 'send a notification to our admin group' ,
title = 'Attention Admins' ,
# notify absolutely everything loaded, regardless on wether
# it has a tag associated with it or not:
tag = 'all' ,
使用 Apprise API 可以非常輕鬆地傳送附件:
import apprise
# Create an Apprise instance
apobj = apprise . Apprise ()
# Add at least one service you want to notify
apobj . add ( 'mailto://myuser:[email protected]' )
# Then send your attachment.
apobj . notify (
title = 'A great photo of our family' ,
body = 'The flash caused Jane to close her eyes! hah! :)' ,
attach = '/local/path/to/my/DSC_003.jpg' ,
# Send a web based attachment too! In the below example, we connect to a home
# security camera and send a live image to an email. By default remote web
# content is cached, but for a security camera we might want to call notify
# again later in our code, so we want our last image retrieved to expire(in
# this case after 3 seconds).
apobj . notify (
title = 'Latest security image' ,
attach = 'http://admin:password@hikvision-cam01/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/101/picture?cache=3'
import apprise
# Create an Apprise instance
apobj = apprise . Apprise ()
# Add at least one service you want to notify
apobj . add ( 'mailto://myuser:[email protected]' )
# Now add all of the entries we're interested in:
attach = (
# ?name= allows us to rename the actual jpeg as found on the site
# to be another name when sent to our receipient(s)
'https://i.redd.it/my2t4d2fx0u31.jpg?name=FlyingToMars.jpg' ,
# Now add another:
'/path/to/funny/joke.gif' ,
# Send your multiple attachments with a single notify call:
apobj . notify (
title = 'Some good jokes.' ,
body = 'Hey guys, check out these!' ,
attach = attach ,
預設情況下,對於那些從 Apprise API 中建立的插件,根本不會載入任何自訂插件。載入自訂模組由開發人員自行決定。但如果您選擇這樣做,只需在初始化Apprise()
from apprise import Apprise
from apprise import AppriseAsset
# Prepare your Asset object so that you can enable the custom plugins to
# be loaded for your instance of Apprise...
asset = AppriseAsset ( plugin_paths = "/path/to/scan" )
# OR You can also generate scan more then one file too:
asset = AppriseAsset (
plugin_paths = [
# Iterate over all python libraries found in the root of the
# specified path. This is NOT a recursive (directory) scan; only
# the first level is parsed. HOWEVER, if a directory containing
# an __init__.py is found, it will be included in the load.
"/dir/containing/many/python/libraries" ,
# An absolute path to a plugin.py to exclusively load
"/path/to/plugin.py" ,
# if you point to a directory that has an __init__.py file found in
# it, then only that file is loaded (it's similar to point to a
# absolute .py file. Hence, there is no (level 1) scanning at all
# within the directory specified.
# Now that we've got our asset, we just work with our Apprise object as we
# normally do
aobj = Apprise ( asset = asset )
# If our new custom `foobar://` library was loaded (presuming we prepared
# one like in the examples above). then you would be able to safely add it
# into Apprise at this point
aobj . add ( 'foobar://' )
# Send our notification out through our foobar://
aobj . notify ( "test" )
持久性儲存允許 Apprise 將重複發生的操作快取到磁碟(可選)。這可以大大減少用於發送通知的開銷。
Apprise 可以使用 3 種持久性儲存操作狀態進行操作:
:按需將收集的快取資訊刷新到檔案系統。這個選項的重量非常輕。這是所有 CLI 使用的預設行為。flush
:有效停用持久性儲存。每個使用的插件所需的任何資料快取都是在記憶體中完成的。 Apprise 像在持久性儲存可用之前一樣有效地運作。此設定可確保不會將所有內容寫入磁碟。auto
物件完成的,並在本文檔中進一步解釋。 您可以在 CLI 呼叫中提供關鍵字storage
# List all of the occupied space used by Apprise's Persistent Storage:
apprise storage list
# list is the default option, so the following does the same thing:
apprise storage
# You can prune all of your storage older then 30 days
# and not accessed for this period like so:
apprise storage prune
# You can do a hard reset (and wipe all persistent storage) with:
apprise storage clean
您也可以透過新增標籤和/或 URL 標識符來過濾結果。當您獲得清單( apprise storage list
# example output of 'apprise storage list':
1. f7077a65 0.00B unused
- matrixs://abcdef:****@synapse.example12.com/%23general?image=no&mode=off&version=3&msgtype...
tags: team
2. 0e873a46 81.10B active
- tgram://W...U//?image=False&detect=yes&silent=no&preview=no&content=before&mdv=v1&format=m...
tags: personal
3. abcd123 12.00B stale
:系統偵測到 URL 過去可能寫入過的位置,但沒有任何內容使用提供的 URL 連結到該位置。它可能會浪費空間或不再有任何用處。您可以使用此資訊透過在命令後指定URL ID (UID) 值來過濾結果。例如:
# The below commands continue with the example already identified above
# the following would match abcd123 (even though just ab was provided)
# The output would only list the 'stale' entry above
apprise storage list ab
# knowing our filter is safe, we could remove it
# the below command would not obstruct our other to URLs and would only
# remove our stale one:
apprise storage clean ab
# Entries can be filtered by tag as well:
apprise storage list --tag=team
# You can match on multiple URL ID's as well:
# The followin would actually match the URL ID's of 1. and .2 above
apprise storage list f 0
使用 CLI 時,持久性儲存預設為auto
( -SM
) 來變更此設定。如果您想確保它始終設定為您選擇的值。
from apprise import Apprise
from apprise import AppriseAsset
from apprise import PersistentStoreMode
# Prepare a location the persistent storage can write it's cached content to.
# By setting this path, this immediately assumes you wish to operate the
# persistent storage in the operational 'auto' mode
asset = AppriseAsset ( storage_path = "/path/to/save/data" )
# If you want to be more explicit and set more options, then you may do the
# following
asset = AppriseAsset (
# Set our storage path directory (minimum requirement to enable it)
storage_path = "/path/to/save/data" ,
# Set the mode... the options are:
# 1. PersistentStoreMode.MEMORY
# - disable persistent storage from writing to disk
# 2. PersistentStoreMode.AUTO
# - write to disk on demand
# 3. PersistentStoreMode.FLUSH
# - write to disk always and often
storage_mode = PersistentStoreMode . FLUSH
# The URL IDs are by default 8 characters in length. You can increase and
# decrease it's value here. The value must be > 2. The default value is 8
# if not otherwise specified
storage_idlen = 8 ,
# Now that we've got our asset, we just work with our Apprise object as we
# normally do
aobj = Apprise ( asset = asset )